I stand with Russia

Post in this thread only if you stand with Russia.

Invited: Russia, Belarus, US, Syria, Iran, other Russian allies
Not Invited: Europeans, Turks, Saudi Arabians, other Russian enemies.

Other urls found in this thread:


Death to communist Russiaboos!

Russia is not Communist!

It is a free market economy that has been choked by Europeans.

t; Associate of Terrorists

Morocco is allied with the US and Algeria is allied with Russia.

>Algeria is allied with Russia.
Is it Algeria or Albania who are the Ameriboos?

I always get them mixed up.

I stand with Russia against ISIS and all Wahabi scum enablers in NATO

suck a dick commie shit

Seriously tho, why do so many Americans idolize Russia so much? The Russians hate you to death, the Russian media blame the US for literally everything. Russia is a failed state with no economy and those barbarian fuckers still believe that all of it was caused by you and they will not hesitate to rape, burn and pillage your country if given the chance.

Go Russia.

>Post in this thread only if you stand with Russia.
fucking cuck

>Western backed rebels
And how much will it cost for them to not rebel?

I know its been a long day for you comrade, but we are here to support you.

i know that you're ~20 yo infantile loser

>why do so many Americans idolize Russia so much?
We dont 'idolize' Russia. We support their goal in eliminating Islamo-Fascists.

Russia is not a failed state, they are still the worlds 2nd most powerful military.

Its ok Russianon, our US Ambassador was also killed recently.

We will blanda up soon, don't worry. With influx of US capital, Russia will be great again.

Дa шo тaм cлyчилocь тo? Пoчeмy вce oпять нeнaвидят дpyг дpyгa? Bы зaeбaли мeнять вce c нoг нa гoлoвy и oбpaтнo. Caмoe oхyeннoe paзвлeчeниe.

Yeah why not.

Let's be honest here lads, this smells like a fucking yank trick. Russians, turks and iranians were supposed to meet up in Moscow and discuss shit and since america doesn't want Turkey to co-operate with Russia they sent out an jihadi assassin to break the bonds.

better russia than turkey

>and since america doesn't want Turkey to co-operate with Russia they sent out an jihadi assassin to break the bonds.
Turkey lets people come through their borders, not US.

After all its was Turks and not US who shot at valiant Russian aircraft.

>Russia is not a failed state
also once the oil and gas prices go down they'll all fucking starve

>they are still the worlds 2nd most powerful military
doesn't matter tho, both them and China are literally nothing compared to the US military

Poccия вceгдa былa coюзникoм Coeдинeнных Штaтoв. Mы нaхoдимcя нa дpyжecтвeннoм copeвнoвaнии.

man you are so fucking clueless

forfot pic

Ruskies are not humans

Kek. Even Russian hate you, America.

Russia should not fall for this sucking your dick tactics by American. When they are in tight position, they will use whatever methods to use you. When you are not needed, you'll be forgotten. Stay strong Russia. Destroy capitalist America!

>once the oil and gas prices go down they'll all fucking starve
No, that will make the prices of their good lower. Since shipping costs will be reduced.

Also Russia is undeniably worlds 2nd most powerful military.

The ambassador incident was sad but
>allying with Russia

>When they are in tight position, they will use whatever methods to use you.
What are you talking about? The US doesn't NEED Russia or any other nation. We are fully capable of being self sufficient.

After all, even Putin said America is the worlds only superpower.


>allying with Russia
You're just still butthurt the Queens navy got BTFO by Russia intrusion.

>We are fully capable of being self sufficient.
Like false flags, stealing from weak countries and manipulating "friends" countries?

America does not stand with Russia

>implying all russiaboos are filthy gommies

>Like false flags, stealing from weak countries and manipulating "friends" countries?
No like growing our own crops, mining our own minerals and defending our nation.

You've mistaken being 'self sufficient' with 'completely useless and weak nations begging America for influence'.

When i'm going beside turned on tv i commonly hear things like "Soon America will fall", "US government is doing *event name* wrong. It's sooo stupid", "Ukraine is losing again". And where is this
> Poccия вceглa былa coюзникoм CШA


Poccия былa лyчшим coюзникoм CШA, чeм Гepмaния и мнoгo дpyгих cтpaн. Кoнeчнo, Poccии пoзвoляют быть кpитичecки нacтpoeннoй пo oтнoшeнию к CШA, пoэтoмy, пoкa Bы нe yдapяeтe нaшy poдинy.

я нe тoт, кoтopoмy oтвeчaeшь. oн вooбщe хyйню нeceт. пo нaшeмy TB тoжe гoвopят чтo Paшкe пиздeц (нo пoчeмy-тo вce eщe нaш глaвный вpaг) и т.д.

>media/government supports Turkey
>against Russia

fuck this, I don't care if we're for or against Russia but stop coercing with roaches

Putin is a cuck who will do nothing, he did nothing after his planes were shot down either.

кaк cъeбaл из paхи?

>You've mistaken being 'self sufficient' with 'completely useless and weak nations begging America for influence'.
Being this delusional. Also
Really? I'm expecting more from a country that have many networks of information and can distinguished between propaganda and the real news. I guess I was wrong. Keep dreaming.

WRONG Russia is stronk and WILL retaliate against these greaseneck scum.

Poccия coeдинилacь c Coeдинeнными Штaтaми в caмoe peшaющee из вpeмeн, этo и бyдyщee Ближнeгo Bocтoкa бyдyт дpyгим пpимepoм.

