What is the current state of your life?

What is the current state of your life?
rate it on a scale of 0 to 10

-Job or studies life:
-Social life :
-Family life :
-Love life :
-Sexual life :
-Happiness :
-Sadness :
-Love inside you:
-Hate inside you:
-Body health

-Job or studies life:
-Social life : 10
-Family life : 10
-Love life : 10
-Sexual life : 10
-Happiness :10
-Sadness : 0
-Love inside you:10
-Hate inside you:0
-Body health 10

>Job or studies life:
>-Social life :
>-Family life :
>-Love life :
>-Sexual life :
>-Happiness :
>-Sadness :
>-Love inside you:
>-Hate inside you:
>-Body health

I guess im not that bad
-Job or studies life: 9
-Social life : 8
-Family life : 4
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 7
-Happiness : 7
-Sadness : 0
-Love inside you: 10
-Hate inside you: 5
-Body health: 8
-Sanity: 4

-Job or studies life: 7
-Social life : 8
-Family life : 8
-Love life : 5
-Sexual life : 5
-Happiness : 6
-Sadness : 1
-Love inside you: 8
-Hate inside you: 0
-Body health : 7
-Sanity: 5

Job or studies life:1
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 5
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life :0
-Happiness :6
-Sadness : 2
-Love inside you:5
-Hate inside you:2
-Body health:6


-Job or studies life: 0
-Social life : 7
-Family life : 1
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 1
-Happiness : 8
-Sadness : 1
-Love inside you: 0
-Hate inside you: 6
-Body health: 7 (I'm getting there)
-Sanity: 1

-Job or studies life: 7
-Social life : 8
-Family life : 9
-Love life : 5
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness :6
-Sadness : 4
-Love inside you : 4
-Hate inside you : 0
-Body health : 9
-Sanity : 10

>Job life
Don't know what I'll do after new years.
>Social life
6/10, it's okay.
>Family life
6/10, it's okay.
>Love life
0/10, nothing new.
>Sex life
0/10, nothing new.
>Love inside you
>Hate Inside you
>Body Health
10/10, never had mental health issues.

-Job or studies life: 8
-Social life : 2
-Family life : 8
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 7
-Sadness : 1
-Love inside you: 2
-Hate inside you: 2
-Body health: 5
-Sanity: 8

Without computer my life would be in ruins and i'd kill myself

>-Job or studies life:
0 -> 3 -> 6 -> 8 during the last year
>-Social life :
1 -> 4 -> 8 -> 3 during the same period
>-Family life :
3 for as long as I remember
>-Love life :
>-Sexual life :
I'd say it's fluctuating between 0 and 5
>-Happiness :
>-Sadness :
>-Love inside you:
>-Hate inside you:
Those things are too complex to describe their state with numbers
>-Body health
6, and I'm working on making that an 8
I like to think I'm ok, thank you for asking

-job or Gtudies life: 2
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 9
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 3
-Sadness : 7
-Love inside you: 5
-Hate inside you: 5
-Body health 8
-Sanity: 4

Isnt Norway a good place to get laid?

-Job or studies life: 0
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 6
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 7
-Sadness : 1
-Love inside you: 5
-Hate inside you: 3
-Body health: 5

Job or studies life: 2
>Have Bachelor's, applying for Master's, but NEET at this moment
Social life: 2
>I have one friend that I see sometimes
Family life: 5
>Everything is good except 5 is the maximum I can reach since I have a completely absent dad and no contact with his side of the "family"
Love life: 1
>Furry sex role playing on the internet
Sexual life: 2
>I can masturbate and fuck my ass with toys
Happiness: 6
>It's okay
Sadness: 7
>Not really depressed but I think about love way too frequently and I constantly have existential crises/panics
Love inside you: 9
>Just waiting to be given despite how cringy it sounds
Hate inside you: 1
>I have very few people or things to hate really and don't waste energy on it
Body health: 3
>I'm obese and have a bad tooth, but no diabetes/other complications.... yet
Sanity: 5
>The constant barrage of existential panics erode what would otherwise be fine

