Culture Pals - /cp/

Alaska edition

Come meet QTs from around Spain, get your flirt on, hook up with femanons, learn '''''languages''''', use all your big daddy skills, make fun of Canadians, fall in love,name your future kid Mara Dona, etc

Culture Pals website for the newfags:

OP pastebin:

mega with all the OP pics that nobody uses

Old thread (don't forget this when copy pasting OP text you cunts):

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop with the voodoo, bitch.


What's with your fascination for Karlskrona, Sven? You're from Kalmar.

Look at the map lad

And I don't live in Kalmar :^)

How does it feel to not have a profile of an esperanto speaking qt?

stop posting these cryptic voodoo cards you gypsy devil

I would rather not.

You will get a present!
And you'll get a present!

Everyone will get a present!!!!

t. Spergo Claus

yeah I imagined being chad would be fun
but most of the time you get in return
>go on
>it feels good
and it's always either sext or send pics...

Fizkult Privet.

Or they just go full vanila like "I'm going to kiss you all over the place babe..."

but my all my qts liked it when I said that myself
sometimes you have to lose a battle to win the war

Is there any suggestions for messaging qts for language learning? Do I just start messaging them in their language asking them questions and hope they respond?

You think you are good at sexting?
You made my day

Fizkult privet

Ask CoolGuyGarret, he is an expert.

No memes pls

A t*rk is stalking me. wat do?

No. He's mine. Flirt days are over.

I am not joking, he found a gf in an hour.
Please, stop, this chubby mishka is mine.

Who is he? Is he cuter then the Swedish guy?

Yes, this is literally his profile name, go check him out.


>Girl mentions that she doesn't like talking on IP because it's too annoying and slow on the phone
>Prefers to speak on stuff like Whatsapp
>For the purpose of keeping the conversation going I offer to talk there
>She sends me her number
>But I actually can't be bothered with the constant contact of whatsapp

guys what would you give for xmas to a friend who's a boy, engineer and plays the saxo? he is not too smart though ... and I don't want to spend too much on it :|

A framed picture of Grothendieck.

Just ask.

just an idea

A nice, new sax reed. There's a high chance he plays the tenor one (greater representation among sax musicians), so you can get a decent tenor sax reed for 30-50 euros

Frenchbros, what are Malagasi chicks like or Malagasi people in general?


Thank you guys for reccomending so many girls to message me, I am getting so many messages from cute girls. This site is amazing

You don't have to talk to each other all day every day. I have a girl on whatsapp who I only talk to a few times a week.



delete this xenophobic propaganda

You are chosen one, destined to bring /cp/ to glory

Omg he is actually really sweet and cute

This is him

Man, you live in bumfuck nowhere.

feels sad
so true
At least he has a profile that you will never find. Oh, and so do I.

thanks! too expensive. I'll try with the coloring book tho

You are also very sweet my angel.

A blowjob.

Is cool guy Garret the hero /cp/ deserves?

But I am not an engineer and I don't play the saxo, baby : \
Dont mess with my heart, I can drop you in a sec, I have 100 girls figting for me now.

>desperately want to talk to qts
>can't be assed to think of things to say

I guess I just like cuddles then huh?

I don't even know where to start when it comes to finding yours.

It's just a friend qt you'll get the best present! :**


I was talking about the profile of a chick that portu-bro was begging to link.

Also, I am not sure if you are autistic or trolling here, so >pic.

It needs to be symbolic. Perhaps you could find out his favourite composer(s), or band? Buy him a vinyl or the humidity case for reeds, which is about 10 euros. Vinyls are not expensive and humidity cases come in eco-leather type of deal, not expensive at all, yet really important
You can get a vinyl for about 3-7 euros tops

>for long have you been learning language X/my language
>why are you learning this languae
>which foreign language is your strongest
>do you plan to learn another one in the future/ which
>have you ever been abroad/to my country
>which city did you visit
>what have you done there
>have you seen X landmark
>which country have you liked more and why
>for how long have you been to interpals
>have you ever met a person from interpals IRL
>I'd like to visit your country one day, can you recommend me places to visit
>will people understand me there if I only speak X language
>have you ever met a person from my country/X country
>what differences have you noticed
>have you any (travel) plans for X holiday

;) mmm can't wait

I guess the point was more I can't be assed to converse. I think I just like the company of a qt more than actually talking to one, and there's none of the former when talking online

You're overanalyzing the issue, creating a blockade for yourself

Is CoolGuyGarret a legit person or is it just some autist from here fucking around?

Ahhh that's true! I know a vintage store with ancient stuff, jazz vinyls inclusive, just around the corner!! Tnx crobro


Ladyboy or just someone who made their profile wrong?

Just don't buy keychains. Keychains are retarded
Good luck

it's my husband pls respect

shouldn't matter either way desu

He is more important than you that's for sure

savage, but true.

>qt sending me her number after literally three messages

what did i do

They probably just fucked up. Malaysia doesn't have ladyboys as far as I know and usually if you run into a ladyboy it will probably be the first thing you see in their profile.

You're French.

Oh right

This is going to be my first post on cp ever without kaomojis

how do i get qts

Congrats. You're welcome now.

cuck me

You should send nudes to Garretesus

I am in a faithful relationship now with a girl I found here, you can leave my name out now. I dont want other bitches.

As you wish, prophet.


You dont know the chosen one?

oh the literal autist, right

the -esus caught me off guard

Lads did I do something wrong?
Basically my qt is a Turk and is always talking to a Russian guy so I photoshopped the assassination yesterday to be me shooting him with her images in the back. I think it is funny but she is mad at me.

May he forgive you

You shall be hanged for taking my name in vain. How dare you say this to cp king?

you were better when you were helplessly spergy

now you're spergy with an inflated ego

I have a gf. Do you?

inb4 the girls you're talking to all turn out to be guys from here with fake profiles

Stop namefaging on /cp/, otherwise might as well use a tripname since you guys wanna be special.

post her

>implying a dick makes them less girly or qt

I am 100% sure it's a girl. We sent each other snaps on snapchat

W-who's namefagging?

No and respect your cp king, my lovely gf is only for my eyes


You my friend, is a hero!

dont kiss my sack pls, thats nasty and only for my gf

Been a long time since I saw some good old fashioned /cp/ autism.



S-stop bully

Y-you are qt, I like your hair

Its ok babe, he just didnt like my salty semen this morning. will eat more fruits next time...