pb edition
>this creamy loving fag is STILL asshurt
Hola baja chan y chileno chan
reminds of the autists that put peanut butter on herself for attention
>crunchyfag inferiority complex
what's adams chunky like?
I've only ever seen creamy and crunchy
That doesn't sound like a joke at all, what's with all the riddle speak lately?
I actually haven't seen crunchy being sold here in a while, I don't know what happened
Shitter 3 it is then.
>my town flag has bees on it
my computer may explode on this.
>Playing videogames in Spanish
>playing in spanish
c'mon, you can do better
>Want to go to sleep
>Cannot go to sleep
>tfw my professor finally responded
Is your bf asleep?
>uncle buys the 1000g jar
>too big to blend properly
>bottom half becomes peanut cement
>it's been in his fridge for years
never been interested in knowing my family (cousins aunts etc)
why can't it be called /cmu/ non-perverted original version
What'd he say?
Is not my xbox m8.
This isn't it?
wena, ¿como estas?
>Sacramento's flag
Fucking Liberia tier
He said he had "a family emergency" and apologized for taking so long to respond.
/cum/ is in order from the North pole south.
No and he won't rub my back
Because that's not geographically accurate
Yeah, I just looked it up
I swear that it wasn't there a few days ago
пpивeт )))))))
i'd rather be called /muc/ desu
Maybe he's just tired
>looked up Liberia flags
Shoulda turned it sideways and rotated over a few days before you opened it.
mexico's actual name is united states of mexico, so it should be /cw/
Did he fix your grade then?
He's been taking cat naps throughout the day, he's playing Chivalry right now
What an ass lmao
He didn't finish submitting the grades. This Friday is the deadline for grades. Last Friday was just the last day of instruction and was the last day for us to turn in assignments.
That's a good looking font tho
I like buying a few jars at a time and then letting them roll around in the trunk
hope the jars don't break, wouldn't be able to clean that up properly
>tfw no Eurasian hipster gf
>Yo dog, I heard you like cantons...
because we are past that point. want me to start the gay circlejerk and get it over with?
Estoy medio muerto si tiene algun sentido eso.
Tengo sueño porque no he dormido desde hace 3 días.
I miss this show so much
Shit. Do you think you did well in the class?
>listening to some good old banda waltzes while playing in my 3ds and wearing my warm winter socks
I love the winter break
>No he dormido desde hace 3 días
por qué xdd?
sounds comfy
>want me to start the gay circlejerk and get it over with?
It's already started Niqqa
One the last day of class (which was Tuesday, he canceled Thursday), he told us that we were his best performing class and that "everyone here right now is passing the class" after one girl left as he was coming in. He also told us that she was the only one in the class who failed. I just hope my paper isn't trash.
did someone say gay posting?
if its canada, united mexican states, & the united states of America...why would the acronym be /cw/ please someone explain this to me I'm slow
He's being a butt today, I don't know why
Why is Russia colonizing this area?
>I miss this show so much
Yeah, it was very funny.
La última vez que hice esto, los dolores de cabeza fueron constantes.
Aunque siendo honesto, valió la pena.
he found out that you posted your leg on /cum/
That's good then
u no it
>t. ESL
Wait, when did you post your leg, post it again
how do you pronounce w?
He doesn't care if I post my picture here, he just doesn't want his person here
africa is a shitty place, aint it?
International culture, hmm yes quite...
A while ago
My leg my rules >:^)
Friendly reminder
porque me gusta postear y pasar tiempo con ustedes. Sup Forums es mi puta vida y me parece que va a matarme literalmente.
kek Sólo puedes vivir una vez.
such as shame that i dont know what to watch to field the void. this season sucks.
found it
The USA is both Mexico and Canada's largest trade partner. Hmm, yes quite interesting.
This is what I do. When I get home I store them sideways on the shelf like you do with wine bottles. Every so often I turn the 90 degrees to one side or another. Then when I open them they hardly need any mixing at all.
weon la última vez que hice eso estaba terrible activo xdd me puse a ordenar la casa a las 6 o 7 de la mañana, y a las 3 AM me fui a dormir a pesar que pude haber hecho más weas
>porque me gusta postear y pasar tiempo con ustedes.
lindo mi niño
Choon incoming
Peanut butter is uncommon outside of North America. It is not a popular product in Europe despite much effort. International cultures...
>this season sucks.
I mean, what the hell did just happened with both anime and vidya industries this year?
What went wrong?
Already saved it
Maybe we should make haiti an honorary member and then we could call it /much/.
I love how absolutely trash she is at tennis, makes it hotter somehow.
This could do with being a webm.
> filename
Get Ebola, Cancer and AIDS, faggot!
cw sounded good enough to be a channel
cuu could sound like ronaldo general
is the t for two?
>What went wrong?
The US election had everyone making memes instead of actual content
Everyone stopped trying
Didnt they announce Code Geass season 3? I'm hyped for that 2bh
> My boo returns back to his homeland today! I hope you're having a safe flight and getting some nice views of Ukraine ;) it's been a wild 4 months and I wouldn't change it for anything. Love you a lotta lotta lot!
this bitch I have to watch on my facebook. has lived in Thailand partying on a trustfund for 2.5 years and gets these traveler boyfriends all the time. Her brain has literally rotted
>mfw I didn't actually save it
so then /cms/ would be correct why /cum/
What's wrong Heng-Ze? No rikey?
estas orgulloso de mi, pa?dime que si.
tiddies and ass and moe sells. Games that are linear are easier for kids, since the industry on all side even for pc is dominated by cod kiddies.
its fucked son.
shits lit but it will probably be a shitty non story spin off of an alt universe.
¿quieres quedarte despierto otro día o no C:?
what are you talking about?
this friday is jojo's part 4 finale and Im getting pokemon sun for christmas
this season is great
NAFTA is the largest free trade area in the World. Yes quite fascinating.
did you ask for the pokemon z-ring set too