>-Job or studies life:
>-Social life :
>-Family life :
>-Love life :
>-Sexual life :
>-Happiness :
>-Sadness :
>-Love inside you:
>-Hate inside you:
>-Body health:
Pretty ok I guess

>-Job or studies life:
>-Social life :
>-Family life :
>-Love life :
>-Sexual life :
>-Happiness :
>-Sadness :
>-Love inside you:
>-Hate inside you:
>-Body health

Jesus what has happened to me

>-Job or studies life: 6
>-Social life : 8
>-Family life : 7
>-Love life : 0
>-Sexual life : 0
>-Happiness : 7
>-Sadness : 3
>-Love inside you: 6
>-Hate inside you: 6
>-Body health 4
>-Sanity: 3

-Job or studies life: 0
-Social life : 4
-Family life : 4
-Love life : 7
-Sexual life : 9
-Happiness :5
-Sadness : 5
-Love inside you: 7
-Hate inside you: 6
-Body health: 6
-Sanity: 4

Not for sperglords.

-Job or studies life: 3 (shitty classmates)
-Social life : 7 (I got some bros to drink with which would help me if I need)
-Family life : 4
-Love life : 6
-Sexual life : 6
-Happiness : 7
-Sadness : 4 (escaping from depression \o/)
-Love inside you: 11
-Hate inside you: 11
-Body health : 5
-Sanity: 5 (I'm just fucked up)

>-Love inside you: 11
>-Hate inside you: 11

-Job or studies life: 2
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 4
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 4
-Sadness : 7
-Love inside you: 5
-Hate inside you: 5
-Body health: 6
-Sanity: 3

>-Job or studies life: 2/10 havent dropped out yet
>-Social life : 6/10 seeing friends occasionaly
>-Family life : 4/10 dad is gone, dont speak to my mom very often
>-Love life : 3/10 think my gf wants to dump me
>-Sexual life : 6/10 good when she wants it
>-Happiness : 4/10 on anti depressants 2bh
>-Sadness : 7/10 not suicidal yet
>-Love inside you:6/10
>-Hate inside you:4/10
>-Body health: 5/10 asthmatic drug addict
>-Sanity: 7/10 slipping rapidly

>What is the current state of your life?
>rate it on a scale of 0 to 10
>-Job or studies life:8.5
>-Social life : 5
>-Family life : 6
>-Love life : was 10 now 0
>-Sexual life : ...
>-Happiness :tree fiddy
>-Sadness : 5
>-Love inside you: 8
>-Hate inside you: 3
>-Body health 6
>-Sanity: 8.1

>-Job or studies life: 2.5
>-Social life: 2.5
>-Family life: 5
>-Love life: 0
>-Sexual life: -5
>-Sadness: 10
>-Love inside you: 0
>-Hate inside you: 20
>-Body health: 7.5
>-Sanity: 5

Im moving yo Argentina next year, are you a girl?

what do you think user

-Job or studies life: 7
-Social life : 5
-Family life : 7
-Love life : 3
-Sexual life : 1
-Happiness : 3
-Sadness : 7
-Love inside you: 6
-Hate inside you: 4
-Body health: 9
-Sanity: 4

>-Job or studies life:
>-Social life :
>-Family life :
>-Love life :
>-Sexual life :
>-Happiness :
>-Sadness :
>-Love inside you:
>-Hate inside you:
>-Body health
9 (I'm healthy but I am a bit overweight)

>-Job or studies life:
>-Social life :
>-Family life :
>-Love life :
>-Sexual life :
>-Happiness :
>-Sadness :
>-Love inside you:
>-Hate inside you:
>-Body health

-Job or studies life:0
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 3
>-Love life : 0
>-Sexual life : 0
>-Happiness : 0
>-Sadness : 8
>-Love inside you: 0
>-Hate inside you: 10
>-Body health 2.5
>-Sanity: 2

