EU was established to overthrow hegemony by the United States

The world’s strongest nations in the 400 years from 1500 to early 1900s had been always in Europe.
European leaders were proud that "Europe is the center of the world!".
However, their pride was destroyed after World War Ⅱ.

After WWⅡ, the western half of Europe came under rule by the United States, the eastern half of Europe came under rule by Russia(Soviet).
Europe fell completely.

European leaders had despised the United States and Russia as "barbarous hicks" till that time.
Though, Europe became utterly unable to disobey them.
Proud European leaders must have felt a deep humiliation by it.
Their pride was deeply hurt.

But, Europe wasn't realistically able to beat to the United States and Soviet which are military superpowers.
So, they had reluctantly endured it for over 40 years.

Such European leaders sincerely welcomed “the collapse of the Soviet”.

“Eastern terrible white bear(Soviet) died”

It meant that the threat to Europe vanished from the world.

In other words, It meant that “Europe doesn't need protection by the United States anymore, doesn't need to succumb to the United States”.
And, European leaders were possessed by a grand ambition.

“Let's recapture hegemony to Europe again from the hick rednecks(USA)!”

Although, it is absolutely impossible “European one nation will become world's strongest alone”.
Then, How can Europe recapture hegemony?

Jacques Attali who was a counselor to French President said as follows.

“We should unify European currencies and European politics, and expand EU to Eastern Europe and Turkey. If it is realized, Europe in the 21st century will become a superpower that exceeds the United States.”

It is "Let's build the nation that exceeds the United States by unifying Europe!".

The reason why European countries accept emigrants is that Europe want to maintain working force to recapture hegemony.

Other urls found in this thread:

However, it is absolutely impossible that EU recaptures hegemony.

It's because there are the fact that "When the nations which became world’s strongest once fall, they can never become strongest again" in this world.

World history itself proves it.

Ancient Egypt built the pyramid 4,000 years ago.

How is it now?

Mongol Empire conquered most of the Eurasian Continent.

How is it now?

Ancient Israel was at the zenith of one's prosperity in the era of King Solomon.

How is it now?

How are Roman Empire, Ancient Greece and Ottoman Empire now?

Their answers are clear.

The United Kingdom was a superpower before WWⅡ.
The United Kingdom was at the zenith of one's prosperity under the reign by the Queen Victoria in the 19th century.
It had colonies around the world, was called “the empire on which the sun never sets”.
However, the United Kingdom had continued to decline in the 20th century.
Was it because “there had been only foolish politicians in the United Kingdom on the 20th century”?

No, it wasn't.

Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher were great Prime Ministers.
But, were they able to recover “its national strength under the reign by the Queen Victoria” to the United Kingdom?

The economic strength of the EU is certainly huge.
The GDP of EU is 16,220 billion dollars.

Though, the GDP of the United States is 17,947 billion dollars.

European one nation had been world's strongest alone in from 1500 to early 1900's.
Now Europe can barely oppose to the United States that one nation by unifying 27 nations.

It is clear how long Europe has declined in these 100 years.
Europe has passed its peak.

Europe may ruin the European Christian civilization by emigrants from the Islamic zones.

In other words, European leaders are trying to ruin own civilization itself by useless efforts that “let's recapture hegemony to Europe from the United States”.

They are more laughable than pitiful.

I like Japan


Except that they still rely on our protection instead of spending their own money.
Then cry like bitches when one of our politicians talk about pulling support for NATO.

Europe's glory days are behind it for now. They won't recapture it until they decide they want to stand on their own, and kick our troops out.
I hope they do it soon. Would ease up my taxes a bit possibly.

Didn't read lol

Realistically, the US is going to come to the aid of Europe with or without their paying the minimal 2% on military. They're just bluffing because only 4 NATO allies meet the requirements. Europe isn't going anywhere, and hopefully enough Muslims acclimate without their families honor killing them in the process.


>impossible that Europe recaptures hegemony

You won't be saying that no more when we'll fly the Glorious Euroflag over Washington and liberate Murrica, Shinosuke.

