Italians vs Turks

Who are the real successors to the Romans?

>Turks still take Roman baths

>Italians speaks a form of vulgar Latin

Turks are succesors to no one, they are a mixed mongrel people of balkanites-arabs/persians-gypsies+various south asian people, who are squatting on foreign clay(Constantinople).

In the entire existence of Ottoman Empire, they had never built anything of us.

Pretty much this

Don't forget they killed all non-roaches in a lot of their clay so they have more claims to it
>inb4 Native American memes

of use*

People who do not reply to bait threads are more Roman than the ones who do

you people sure are still butthurt. Move on friend.

>that flag



Are you just going to keep spamming this shit like with every other thread? And then oh so coolly reply to me with merely a link to said shitpost?

There is nothing else to be said. Retards immigrating to other countries than praising their own deserve wall and one bullet

Yes you hate migrants holy shit we get it, the circlejerk is over at Sup Forums you buttblasted autist

What do you mean?


It's true tho
You are like cancerous growth that destroyed america, a parasite sucking out life of everything it touches, genociding everyone to feed in peace

I mean don't get me wrong, but if President Trump heard an immigrant speak like that about other countries he'd probably say the same thing.
Am I too crazy for believing this? Can't be.


hop caught another one, feels like going fishing

You're just salty because Poland can't go over ten years without getting annexed.

rome is dead, eastern rome was never a true rome

woah there dont get all explosive m8

You couldn't fish to save your worthless life fucking parasite.
Also pay fucking debts.

hello yes romes successor here
we still have roman baths. granted we dont use them, but still



we really fucked your mothers so good
armenian genocide is the biggest lie of 20th century. it's made up from salt butthurt and delusions.

the armenian genocide is very real just like the upcoming turk genocide

get ready fucking roach

t. cigany

t. Congolombian mongrel spic

romen(romanian) means gypsy in turkish


>Best logistics
>Best governmental organization
>Commands loyalty from non nationals
>Stimulates excellent economic development of conquered territories
Everything that made the Roman empire great the British duplicated and surpassed.

why do you need to say such hurtful things to me?

is that what pol told you :DD

>le pol maymay

Neither the U.S is

