This triggers the iberian

>this triggers the iberian
Shouldn't spain and portugal harbor most of the european refugee burden? They stole their land from the moors. It would be a sand nig reconquista

>This trigger the iberians

More like a show of their pride

Yo Trump lander ima triglipuf n u got no pokballs left rigth?

why didnt they just build a wall to keep the muslims out

But we did.

All of Europe is rightful Roman clay tb h

The only thing that triggers in Iberians is their need to kill Muslims.

>ywn ever kill muslims during 800 years
>ywn kick them out of your country after the war with such ease again because of "EU" and "Human rights"
>ywn be able to start a 300 year long inquisition just to kill whatever remained



>This triggers the Amerifat

we dont bend over for the refugees
we dont bend over for the terrorists
of the 19 islamic extremists captured by police this year, 17 were captured by spanish police
we have experience kicking out sandniggers and dealing with terrorists, something that other countries really lack.

our anti-terrorist police is one of the better of the world, if not the best, desu.

700 years of occupation


Would you give away 90% of your land so injuns could make casinos in it?

>this meme

in Granada, sure, elsewhere not so much.


then why did we expat all those refugees to south america? Madrid and Barcelona mayors can suk a cok

The central EU loved to criticize us for not being able to finish ETA quickly and easily. Le epic lazy spaniard meme.
Now that they got their own terrorists they realize shit is actually hard to do and they are years behind us in counter-terrorism training and asking our help.

Spanish police are experts at counter terrorism t.b.h.

Besides, we are lucky that our sandfags aren't as detached from mainstream society as in France or Belgium. If the police thwart so many durka jihad operations here, it is partly because they have lots of Muslim informants. By comparison, Salah Abdeslam was able to live for months in downtown Brussels and his neighbours protected him all the time.

Spain already has people from south america to deal with. If it was full of muslims as well, you might as well nuke it.

We have both, though muzzies are more of an issue than sudacas imho.

- Noisy
- Drunk
- Rowdy
- Gang violence

- Terrorists
- Impossible to assimilate
- Breed like rabbits
- Always forming lines for gibs
- Butcher lambs in their own backyards
- Fill neighbourhoods with their fucking mosques, halal butchers and sheit

Were i live we had 35 year occupation.

That's nothing.
I take deep pride on my people History, all of it.


>american education

the peninsula was home to christian kangdoms before the moors invaded thats why it was called the REconquista