
Cody Edition

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gonna do a suicide



>Mail pays out £150k to Muslim family over Katie Hopkins column

I guess hate doesn't sell

haha top banter

welcome to my thread


>tfw when powers of the uni edition fail you

fuck UP

kes was pretty shit 2bh

voyager is an alright show but it got noticeably better after they saved 7 of 9

>tfw mates cancelled and im now going to have to hang out 1 on 1 with my least close friend


/brit/ is a social construct


Might start studying tonight

>it goes down a bloody treat

So does your dirty fucking mum

those can sometimes be the best. its a nice feeling growing closer to someone

looks like the gf is getting worried because I haven't replied to any of her messages haha

hate myself so much haha can't bring myself to do anything lmao the absolute state of me lads

what's the best Star Trek, in your opinion, lads?

either there's a possum on the roof or a ghost is losing his fucking nut ahahahaha

HIT that reply if you seen a ghost!!



the first one with zacary quinto


stop pretending to be me thanks.

who you gonna call hahaha

dont really connect that much with the guy, he randomly shifts from being supper buddy buddy to being judgmental and weird

You could grow a pair and text her back???

a new hope

Wrath of Khan

have a hard time listening to more than a couple things at once
like if there's music on or more than person talking I struggle
reckon I've got a touch of the ol' 'tism lads?

aha mate

what if

what if i just straight smashed your skull with a club



just HYARGh hahahah


>you will never go to parties like these with this kind of music
>you will never fuck a ghanaian with a big bat

why live?

tng > ds9 > voyager > original series >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enterprise

disclaimer: my opinions are fact

fuck off lisicki with your shit sport

yes i am quite the fuck up

when will hiroshimoot enable emojis

Got this girl on my snapchat called sarah joelina

no idea how she got on there or who she is

she fit though


>i just had my hair done

>no deanna troi mindreadfu

getting sent dick pics again...

yeah you do mate

ah right. thanks for bringing me this irrefutable piece of information.

ugly manhead

Going to watch some more Gilmore girls

If you were watching TV through the day at 3:00pm and a human anus was on the screen, and from that anus emerged a thick sticky shit.

How would you feel?

This actually disgusts me



is it a lady's bum?


going to rewatch Glee

think i should go to the doctor about the vein in my right foot?

I'd feel ashamed that I've let my condition deteriorate so far that even what's on my screen is superior to me

anyone had an success with using plants to keep bugs away

>Chodey garfunkle, tattooed teenager and benzo addict embarrasses himself severely in pre fight interview with his superior, dominick 'the dominator' cruz

Cody: I never had to chase pussy in my life, on December 30th I ain't doing it, I don't have to
Cruz: ...what are you talking about?
Cody: what are you talking about?

Seems fine

>just requested a book from the uni library knowing full well the owner will be on holiday
>owner has to hand it in in 1 week or face a fine

>VOY > DS9
bet you only watched the first two seasons of DS9 and gave up on it. it doesn't get good until the jem'hadar show up. DS9 gets fucking epic towards the end

superior troi incoming

would probably vomit 2bh
got a weak stomach

maybe clean that towel first

anyone had an success with using their personality to keep girls away

A friend of mine works for a cross party organisation and the one thing Labour Tory and Lib Dem MPs agree on is that Nigal Farage is an insufferable twat. Some share his politics and don't entirely disagree with UKIP, but on a personal level he is intensely disliked. Bad breath, inappropriate comments to women when he's had a few, childish hissyfits when he tries to crack bad jokes and no one laughs. He's the kid in class who got away with murder because his mummy and daddy were on the board of governors. A copper bottomed cunt.

no but ive got success with my ugly face and rolls of fat

Is Sharon Stone the hottest old woman alive?

i have become exceedingly efficient at it

have a screen in my windows in summer desu

Helen Mirren

yeah lad im an expert ask away

just be yourself


so do I but the fuckers are good at getting in. Particuarly i'm talking about small moths

didn't except this

umm more pics please. x

andie macdowell

you alright lad?

prefer not to say

deleted The Lobster




I even say up front that I'm self hating twat but it doesn't seem to be an issue

Holy shit
Turn on BBC news right now!


That's a man

where did you dl it from


>turning on bcc news


guess im gay then

always wonder why more suicide aren't associated with rapes just beforehand
if you're gonna go...


this is the mentality of someone that isnt suicidal

>his country doesn't have driverless buses
*laughs derisively*

>his country doesn't have buses

yeah but if you got caught and put on suicide watch in prison that'd suck

there's something wrong with that bus

i remember this performing like shit around cyclists

kinda cool ngl

Great news then

Cruz got embarrassed

he had a choice of admitting he ran like a pussy or pretending he didnt understand what it meant

thats not the only thing thatd going to suck

complete crap