Post your city's buses

Post your city's buses.

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It's quite OK bus system, line 3 is getting replaced by light rail which is in my opinion super verry nice.
Fucking Kepu and Persut for trying to stop the project.

Brazil anons post your BRT systems very interested.


My sister take pic related. Its electric and build in Quebec with Alberta money

Can Alberta send me money too?


Only if we create the Union des Francophonie


check out this badboy


>all those tiny busses

this is a real bus

>Union des Francophonie
But... Isn't Francophonie already a union of all Francophones?

Bus of my (little) city

>Not having double deckers

A suburb of my city has them.

Triple-decks when?

evry tim

You think that's big?
Now this is a real bus.

>Mega BRAT

Get your shit together Brasil


They're made here.

No, THAT'S a big bus


but seriously though what is wrong with the back of this bus

Prett small but we're only 200.000 in both cities


Take this everyday.

I always sleep on it, lost my point several times.

the fuck did they get those?

fug forgot pic.



*-* :D


Please, not in front of the children


Forgot to mention these are from Brazil. It's a BRT system.

better than crossiron mills tbqh





wow are you assuming the bus gender?

Every bus are male in french



I'm sending a letter to weedman right away for your bigotness.

Only for tourists.

Daww ;D


Does it drive around the favelas?


No, why?

It's electric. feels good man

Aren't trolebuses the same thing?


>long buses


Yea kinda but this one doesnt need the overhead wires to drive.

True. I thought trolebuses were Hybrids desu.

Never really paid much attention to it.

Look at this old beauty

>not posting the kotimainen electric bus


Where is the anime?

Home sweet home

The busses in Rotterdam...


Tomatela cheto




Veni al oeste

ADL best bus manufacturer

DUDE Double Deck LMAO



We're getting some of them within the next year or so too last I heard, they were originally abandoned in the '80s

They're nice, but i guess you can only use then depending on the city. Because of bridges, tight corners and all...

literally awesome

Noice ;D

You do get the odd double-decker crashing into bridges and losing its roof here.

doubledeck > bender buses


they now come with gps that alerts the driver of bridges that are too low. It's not a common occurrence anyway

it was used also as a minibus instead of

That happens often?

bus with cap > doubledeck

Don't think that's much of a problem here tbf, young country and all. Most of the cities were made with cars and buses in mind

Also Perth just got these poncey little things, I think the Dutch and some other countries have had them for a bit. Electric and entirely driverless though only on a single very small route atm, essentially a shuttle bus. Hopefully there'll be more in the future, seems nifty 2bh

Berlin here

True, i was thinking more of a old city like London, with all the tight streets and others.

Driverless stuff here it's only a tram and a metro line yet.

Everytime i took one of them my paranoia goes off the charts.


>Everytime i took one of them my paranoia goes off the charts.
thats because you're stipid monkey


>That happens often?

I dunno how often, but a few times a year up and down the country.


Rather than than being driven by some drunk churka mudslime.

I only saw here with trucks.

aw yee

they have great maneuverability though


All these buslets

Nice shop :)