-Job or studies life: 3
-Social life : 8
-Family life : 6
-Love life : 1
-Sexual life : 4
-Happiness : 5
-Sadness : 5
-Love inside you: 6
-Hate inside you: 9
-Body health: 6
-Sanity: 6


-Job or studies life: 3
-Social life : 7
-Family life : 7
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : >
-Happiness : 6
-Sadness : 2
-Love inside you: 8
-Hate inside you: 3
-Body health: 8
-Sanity: good question

-Job or studies life: 6
-Social life: 4
-Family life: 5
-Love life: 0
-Sexual life: 4
-Happiness: 8
-Sadness: 2
-Love inside you: 9
-Hate inside you: 1
-Body health: 5
-Sanity: 0

>-Job or studies life:
>-Family life :
>-Love life :
>-Sexual life :
>-Love inside you:
>-Hate inside you
>-Body health

-Job or studies life: 7
-Social life : 5 (not that interested, would have rated 8 a year ago, but I stopped caring)
-Family life : -1
-Love life : -1
-Sexual life : -1
-Happiness : -1
-Sadness : 9
-Love inside you: -1
-Hate inside you: -1
-Body health: 6
-Sanity: 3

>-Job or studies life:
Doing poorly this year but im close to graduating. 4/10
>-Social life :
I don't like socializing. I have one friend that I hang out with about once a week.
>-Family life :
Haven't spoken to my family in months but I think we have a good enough relationship
>-Love life :
Well I'm single but I have some women I'm interested in
>-Sexual life :
Nothing right now
>-Happiness :
6/10 above average I guess
>-Sadness :
1/10 I don't really get sad
>-Love inside you:
What does this mean 5/10
>-Hate inside you:
Not much 2/10
>-Body health
I'm pretty fit but have been slacking off. 7/10

>-Job or studies life: 0
I have neither a job or am I studying
>-Social life: 0
I have no irl friends or online friends
>-Family life: 2.5
My family life consists of we screaming at each other, I mean it could be a lot worse
>-Love life : 0
I have no love life
>-Sexual life : 0
20 year old kissless hugless virgin
>-Happiness : 0
I don't remember what happiness is supposed to feel like
>-Sadness : 8
Sad all the time, plus I think suicidal thoughts all the time
>-Love inside you: 0
>-Hate inside you: 9
I'm filled with anger all the time
>-Body health: 4
My liver is failing from all the alcohol I'm consuming and I smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day
>-Sanity: 3

>-Job or studies life:3
>-Social life : 5
>-Family life : 0
>-Love life : 1
>-Sexual life :1
>-Happiness :5
>-Sadness : 5
>-Love inside you: 4
>-Hate inside you: 7
>-Body health 10
>-Sanity: 4

Oh fugg. I did enter in fucking Sup Forums and posting again? what the fuck is wrong with me? today's time will be fucking evaporated again

Me today:

-Job or studies life: 4
-Social life : 3
-Family life : 5
-Love life : 1
-Sexual life : 1
-Happiness : 3
-Sadness : 6
-Love inside you: 2
-Hate inside you: 5
-Body health: 5
-Sanity: 4

Me 1 year ago:

-Job or studies life: 7
-Social life : 8
-Family life : 6
-Love life : 5
-Sexual life : 10
-Happiness : 6
-Sadness : 3
-Love inside you: 5
-Hate inside you:5
-Body health: 7
-Sanity: 5

>-Love life : 0
>-Sexual life : 7

-Job or studies life: 3
-Social life : 3
-Family life : 2
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 8 (only masturbating but thats satisfying enough for me, sex would rather be love than just fucking)
-Happiness : 4
-Sadness : 4
-Love inside you: 7
-Hate inside you: 3
-Body health: 6
-Sanity: 4

There's no help for this rotter world but I got hopes and dreams that one day humanity will understand their mistakes and set myself as their leader which gonna bring them to better tommorow

>Job or studies life
>Social life
>Family life
>Love life
>Sexual life
>Love inside you
>Hate inside you
>Body health

>happiness not being correlated with body health
hmm, you not /fit/ bruh?

