>balthurt belt
>russians in denial
>cringy russians in denial
>mountain country of wine and casinos
>north motherfucking korea
>anime production site
Tell me about your neighbours. Do you like them?
>americans in denial
Russians, Nice and not nice. Swedes, i swear there's this very popular buzzword you could use to describe them but you know what i mean nonetheless. Oh and Norwegians nad Estonians are brotier.
>El Salvador
Nice beaches and friendly people.
Great culture and also nice beaches
Its a great country, i like how proud and self loving they are.
Pretty much the same as the UK
Paris is shit, most of the countryside is awesome, I like champagne and wine
fags fags fags and more fags
>mountain country of wine and casinos
I didn't know we shared a border, Rushka.
we've got
>closeted arrogant nazis
>closeted dissolute fascists
>poverty-stricken eastern european fascists
>Serbs in denial
he means Gerogia I believe
In all honesty, the neighbors to our north are nothing more than friendly rednecks. Canadians are incredibly friendly but terribly naive.
Mexico is where shit gets real. Set aside the drug trade (which i obviously our fault anyway) and the immigration issues (mostly their fault). Mexicans will straight up tell you the real deal and not hold back, be it in a positive or negative manner. You got to respect someone who will tell it to your face.
>Russian military base
Someone told me it's full of junkies.
That old friend who hates you now.
Chill people, good regime, fine potatoes.
Bydlos, Polish-Russian border
qt JUST QT, best neighbour, sweet moutains, great people
>Czech Republic
great beer, cool people, great porn
province is nice, cities are hell
gib moni to Paraguay so they are allright
we wuz white n sheit
Norweigans are smug as fuck. Danes cannot be trusted. Finns are just fucking weird.
>Brazil 2.0
>French Africa
>More hindus
>More Incas
>Guaranis smugglers
>Spanish-speaking Italians
>Small country of Spanish-speaking Italians
>"""Communist""" dictatorship
you guys are all a bunch of fruitcakes
>good regime
>north greece
>>Guaranis smugglers
>Norn Iron
Strange incestuous place
Eternal enemy, 90% of the population need to be genocided
Need to stop being britcucks
See above
Eternal ally, based
>Brits in denial
That's it
I love this guy!
A little worrying tbqh
>New Zealand
They're alright, we like to take the piss and call them sheepshaggers
>Papua New Guinea
They're fine. You couldn't pay me enough to go there though.
good lads
good lads
celts LARPing as germanics
decent bunch of lads
The finns and Mongolians are way better people than any Russian I have ever met.
America is comfy with good Canadians. Mexicans are good too.
was part of the UK, still pretty much is.
very good neighbour, an equal in many ways all throughout history and today
norwegians that talk a little differently
see pic
Typical frog response
stay based, m8
America jr and Mexico
This is why everyone hates anglos, you're just a small island nation with delusions of grandeur, we have nothing to do with you except a lingua franca
overrated poor imperialists
soviet union
former imperialists
failed imperialists
russian speaking india
indian soviet republic
And slovakia. Just slovakia.
Top kek been to both. You guys are just brits with a different accent
t. British in denial
well the second part is true because of the first part
you are pretty much a smaller UK because you were part of it
>inb4 urm no m8 we use euros now :^)
Nice people, state that our shitty Centre party follows like a puppet.
Quite nice, government there shoud have little chill. Putin and Sale should have a sauna and drugs moment in Lapland to low tensions.
Nicer and richer swedes with much more understandable swedish. I like in summer when you visit our Lapland with your gigantic camper trailers.
>Estonia (inb4 no land border!!!11!)
Mushroom and työukkos :DDD Great place to go for a weekend break.
How could I expect someone with no culture to understand the nuances of culture
Mexican in denial
snob faggots who look at us like we were their servants
not our best neighbour
nobody ever mentions it in any context, except now for them trying to give us a mountain (thanks)
a finnish liquor store
please notice us
a (you) for bestest neighbor
Finland is best neighbor
Butthurt as fuck
Let´s see
>Bavaria 2.0
Czech Republic
>Most German Slavs
>Funny speaking Germans
>poor, butthurt
>arrogant, yet long gone glory
>Germans in denial
>no real opinion
>even richer version of Switzerland, same goes for Liechtenstein
I like all my neighbors except ukrainians. But for they i wouldn't have asthma now.
Thieves and Nazis, fuck em all.
>russians in denial
>cringy russians in denial
Which is which?
Shit+ISIS members
Shit+ISIS members
Portugal wins.
Literally us with a happy accent
Our countries have had more wars with each other than any other countries. They simply can't be trusted.
Like most swedes I never think about them. They might as well be Estonia in our eyes. They have a huge little brother complex though.
>balthurt belt
i love that meme
>muh russian minority
>muh nato bases
>muh commie monuments
i suppose
america and mexico are ok
kind of wish americas peoples stopped fighting with eachother though
ERROR: Bad reference. australia.neighbors contains no elements
will send immigrants on bikes across the northpole just to fuck with you
simply ebin :DDD
gay as fuck
pretty based, like a more liberal Norway. Can NOT, however, be trusted.
Love my /cum/ buddies
Why are the Ukrainians cringy?
Slow, but bro tier.
Brothers from another mother.
Beyond politics, our relationship isn't that bad. There's a few chest thumping flag wavers over both borders, but our nations as a whole do not hate each other.
Because belarusians are not
Subhumans, literal Africa tier white niggers
Nice people
Richer, autistic and more cucked version of Estonia
Nice geography skills
>counting Belaruse as anything else than a Russian province
There's 0 involvement with them.
>Cheap markets
>Overpriced markets
>Winter resort
>Gypsy warehouse
Yea... yea I do :3
Most are ok, we go there to buy cheap stuff
Ok as well, might have minor disputes tho
All they do is fucking beg, nope
Fucking kurds
>muh genocide
Literally bro tier
Havent encountered much, cheap cars
>Germanized Slovaks
>Mongolized Slovaks
>Russified Slovaks
>people with a beautiful Alpine country where everyone's grandfather is a Nazi
what about spain>