>nation that literally halts everything at noon to sleep threatening us

More like at 2-3pm then back to work at 5pm. And only some retail do that.

It's a bitch to have that working schedule (most people actually don't) but for those who do have the fucking 3 hrs break only owners of stores and shit would be in position to take a nap.

>The world’s strongest nation had been always in Europe.

Indeed and it's name is France

I prefer USA
germs and frogs can fuck themselves

>It's because there are the fact that "When the nations which became world’s strongest once fall, they can never become strongest again" in this world.
>World history itself proves it.
No this is just ridiculous superstition.

(Anyways there are only so many countries in the world. If your theory were true we'd have run out of countries on the list)

>Ancient Egypt built the pyramid 4,000 years ago.
>How is it now?
This one is dead alright
>Mongol Empire conquered most of the Eurasian Continent.
>How is it now?
It became Russia/Soviet union
>Ancient Israel was at the zenith of one's prosperity in the era of King Solomon.
>How is it now?
It's doing perfectly fine actually it even did a comeback
>How are Roman Empire,
Italy has had rich and impressive history
>Ancient Greece and
This one is dead ok
>Ottoman Empire now?
Turkey is pretty strong right now
Not to mention with the ERE both Greece and Turkey got 2 golden ages each, in total

Liberate would imply saving us from. What are you going to save us from? Being the best?

Why does everyone pretend that the Western European states are our puppets? They literally fling so much shit at us and double-cross us all the time. We're no more in control of Germany or France than we are of Saudi Arabia.

>It's because there are the fact that "When the nations which became world’s strongest once fall, they can never become strongest again" in this world.

All you had to do to disprove this shit is look towards your neighbor

shut up goy they don't need to know that

Because we have the best economy and strongest military. Like a downtrodden black man, they blame all their problems on their betters, rather than trying to learn what they're doing wrong. This is why they are currently destoying themselves and simultaneously bragging about how they're more progressive and smarter than us.

I get your point but

>yfw you realize that memes really come true

>Except that they still rely on our protection instead of spending their own money.
>Then cry like bitches when one of our politicians talk about pulling support for NATO.
You're a retard. The only reason Europeans don't spend anything on defence is because you fat cunts told them not to. And now you bitch because Europeans did what you asked them to? Fuck off you 16 year old dumb cunt.

>Except that they still rely on our protection instead of spending their own money.
>Then cry like bitches when one of our politicians talk about pulling support for NATO
They don't rely on anything and nothing is stopping them from creating sufficient armies if you'd just pull out. The thing is you just kinda came and said that you'd watch over. And no, we'll never be part of Nato and no Nato soldier will be ever stationed here.

Late Zhou China is arguably the strongest in the world before Rome goes full swing.

>It's because there are the fact that "When the nations which became world’s strongest once fall, they can never become strongest again" in this world.
That only happens when the world itself drastically changes and those powerful nations weren't able to adapt.

Individually, they can't match any country in the long run because of their relatively small populations, which is a problem if you want to stay relevant under capitalism. China hasn't been doing anything but catching up in to the west the past few decades, and so did india to a lesser extent.The EU has half a billion people, which makes them more populous than all but these two countries on the globe. Many of these countries have high gdp per capita and excellence on high end technology too. The only thing preventing it from actually federalising is national interests from each country, but Germany which is pretty much the EU leader at this point

>Individually, they can't match any country in the long run because of their relatively small populations
That's not at all true though. Britain, Germany and France have global reach but if even the smaller European countries wanted to, they could develop international colonies again. Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal. All of them could establish colonies in Africa again.

The reason they don't is because there's no great need for them to do so.

I have no doubt that the old Chinese dynasties were stronger than any states in the west but modern China won't retake that position.

cunt punt

I'm thinking long run. All of those countries are fated to be irrelevant in the future if they stay stay economically alone once the rest of the world catches up to the West.

> Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal
Have a lower population than Britain, France or Germany, which again individually have a lower pop than many other countries. You need the population because scale is everything in capitalism

>The reason they don't is because there's no great need for them to do so.
The international community wouldn't like it because yadda yadda the right to self govern but in reality, it's the US wanting to assert their hegemony. That and of course the inumerous revolts that would plague them like the ones that happened in the XX century withing the British and Portuguese colonies

Europe will never be a superpower again - Germany made sure of that in two world wars. The EU is an instrument to implement globalist Americans interest in Europe, nothing else.

We can preserve Europe, but only if we end the EU and stop mass migration.

Also, Europe will never be able to oppose the USA if we keep growing together economically. We should keep the same economic distance from Russia as from the USA.

>once the rest of the world catches up to the West.
There's no guarantee of this happening though. Development is not a linear progression. The 3 Gorges Dam could burst in China, or Japan could suffer from several earthquakes, or South America could end up caught in a war, or Europe could get struck with a plague that wipes out everyone. Making specific long-term predictions isn't good business to be in.

>You need the population because scale is everything in capitalism
Yes, that's where Free Trade comes in. Ireland has one of the lowest populations in the world, but we achieve economies of scale because of trade agreements (both within the EU, and with other countries). We run one of the largest trade surpluses in the world. That's not because of our population, it's because of access to markets.

>The international community wouldn't like it
There's no reason to presume that will always be the case. If there's a war between China and the US, who exactly is going to stop France from re-establishing control over Francophone Africa? You think the US would risk a nuclear war over Mali? I think they'd just let the French have it, so long as Americans get business out of it.

Nations aren't driven by what they think is good, they're driven by what they deem vital to themselves and their security.

So yes, -right now- Europeans can't go around annexing colonies again, but that's not to say they never will.

Why not just have the far right win the EU elections ? This is so much more simple

Simpler than dismantling this union which would be a good thing if it weren't corrupt and evil like now.

Plebs don't even vote in the EU elections so soon we'll get ridiculously high scores like 60% + and far right will control the whole EU parliament.

You know, really makes you think.

Personally I think this is a good evidence that you can be quite smart enough and come up with quite a contrived story, but that won't stop you from being spectacularly wrong.

>Yes, that's where Free Trade comes in.
You don't understand. Western EU has great countries, but I'm talking about relevancy, not how well the nations are by themselves. Smaller countries need free trade because otherwise they don't have the domestic scale to make gains out their own industries

Take the US as an example. only a small (althought still pretty relevant in volume) part of its GDP comes from exports, around two thirds of it comes from domestic comsumption. China is slowly migrating to this model.

>far right will control the whole EU parliament.

And then what? EU "parliament" has no legislative power - they can't change laws.

People always think "I like the EU, but let's just make it less centralized", which is a good idea - for 4 years - but then? Eventually the globalists WILL come back into power, and as long as the EU exists, one day they will create an "United States of Europe".

The people - even if they are red-pilled now, will not always remain vigilant. Globalist interest however never die. The only course of action is to abolish the EU, and kick the globalists out once and for all.

You're comparing two entirely different models. The US achieves economy of scale domestically. Countries like Ireland can't, so we don't. We achieve it through exporting.

You're arguing two entirely different points. One is relevance (that Europe can't do anything around the world because of its population), and another is because of economy of scale (which it achieves through free trade). You're shifting the goal posts.

You're arguing on faulty assumptions and changing the discussions from relevance to economics and back again. It's the same tactic federalists use to argue about why we should give power to Brussels, and it makes fuck all sense.

Why don't you want United States of Europe Adolf ? I thought this is exactly what you wanted. "La Grande Europe". It doesn't mean it would have the same current people in power of course.
But still just think about it. Europe would rule the world probably.

>Europe would rule the world probably.


We already have all the economic benefits we could possibly have and China still out-competes us in GDP PPP - and their economic growth is 7% each year, EU economic growth only 1,8%.