>-Job or studies life: 10
>-Social life : 10
>-Family life : 10
>-Love life : 10
>-Sexual life : 10
>-Happiness : 9
>-Sadness : 7
>-Love inside you: 10
>-Hate inside you: 7
>-Body health 9
>-Sanity: 8

It's only 5/10, I don't know why I'd be happy when I've been so intensely lonely for the past 3 years.

There's no help for this rotter world but I got hopes and dreams that one day humanity will understand their mistakes and set myself as their leader which gonna bring them to better tommorow

i was just shitposting, im sorry

>intensely lonely

iktf guys
im dyin

>studies life

>-Body health
6/10, probably
could be 3 but depends

under 5 and dropping

all the rest are zero.

>body health
good weight and health

been drinking coca cola every day for 2-4 months so im probably gonna die due to a brain aneurysm any second due to the high blood pressure

good weight and height*

-Job or studies life: 5
-Social life : 1
-Family life : 6
-Love life : -1
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 6
-Sadness : 5
-Love inside you: wut?
-Hate inside you:
-Body health: 5
-Sanity: 7

-Job or studies life: NEET so 0
-Social life : 1
-Family life : 2
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 0
-Sadness : 2
-Love inside you: 0
-Hate inside you: 1
-Body health 10
-Sanity: 5

-Job or studies life: 2
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 0
-Love life : 2
-Sexual life : 2
-Happiness : 0
-Sadness : 11
-Love inside you: 2
-Hate inside you: 4
-Body health : 4
-Sanity: 2

Better than I expected once I summed everything up.

don't sum up sadness and it won't be that good

-Job or studies life: 0
-Social life : 1
-Family life : 2
-Love life : 10
-Sexual life : 10
-Happiness :1
-Sadness : 6
-Love inside you: 2
-Hate inside you:8
-Body health: 5
-Sanity: 1

Proud to be single and untainted.

-Job or studies life: 7
-Social life : 3
-Family life : 10
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness :8
-Sadness : 2
-Love inside you:5
-Hate inside you:7
-Body health:8

>single and untainted
>love: 10
>implying your mom loves you

But sadness plays a big role in both this chart, and my life.

OP asked about the current state, and currently I'm happy with isolated from the rest of you.

-Job or studies life: 5
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 2
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 1
-Sadness : 9
-Love inside you: 2
-Hate inside you: 9
-Body health: 5
-Sanity: -1

Just let me fucking die already.

You're just lacking sun exposure, kiddo :^)

How old are you?

>-Job or studies life:

Job = 2, school = 9

>-Social life : 7

>-Family life : 5

>-Love life : 0

>-Sexual life : 0

>-Happiness : 6

>-Sadness : 4

>-Love inside you: 8

>-Hate inside you: 6

>-Body health: 5

>-Sanity: 4

-Job or studies life: 5
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 2
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 0
-Sadness : 0
-Love inside you: 0
-Hate inside you: 8
-Body health: 7
-Sanity: -3

everything seems pointless, but I'm in a moment of my life I have to make choices

>tfw have to fill out these exact questions for my physical exam tomorrow (work has a health drive)

-Job or studies life: 3
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 5
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 0
-Sadness : 0
-Love inside you: 0
-Hate inside you: 0
-Body health 7
-Sanity: 4

how would you fill it on Sup Forums and on exam?