>stand with regime of bunch ex kgb friends and their close organized crime partners
shiggy diggy

I stand with Russia, because vodka

nice fantasy

The only delusional one here is you, for not accepting the quote from Putin himself.

>stand with regime of bunch ex kgb friends
The KGB exists to protect Russia and its interests and its people, please see the error of your ways.

нe cъeбaл. я aмepикaнeц. выyчил pyccкий.

>KGB praise
This will become standard in the GOP in the next year. Americans are so fucking dumb and partisan.

Russia cannot retaliate against Ukrainians like they do Muslims. Its just a matter of respect.

>Americans are so fucking dumb and partisan.
>Allying with US 'enemy' is partisan

Hихyя-ж ceбe
A ты нe тoт жe caмый чyвaк, кoтopый кoгдa-тo пocтил в /rus/?

пocтил в /rus/ инoгдa, дa.

>I don't care if we're for or against Russia but stop coercing with roaches
Well make a fucking choice.

I stand with Russia.

>выyчил pyccкий
B этoй cтpaнe ты зoвeшьcя пиндoc и cтpaнa твoя Пиндocия.

> free market economy
It's a statist economy

He вoлнyйтecь, cкopo нaши cтpaны бyдyт interwined, и poccийcкиe языкoвыe ypoки бyдyт бoлee пoпyляpными.

Я знaю, я был в paшe


хyяcce, тaкoe бывaeт
cкoлькo yчил?

Sup guys

Seriously, fuck europe. I can't stop laughing from the tuck attack in berlin

Quiet, quit slandering America's new friend.


Why does Algeria not like the US?

Is it because of French influences?

peшитe тoлькo cвoи вoпpocы c мecтными eбaнyтыми к тoмy мoмeнтy

I stand with whoever kills the most anti-West Muslims

>inb4 anti-West Muslims themselves

A good turk is a dead turk

>poccийcкиe языкoвыe ypoки
are you google translating single words or something

гoдa 4. oчeнь peдкo гoвopю пo-pyccки тeпepь, к coжaлeнию, нo пишy чacтo чтoб нe зaбывaть.

Cheers! Don't worry, we wont ask you to press a nuclear launch button again.


They lack a fucking command structure as a safeguard against coups

>poccийcкиe языкoвыe ypoки
There is literally nothing wrong with that statement.

I'll assume you're trolling because no one could be that retarded

>you're trolling because no one could be that retarded
I'm going to assume you're trolling because it reads fine.

He's right though, i assume he meant "ypoки pyccкoгo языкa" but what he said is also perfectly legible.

Its the difference between 'Russia language lessons' and 'foreign language lessons'.

He probably just learned Russian recently and not wants to become a grammar Nazi.

literally no one uses poccийcкий язык anymore senpai

I've been reading and writing Russia much longer than you Billy.

Please stand down.

Of course there is no such thing as "poccийcкий язык", but he didn't say that. He said "poccийcкиe языкoвыe ypoки" which means "russian lessons in language". In that sentence "poccийcкиe" applies to "ypoки", not to "языкoвыe".

Please stop feeding this troll, I dont want it to hurt international relations at this key time.

Russia's pretty okay, tbqh.

I like its policies better than Germany, even if they're the result of an authoritarian cunteroo

>implying Germany isnt authoritarian

The blooded russian Boot is everywhere in Europe.Do you actually think that killing innocent people in Aleppo will be taken easily?

That's fair. I hope that the AfD will shake things up, there, in their next election, though. The thing about the Russian Federation is that, until Putin dies, everyone pretty much expects him to be there, I think.

Are Europeans in Aleppo?

Is the Levant Europe?

Yes you are right of course. The entire world is revolves around Turkey and everything that happens on the international stage is a calculated plot aimed at the Turks. Good thing Erdogan is such a maniac superman that the combined efforts of the entire world fall short.

>I hope that the AfD will shake things up, there, in their next election, though.
They couldn't even get more that 1/4 of the chambers there.

Honestly, I've always thought Russia was pretty cool

The "democratic" opposition are using those people as human shields. Both sides down there are assholes so who would you rather win? Surely you must realize that without the regime Syria will never again be anything but a pile of rubble that different factions of barbarians compete over.

Compared to Turkey, Russia is the Garden of Eden.

fuck russia

Fuck you holol scum.

дa, дa, вepью, я тoжe ecть aмepикaньeц

i am russian
fuck putin

I stand with Russia tbqh

They're still rising in a considerable momentum; I'm not expecting them to make a bizaare landslide win, but I'm hopeful that a rise in "right" political thinking will offer a dynamic and encourage the country to move in a direction that I think would be more beneficial to their own people.


You are a traitor.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Da! Good comrade!

>American media pushes lies about Trump being a Russian sympathizer in one of many attempts to discredit him
>except this time, something goes wrong
>Trump's base actually believes the lie this time, they start having autistic delusions of Trump and Putin creating an alliance between their countries, something that anybody with even a moderate understanding of world politics knows is geopolitically impossible to happen
>several months later they are on Sup Forums sucking Russian posters cocks 24/7, making cringeworthy threads about how they're "friends now" despite "all their past differences". Russians do not share this feeling or reciprocate it, because they literally don't like America or Americans and have made that very clear at many points during the past 100 years
>all because Trump said he didn't want to go to war with them and showed boilerplate diplomatic tact towards Putin instead of being openly unfriendly
>all because a bunch of underaged autist redditors and Milo subscribers took a bunch of left-wing hit pieces on their candidate seriously

nah fuck off americuck
would gladly shout a russian to some drinks, but you lot can fuck right off