It's over, it has failed. The two world wars ruined every chance Europe had at world hegemony. You can accept it, and protect your people, or you can try to become "great" by importing millions of migrants and disappear from the face of the Earth forever.

That is no secret.
The UK and France sold Europe because they were so butthurt that they wouldnt be the leader of Europe.

I don't see how Europe automatically means "migrants and no borders". It really doesn't have to. If we start dividing and fighting each other again it will be even worse - way worse probably, remember what happened in history every time a people was fragmented in such small entities ?

t. 14-year-old

>If we start dividing and fighting each other again

How does dividing imply fighting? It doesn't.

>I don't see how Europe automatically means "migrants and no borders"

Europe automatically means some guy in Brussels decides what's done in your country and you can't do jackshit about it. If it's immigrants - then it's immigrants, if it's no borders, then it's no borders - THEY decide, not you.

>remember what happened in history every time a people was fragmented in such small entities ?


>One is relevance (that Europe can't do anything around the world because of its population)
Individually, Ireland, Portugal, Slovakia etc. will never be relevant because their population doesn't allow it, no matter how much trade they do.

My point is that the EU is an attempt of making Europe as a whole stay relevant and not simply subservient to whoever's interests. In the end, the real question is: would you rather follow the interests of some bureaucrats in Brussels or those in Washington D.C.?

>m-muh china

t. 10y old

>How does dividing imply fighting?
Not necessarily but it does open up the more potential for conflicts

>Europe automatically means some guy in Brussels decides what's done in your country and you can't do jackshit about it. If it's immigrants - then it's immigrants, if it's no borders, then it's no borders - THEY decide, not you.
I thought that was the whole point of having a democracy. Inb4 it doesn't work, democracy gave us unlikely people like Hitler which is proof that it can in fact work.

Now sure the EU parliament has no power but we have a ton of different elections, and if we get the right people in every single country's presidency, assembly, senate, magistrature, what have you, i have no doubt the EU structure will be made to follow.

That is, considering that most of those right people are anti-EU too. Which kind of defeats the point. But they may change their mind. Personally i think it's a little short-sighted, there's such potential for united Europe like says

Doesn't show the real economic power, only exchange rates - which can literally change from one day to other.

I hope you're trolling/bantering. If not, you're a retard.

>cucks for Nazis
>doesn't wan't war


>and if we get the right people in every single country's presidency, assembly, senate, magistrature, what have you

Look dude, I told you, it's not gonna work. Globalists will always rule the EU as long as it exists, to beat them in every country is pure fantasy. (This is also the reason why all right-wing parties are anti-EU.) The best thing you can do is beat them in one country, and split off, but believe what you like.

Thanks based Poland

How does the US control Germany/France? We have some military bases, but theyve been largely independant since at least De gaulle

Because you hold large amounts of shares in all their companies.

>. In the end, the real question is: would you rather follow the interests of some bureaucrats in Brussels or those in Washington D.C.?
Washington doesn't dictate laws to us. Washington didn't demand we bail out our banks and theirs to stop their economy from crashing. Washington doesn't try to change our tax laws and impose its will on us.

You know who did and does? The EU.

Ireland is never going to be relevant, so I couldn't give a rats bollocks if some annoying manlet cunt in Brussels thinks we need to suck Germany's cock to stave off the American boogieman.

Ireland only has two friends. The Irish and the Irish Americans. The rest of you cunts can fuck off.

Why are japs on Sup Forums so good at bringing the heat

>the EU parliament has no power

Knowing that the vast majority of new law in France came from the EU parliament, you're wrong. But no one know about it, thanks to the great job of journalists.

>Ireland only has two friends. The Irish and the Irish Americans

I thought the Hibernian conspiracy was a meme

>The economic strength of the EU is certainly huge.
>The GDP of EU is 16,220 billion dollars.
>Though, the GDP of the United States is 17,947 billion dollars.

Wasn't the EU's GDP the largest just a few years ago? Time flies

>quoting Jacques Attali
pls don't say his name, he literally is a fraud. he deserves to be forgotten