-Job or studies life:
-Social life :
-Family life :
-Love life :
-Sexual life :
-Happiness :
-Sadness :
-Love inside you:
-Hate inside you:
-Body health

-Job or studies life: 9
-Social life : 4
-Family life : 8
-Love life : 3
-Sexual life : 7
-Happiness : 8
-Sadness : 4
-Love inside you: 2
-Hate inside you: 5
-Body health: 7
-Sanity: 6

Rock and Roll

>-Job or studies life: 0
>-Social life : 1
>-Family life : 6
>-Love life : -1
>-Sexual life : -1.1
>-Happiness : 5
>-Sadness : 3
>-Love inside you: 3.0001
>-Hate inside you: 3
>-Body health: 6.9
>-Sanity: 6.2

-Job or studies life: 4
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 5
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 2
-Sadness : 5
-Love inside you: 4
-Hate inside you: 9
-Body health: 9
-Sanity: 10

-Job or studies life: 0 (Have a degree, no job)
-Social life: 0
-Family life: 0
-Love life: 0
-Sexual life: 0
-Happiness: 1
-Sadness: 5
-Love inside you: 1
-Hate inside you: 9
-Body health: 6
-Sanity: 10

>-Job or studies life:
>-Social life :
>-Family life :
>-Love life :
>-Sexual life :
>-Happiness :
>-Sadness :
>-Love inside you:
>-Hate inside you:
>-Body health

-Job or studies life: 0 neet
-Social life : 0
-Family life : 5
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 1
-Sadness : 8
-Love inside you: 3
-Hate inside you: 6
-Body health: 4
-Sanity: 7

>What is the current state of your life?
>rate it on a scale of 0 to 10
>-Job or studies life: 7
>-Social life : 7
>-Family life : 8
>-Love life : 0
>-Sexual life : 0
>-Happiness : 7
>-Sadness : 3
>-Love inside you: 8
>-Hate inside you: 8
>-Body health: 7
>-Sanity: 9

-Job or studies life: 8
-Social life : 7
-Family life : 4
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 0
-Happiness : 6
-Sadness : 5
-Love inside you: 7
-Hate inside you: 5
-Body health: 4
-Sanity: 4

>-Job or studies life: 10
>-Social life : 3
>-Family life : 7
>-Love life : 0
>-Sexual life : 0
>-Happiness : 5
>-Sadness : 5
>-Love inside you: 0
>-Hate inside you: 10
>-Body health : 5
>-Sanity: 9

>-Job or studies life: 5
>-Social life : 5
>-Family life : 5
>-Love life : 2
>-Sexual life : 0
>-Happiness : 5
>-Sadness : 0
>-Love inside you: ?
>-Hate inside you: ?
>-Body health 7
>-Sanity: 5

Breddy medium

You're one happy guy, user

rare flag

>Job or studies life:
>Social life : 0/10
>Family life : 0/10
>Love life : 0/10
>Sexual life : 0/10
>Happiness : 0/10
>Sadness : 10/10
>Love inside you: 0/10
>Hate inside you: 10/10
>Body health: 5/10
>-Sanity: 2/10

>-Job or studies life:7
>-Social life : 3
>-Family life : 2
>-Love life : 1
>-Sexual life : 0
>-Happiness :4
>-Sadness : 8
>-Love inside you:3
>-Hate inside you:7
>-Body health:4

-Job or studies life: 5/10
-Social life : 7/10
-Family life : 8/10
-Love life : 2/10
-Sexual life : 2/10
-Happiness :7/10
-Sadness : 3/10
-Love inside you: 5/10
-Hate inside you: 5/10
-Body health: 6/10
-Sanity: 8/10


Yeah i waited to go on vacation to post here lool i actually live in canada

everyone posts, nobody reads

b yourself

-Job or studies life: 0, i just graduated from school so nothing wrong with that
-Social life : 6
-Family life : 2
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 5
-Happiness : 7
-Sadness : 5
-Love inside you: 10
-Hate inside you: 10
-Body health: 7
-Sanity: 2

-Job or studies life: 0
-Social life : 2
-Family life : 4
-Love life : 0
-Sexual life : 1
-Happiness : 3
-Sadness : 9
-Love inside you: 2
-Hate inside you: 10
-Body health; 2
-Sanity: 4

Whatever I'm doing it just failed. At least show me some mercy or improvement. :^C