Alright guys, I have some free time so I figured I'd do an AMA for you

Alright guys, I have some free time so I figured I'd do an AMA for you.

Ask me anything about Spain, living in Europe, my travels in America, or just my opiniones on anything really.

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what do your parents think of Francos state compared to todays state?

>Gibraltar part of Spain in that map

They're nationalists and want things to return to the way they were in the past.

how often do you see a sudaca

did they say what was better, the economy, wages, standard of living etc..?

Could you please give us Galicia?

Portugal should be part of Galicia, not the other way around.

Could you please give Spain Portugal?


North Portugal you mean

All of Portugal was conquered by count of Oporto.

Are you a portuguese-american?

I'll live in Madrid so all the time.
I don't ask much about it, I just know they don't like where the country is headed. Of course the economy was better and there weren't so many foreigners
I forget that place even exists, go ahead and take it, maybe no one will notice.

However, its entry into the war on the Axis side was prevented largely by, as was much later revealed, British Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6) efforts that included up to $200 million in bribes for Spanish officials to keep the regime from getting involved.[2] Franco was also able to take advantage of the resources of the Axis Powers and chose to avoid becoming heavily involved in the Second World War.

>tfw Spain could have entered WW2 and shift the tides of war
>tfw eternal anglo prevented the Spanish people in continuing their crusade.

My father is a spaniard, I don't like him.

What do you think of Phil?

What does the average Spaniard think of him? Is it true that you all hate the monarchy?

what is your honest opinion of them ?

How does it feel to be a poor person?

Spaniards are richer than Americans.

They would prefer be alone

We cant enter a world war after getting destroyes by a civil war, British had nothing to do with it.
I don't think about him. No one cares
They're kind of ugly but usually decent people. I haven't had a lot of problems with them. It think some are really uncivilized but the Chinese and Moroccan are worse.

What do you think of Catalonia independence

Spain is not located in south america

I'm not poor. Maybe not American level of rich but Spain isn't what you think.
If they want to leave I won't stop them.

It's always nice to be with true friends


Low birth rate will be the death of us. The Latinos are breeding like crazy too.

fucking sudakas, I'm a white "latin american" and I hate all those brown mestizo indios.

there are no real goals or benefits behind it, only idealism
venha a galicia :)
Galiza ceive ama aos nosos irmáns tugas

Obrigado. Eu vou muitas vezes a Vigo e a Santiago.

Venham mais vezes ao miño em Portugal

Why does everyone wear thick jackets in May?

Because we stay out all day and it gets cold at night


pooraidsmurderdeadtugal, come back to spain.

Eu visitaba frecuentemente a zona proxima a o Minho fai anos, e visitei lisboa e praga varias veces, mais parei quando puxeron impuestos na fronteira...

*braga lmao

Isso é perto de Cerveira, Caminha e Moledo!

Vivo aí perto

Te queria preguntar si crees que espanol es mas facil que portugues?

Eu não sei, mas quando eu leio estas linguas, elas ambos parecem bastante facil
De onde isso vem? Este excesso estupido de confiança...

jaja eu visitei Tui muitas veces debia de ficar cerca

En verbos el portugués aparenta mas fácil pero yo solo hablo un poco gracias al gallego, nada serio

Claro que sí. Menos vocales. I can't even produce many of the sounds that Portuguese speakers make.

Não posso responder a essa pergunta.
Para mim o espanhol é fácil.

Tienes razón. Los portugueses entienden español mejor que los españoles entienden portugués.

>En verbos el portugués aparenta mas fácil pero yo solo hablo un poco gracias al gallego, nada serio
é li sobre a lingua galega, mas me lembro muito pouco realmente

Naturalmente. Pero no estoy hablando como un hispanohablante...Miralo desde mi posicion
Las letras portuguesas parecen... facil por un Eslavo

*para un eslavo
Si sabés español, el portugues debería serte más fácil.
Learning any romance tongue makes easier learning the others for sure... or you can go a step further and learn Latin, the grandaddy of all.

why is it so hard to find a basque that actually speaks basque

Plenty of basques speak basque.
Almost all basques i've met spoke basque to some degree

The few Basques I've met either couldn't talk properly or couldn't talk at all. But yeah, I'll probably have more luck if I actually go to the Basque Country. Basque just seems like a fun language to learn.

It's quite useless tough

Hey, when you're doing linguistics, you'll have something to brag about to your coursemates.

Latin vulgar, principalmente, pero estoy de acuerdo contigo
Esta es la razon de porque puedo entender un poco de espanol, portugues, frances e italiano. Especialmente italiano e espanol

Pero esto..."conocimiento"....En mi cabeza todo se mezcla y no quiero diferenciarlo ni separarlo

>no quier diferen...

Understanding is never useless

>un poco
Tu español es casi perfecto. Lo único que te falta es algo de gramática, como las tildes en las vocales, pero se te entiende perfectamente.

Vos encontrás muchos argentinos en España?

También, que pensás de los Argentinos, Uruguayanos, y sudacas "blancas"

euskal herria free when?

yo conozco algun argentino y uruguayo. son buena gente.
lo unico malo es que si eres marron igual te miran mal o te menosprecian.
si te acostumbras a la manera de hablar de aqui y tienes piel clara te pudes hacer pasar por español completamente

I'm just saying that it's useless for practical terms.
It's very niche.

Not saying it's not worthy studying tough

Ah, si. Soy muy perezoso, por defecto.... asi solo tengo el teclado croata

soon i hope

>si eres marron igual te miran mal o te menosprecian.
los argentinos o españoles?

Probablemente por cada sudaca en España

would you rather live in spain or usa?

los españoles, no se como sera en argentina

haha, y yo qe no le crei a mi amigo cuando me dijo qe el profe le hacia bullying en la uni

but then they wouldnt be able to bully spanish cops
deffinatelly would like visiting the USA
not so sure about living, seems a bit scary in some areas

>bully spanish cops
what are you talking about?

some people in Euskal Herria supported the ideology of the terrorist group ETA and still hate police.
there was even something called "sindrome del norte" wich was the constant state of anxiety if you were a cop in the most problematic zones of northern spain.