What is the drinking culture like in your country?

What is the drinking culture like in your country?


Only acceptable for college students.

You are considered weird and antisocial if not drinking beer excessively (and hard liquors on weekends)

we invented Calimotxo (wine + coke)
young people congregate at night (midnight or later) every saturday to drink liquors, beer, calimocho

nobody really drinks that much 2bh


Pretty open, but more prevalent among young people.
I'm in red area btw

It is ok to drink 24 beers on friday night and fight with somebody at hot dog stand and get arrested, but drinking wine or beer with food is sign of alcoholism

t. Neet

Go out in any town or city in England on a Friday night and you will hear drunks.

War and suicide carried away many, drink took care of the rest.

We always drink cocktail or cheap vodka every day.

fuck off english teacher

Don't worry, that passes once you get out of highschool

Is there no country without a drinking culture?
What the fuck is wrong with you booze chimps?

You'd expect - I don't know - Japan at least to be the No Fun Allowed guy here, but no, tie on the forehead and KANPAAAAAI.

I hate every single last little piece of drunk turd of you lot who ingest this garbage and voluntarily lose control over your body and mind.

Kill yourselves anytime.

I'm 22 and it is still the same pretty much. One of my friends had seizure in the summer and was diagnosed with epilepsy, so she doesn't drink anymore and it made other my friends drink less but still.

Why am I english teacher? ?????


We don't drink anymore. We islamic now. Allahhu akbar.

We mostly drink at fairs and parties but when we drink the most is in Christmas time. We see it more as a traditional thing and have our specialized original drinks for different times of the year.

Alright Rasheed, how's life in Bradford treating you?

Hmm. Cheap and good quality wine makes for a heck of a combo, I'll tell you.

Also, what the fuck, Spain/Italy?

you tell me

I bet you're one of those dude weed types

Fuck yeah, Illinois.

>Turkey 1
Absolutely herectic.

Kek, fucking Wisconsin

we make shitloads of wine but we drink beer instead and sell the wine to other countries
we even invented "light" wine without alcohol 2 years ago or so

get as drunk as you can as fast as you can.

a lot of indirect peer pressure to make you consume, nobody will force you but you can tell you don't fit if you don't drink

>press triangle to blend in as a mannequin

Fantino (wine and fanta) is where it's at

Well, we're heavy drinkers. I lived in the US for a while, and damn, you guys get drunk quickly.

We start drinking at 14~15, and at the 20's our alcohol resistance is just brutal, I think it can be compared to the ruskies.
I'm a skinny mf (55kg), and I need 2l of beer to start smiling.

Also, we have our own distilled beverage: Cachaça. Made out of sugar cane like Rum, but in a different way, it's roughly 45% alcohol, like tequila or vodka.


you must be real fun at parties

alcohol among MX normies
>around 14 yrs old
If you're rich you start drinking at that age some expensive vodka bottle like grey goose or sm shit and have sex for the first time
if buchon, you start drinking beer or Buchanan's while blasting banda music with your older cousin
if poor, you start drinking beer or cheap alcohol (aguas locas) and listen to SKA or reggaeton, perhaps losing your virginity to some older slut.
>around 16 yrs old
if rich, some friend of your's father is the owner of a nightclub, so they let you and all your friends in and start asking expensive shit in the VIP deck, at this point they start fucking some low class wannabe-rich girls and start trading with their nudes among whatsapp chats.
if Buchon, you start either making money through some shady shit and start going to exclusive Banda nightclubs or keep drinking the same shit on your's cousin garage.
If you're poor and haven't impregnated hillary or brittany at this point you just keep doing the same thing

Is usually practiced in your country mixing beer (or champagne) with vodka?

Do you just mean pic in OP? Having a couple drinks with friends is totally normal through adulthood.
>northern Illinois and Wisconsin
Fuck that place.

everyone just want to drink until drop dead

gonna try that, argentinbro
do you make Claras? half beer half soda

an abomination but a beautiful wonder all at the same time.

It's either a few beers with the boys or near-blackout drunk.

Unhealthy binge drinking. We don't have civilized wine/beer culture.

pretty heavy.
I hate drinking but I do it anyway because if you don't drink you have no social life at my age.