Was Napoleon French or Italian?

Was Napoleon French or Italian?

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He was a French citizen but ethnically Italian

Italian, but he refused being italian and became a french citizen.

He was an ugly manlet with bad hair or just "French"

both and none at the same time. he was corsican
Corsica used to be rightful sardinian clay, but Napoleon wasn't only raised there, he moved to France to complete his education

Iberian well known amongst certain circles. His portraits are white washed.

He hated his Italian background, he tucked his hand in his clothes to prevent him from talking with his hands



In what way was Napleon whiter than the average Iberian?

He was Corsican which means his % of middle eastern farmer DNA would have been pretty fucking high compared to the rest of Europe.

Napoleeon Bonapart was british.

It's ironic that Corsican is closer to standard Italian than most regional languages in Italy as most Corsicans are decedent from Tuscans from The Republic of Florence.

Napoleon's older siblings, unlike himself, were born DURING the era of Genoese rule though and therefore can be considered Italian, Joseph Bonaparte (born Giuseppe Buonaparte) for example was a VERY popular King of Sardinia and Napoleon had to force him to become King of Spain because he felt so at home in Sardinia.

Napoleon himself at an early age was an associate of Pasquale Paoli, a Corsican Italian nationalist who wanted Corsica to gain independence.

He was black, as was his nemesis the holy roman emperor.

>americans emphasize the first O in Napoleon instead of the last

wouldn't that be ironic

Nope his family was of ancient tuscan peerage. They emigrated later in Corsica.
I know some people with his surname

French citizen with dago blood

>this from Russia


You're the closest thing to the insect, with turks.

Fucking hell
>Born on French territory
>With French citizenship
>Became emperor of France
>"France, Army, Josephine" were LITERALLY his dying words
>Italy didn't even fucking exist until he created it as a puppet state
>He depicted himself crossing the Alps in the same manner as Hannibal and Charlemagne, foreign invaders of Italy
Gee, I FUCKING wonder.

Wellington, mister "muh horse, muh stable" was more Irish than Napoleon was "Italian". According to Ius Soli he was French, according to Ius Sanguis he was a citizen of the Republic of Corsica, which was defunct when he was born. He was either French or Corsican (French).

>ethnically Italian
What the FUCK does that even mean, considering how many Italian ethnicities there were?


Actually it's the Chinese people whp are like ants. Russians are like glorious bear.

Sure, Vladimir

Italian, fuck the mentally ill FROGS.
French is an italian language as well.

he is white not nigger

so french

French are niggers so he's Italian.

frog probably since he lost lol

get out fucking nigger



proud to not being american

proud to not be a negroid french citizen.


wow, nice cherrypicking, taking the capital...!

Now let's talk about all those big american cities full of africans and latinos


>Born in France
>Ruled France
>Spoke French primarily
>Died in France
Italy should quit trying to steal others accomplisments, your days are long gone.

jewish, but he was a huguenot i think

>Born in France
>Died in France

Longwood House was and still is property of the French government.

Corsica was France when he's born

But true, he died in Falklands island

I don't understand, you post anti-nigger videos and it's supposed to offend us ? You do know that even we ourselves shill this kind of video all the time to spread awareness, right ?


The French newspapers called him Buonaparte early on

> Born in a tuscan family
> Native corsican speaker (a dialect of Tuscan)

Muh idalianz sdole thingz

So are the various Fahrid and Muhammads

he was french

jelly af

Napoleon was black.

>accomplished nothing
>can't steal anything