/balt/ and /auschwitnz/

sexual health edition
check your testies and titties weekly for abnormalities

Other urls found in this thread:


any christians here?

and as always this keep it judenfrei

ok if nobody is gonna post im gonna get 2nd post too

>Now that I've made friends with the butcher and he gave me a tour of the meat freezers I feel like anything is possible
Why have you deleted it

> second slower than slowstonia
W EOJAlp;Di[n'ssk

haha rekt u bitchboi


needs more lith memes

Is it normal in Estonia to keep your nieces under the table?

i keep ur mum under the table haha rekt bitchboi

youre a real fuckboi

Are Estonian boys cute?

>check omniva trace and track
>- The parcel’s data is not yet in our system
>NOTE! Due to the problems with the data exchange, tracking of international shipments is currently malfunctioning



i've been waiting for a package from china for a month now

but i paid 15€ euro to get faster delivery, so it was from chinkland to estonia then to sweden via fastboat travel but now it seems to be gone, it said "on way from omniva" but now can't see it.

>tfw no qt Estonian boy to jump on my bear cock

You can have my package. It's bigger than what you'll get from China.

s-show me

Come here and you can get British passport if youre cute

the thread is in ruins!

chances are you won't get it until christmas is over

you are mum is in ruins

you are mum is in ruins

slut! SLUT!!

meh... it's not a present for anyone anyway

wtf i have to safe her

is it a sexdoll?

no it's a fatsuit

went to b for the first time since 2011 breivik happening and all the jokes there are painfully bad and in conclusion it should be deleted



it's just banter

>2 warnings and a ban from Sup Forums in one day

Im a bad boy

don't be a bad boy
be a cute boy :3

>Tfw got a call for conscription
>Tfw doing my 11 months starting in January


lol fag

good luck with that

Man fuck conscription my brother had to get skin transplant bc his sleeping bag was faulty while camping and the cold damaged the skin on the back of his hands too bad.

Tao pihku ma ei tule kuhugi

lmao enjoy aids

>Be me
>In conscription
>tear gas test
>Standing in a room full of military grade tear gas with a mask on
>Sarge tells me to remove the mask
>Nigga whut
>He walks up to me and takes it off my head
>Holding ny breath
>Cant anymore
>Breath in
>Fall down on the floor
>He drags me out
>Cough and cry for the next 10 minutes outside
>He wanted us to know how it feels like

Lmao k thx

Lmao banned for this lol

wut was it

italian music appreciation hours? ok


sum rly ilegal stuff mane i think i hav 2 format muh hard ;) disk
mane im so shockd rite now,,,

Oh noes

Is it real? Why do you do this?

absolutely. Physical and mental abuse like that is normal. Also u gotta know how military grade tear gas feels like incase u have a leak in ur mask or something

i dun liek lake in masketa

t. ben

lmao one dude from our platoon forgot to shave his head and had to pick all the pubes out of the urinals bc apparently he likes hair so much.

Lol I had to do that too

I have been practicing being oppressed all my life.

wtf, I've never heard someone doing that here

lol u pussy

Anxiety and nightmares

pic related: my sanity saying goodbye and running away from me

oh shit wtf is the janny doing

I'm pretty strong, even if you've got trips
>tfw shy and socially awkward

wtf janny has some mad issues man chill go get laid u loser fuck

the jannys on the warpath

the janny is probably a virgin LOL!

know that feel bruh

this is now a janny bully thread lmao janny is here doing it for free whilst chad fucks every girl he ever loved

Today I finally was unbanned for making an anime post

how to be a janny :
be a virgin LOL
be fat LMAO
be autistic HAHAHAHAHAHaaaa

just made some aguonpienis, pacani

whats the matter janny, too afraid of the big and scary admins to strip u of the only power u will ever have over others to delete any more posts?

Succ my cocc fat autsitc virgin

hey its me dustin welcome back to smarter every day

>Janny unbanned me

>its illegal to walk backwards in australia
holy shit

janny can succ my Jewish cock

>its illegal in latvia to have an IQ higher than 98

R8 me

>my Jewish


good slavic squat
cyka blyat/10

>estonians still mad i btfod them
wow get over it....

I think that your friend should do something about his acne

i think u shud kys

why? no need to be so rude
sorry if he doesn't like to talk about it


The meme is funny, but I don't give a single fuck about our dead guy or turkey


>not living in the whitest nation in the whole world

u stole that from reddit
I hate all Russians

But I do.

yet ur the dumbest (average iq) cunt in EU

I know ;_;


I know it and it hurst so much

By being a fag?

what's happened with you

>Estonian ministery of defence Riho Terras suggested that Estonia builds a nuke from the Uranium deposits in its soil capable of flying to Petersburg and Moscow to fend off Russian agression

Ur toughts?

very negative

very fake

I think we're tied with some other country if you're talking about that one map that's based on fuck knows what data. It's been a while since somebody's posted it here.

>Riho Terras
More like Rihno Rat Ass

I'd say nuking Kaliningrad would be enough for a start. And it would be absolutely awesome if it was true.

It was actually a part of Terras' speech ripped out of context. He said it would be possible for us to create a nuke possible to destroy Moscow in about 4-6 years

So how come you guys can speak English so well?

Actually Riho Terras aint even defense minister. Next time you make stories up at least get basic facts right you nibhead