/balt/ + /ausnz/


With Christmas around the corner here’s an interesting fact.

In 1914, on Christmas Day, there was unofficial cease fire which took place across the western front between British and German soldiers. They climbed out of their trenches and ventured out into No Man’s Land, where they greeted their enemies, setting aside their differences for a fleeting moment to celebrate the holiday together. They shared seasonal greetings, sang Christmas songs between the trenches and out in “no man’s land” they exchanged food, souvenirs and cigarettes.

Other urls found in this thread:





estonian girls are autistic, why do they never reply for weeks?

yes hello, I'm back from work

btw christians should fuck off


Help yourself out with a pipe or cigar. Make yourself comfortable. I'm here to tell you a Christmas story.

thinking of all you """less fortunate""" generals this year :3


This guy was a hero


I have a proposal.

Some of the few planes ever designed by a Latvian and he had to be a nazi. Figures.


I have a proposal.



Refugee crisis solved.


Notice anything?

yeah that's the whole old town of Tallinn in this picture

The Russian ambassador to Turkey just got killed in Ankara desu.

Es nevaru

For real?!

He ain't dead yet.

One can hope

I'm afraid nothings gonna happen, they'll just apologize again and all is forgotten.

I hope I wake up tomorrow to the news that WW3 has started between Russia and Turkey

People are speculating that it's some sort of subterfuge to strain Turkish-Russian relations.

Wouldn't that be amazing if they nuke each other to death.

Enjoy that fallout

Video of the shooting



Except for Natasha of course :^)

oh fugg

*creates himself a link*

"g-goodbye, int"

Literally me. The only reason I ever go to Sup Forums

>turk shouting alahu akbar

But Turks keep telling that they're not islamists and secular.

Hello, can you guys please help the drunk lithuanian from swedenthread back to here?


time to move to Sup Forums

It's the middle east. People should allahu akbar every time the fucking wind blows.
Mag dump


>be a turkroach
>sell your crap to tourists
>"best price to you my friend"
But he told me I'm his best friend thepost

fucking turks... they should be kicked out of nato if they're gonna keep provoking russians.

I disagree, they're both a valuable asset and an unassailable friend.


lol stupid turks

Good morning chaps

What is he saying?

"Allahu Akbar, don't forget Aleppo, only death can take me away from here, you are not safe when we still breathing"

fucking lithuanian subhumans


When will you come back daddy?

United Baltic Duchy NOW

the fritz speaks truth

Good morning

It's a good thing Russia won WWII

The russian died

Shooting in Zurich islamic center

>doujin of your waifu
>check tags
>torture, guro, scat, NTR

I thought mountain Jews were safe from such things

Today is beautiful.

>2 shootings within an hour
Perfect way to end the night tbqh

lol no country that has ISLAMIC center is safe from terrorism

>steal your webm
>get 4 yous
thanks man xd



It really is.



>>doujin of your waifu
>>check tags
>>torture, guro, scat, NTR




>ISLAMIC center
They're called masjids.

t. Islam guy


>2015 was 40 years ago
my penis hasn't grown at all

>tfw long dicke
feels good

Timestamp and post

I am benis 21cm
I fugg you're mother but never touch the vagina walls

almost shat myself lol barely made it to the toilet

>be me
>check dailymail as i usually do
>see a news about some polish scizo stabbing a women to death
>read the comments
>"another load of the unwanted baltic trash"

(actually, that's not me, ok)
> but never touch the vagina walls
But how? You mean 'never touch with hands'? Hmmm

She has floppy vagina stretched from many seggs :DDDD

I posted it again

is it your reply


gonna take a poop
wish me luck
i will report back with results

tfw 15cm dick not able to satisfy women

>Member Since: 19/12/2016
Thought I was gonna find something interesting...

>finnish woman have more balls than most western men

fuck i wanna buy some steroids but i have no connections
how do i approach roiders at the gym?

lol nah ive never seen a woman who couldnt be satisfied by 15cm dicc. Disregard roasties, aquire monetary wealth

Just look for some big guys

I can hook u up f.a.m 2 shipments of 150mg of anabolics coming from UK next week.

Ask from trainer at your gym or from a guy that clearly looks like his roiding

i can hook u up 120gs of clenbuterol, your dick might fall of but whatever

>2 shipments of 150mg
m8 i need at least 1000mg for the load week alone..

Can't wait for WW3 to see all normies dying.

>implications you won't get drafted

its not like im a bulk seller nigger i just got them for cheap from a friend in Manchester and tought i might as well sell them. Im natty myself, roiding is retarded