
your kids in 20 years edition

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What was the electoral college result?


reminder to always kill a traitor before an enemy



decisive ribena victory

gonna apply for a job at mcdonalds and then kill myself

>canadian maccas is the best

ah yes

What are you doing for Christmas this year?

Have you bought all the presents? treated yourself?


oxford won I think

>less than 2 weeks to find friends so as not to be alone on New Year's Eve

Ahh, yes... this feel again.

inappopriate dress for that environment

It's been 60 days and 17 hours

since you took your love away


>got a party to go to
>would rather be at home posting on /brit/ to usher in the new year

Oh great. Another terrorist attack. Those fucking right wingers will be loving this

>What are you doing for Christmas this year?
shitposting on the 'chon

>Have you bought all the presents?

>treated yourself?
bought some alcoholic dandelion and burdock

Getting roasted here.

just buy a ticket to a (decent) club night. you'll be surrounded by 'friends' then

lads i cannot shake this
this fetish has come out of nowhere
NEED to dominate a woman and breed her and make her feel like shit

let off a particularly repugnant fart

Well, time for me to hit the sack.
Goodnight lads.
>another night with no gf

Nice girl in the office left a pair of high heels at her desk. Going to have to come in early tomorrow to try to sniff them tbqh.

prefer not to say

I know this feel


thank god this isnt me (am still a virgin however)


over a dozen innocent people are brutally killed by a terrorist and the first thing lefties do is virtue signal.

>tfw engaged to be married and never been on a date

are you trying to get him to kill himself? if he has no friends he's obviously not a normbot that goes out

yanks really are clueless aren't they. jfc.

Too intelligent to think




>going on dates but still being a virgin
thank god this isn't me (shagged bare birds but never been on a proper date)

>tfw shizoid so don't care

dreamt last night i had a cute date to the formal. don't wanna go to sleep and experience those feels again now

well its the easiest solution to his problem.

he can just stand there and absorb friendship vicariously through the people around him. it will be a noisy dark room so there will be 0 expectation to socialise. he can just stand there.

every other option involves talking to people intimately or staying indoors alone.

First ever wank was to Britney Spears - Toxic

christmas ika

>have friends
>will still be alone on NYE


>tfw to intelligent for sexual relations

too bad i am a girl (male)
would love to have a brit gf (male) tho

our governments are making us look bad

>"europeans don't drive trucks through christmas markets but they do bomb people"

>tfw to intelligent to care about her face

> queueing in the chippy just now
> two 12-13 yo girls in front of me in the queue
> girl a to girl b: "Look at this."
> girl a shows girl b on her phone a photo of a teddybear with an enormous erect penis photoshopped onto it
> girl a : "will you get me one of these for christmas ?"
> girl b : "hahahah just IMAGINE if you had of them, I'd be bouncing on it all day"
girl a: "haha I'll get you one as well"

They didn't even acknowledge I was there and the paki behind the counter pretended not to notice.

*screeches and cries until you buy me a toy*

Fucking obsessed with a girl again, first time since high school.

Bit more hope this time but gonna have to brassneck it and ask her out rather than let it drag on while I suffer

>tfw to intelligent for new years eve

So THIS...

Not a rasheed we're just both autismo and dont like going outside

>go on brit/pol/
>Full to the brim of muh heritage twats talking about le English oppression of Scotland

When I left there was only one of them, now multiple

At least the JFs here know their place

>kill themselves en masse
>just LIKE US

>Work for 4 years towards an undergraduate and postgraduate degree and 4 more getting a PhD
>spend thousands of pounds in the process
>have the same job options as someone with no gcse's


did the guy who murdered her get catfished?

business idea: referendum on immigration

if the political elite is unwilling to decide, we'll decide for them.

I'm all for trannies, but only if they're vaguely passable


>a paki is running your local chippy

I can only imagine what sort of squalor you live in if your area is that shit

need a swift gf

Just bought three tubs of posh ice cream from the 'trose

...is the power of the Labour party...

get the cocaine out the foil bring the water to a boil

just watched Stranger Than Fiction

lovely film

being a doctor in abstract dildo sucking doesnt mean shit

Im 29 and only make 25grand a year
Life is hard when you have the tism

Wouldnt eat curry made by a white person tbqh


no, he got the death penalty

>Lily died in her home town of Stoke after being taken ill last Tuesday.

Fuck me, gone in a week? What do you reckon? Drugs got the liver? Cancer got the testicles?

what job/degree

Office IT runt

would give my left nut for a job that gives you a massive holiday allowance and a decent wage

yeah i guess grade F halal shite plus human and/or rat faeces gives curry that proper authenticity eh?





>reposting from Sup Forums
poor game

did she say your name reading it off of something?

delete this

is this any different to Vaz and his scandal?

I reckon BAE Systems would want a bit more than some GCSEs for a system control engineer position tbqh.

Reminder Christmas is being celebrated across Syria only because Assad is in power

ah yes the labour party

Honestly, if this is the power of the labour party then I'm happy as they will never very elected again

Supporting >muh Assad is literally commieslag tier, bet you think the Kurds are based and the rebels aren't just ISIS in disguise

so skill up, not hard to get prince and itil foundation certs. or go down the manlier route of tech certs, perhaps even server admin task stuff like AV management, firewall, db admin are all pretty easy at the basic level.

Business idea: 2020 libdem majority government

>see a trans person
>they're mentally ill
i have literally never seen these separately

But I'm literally Syrian, we established this last week

So........... THIS.......... is the power of the......... """"""""""""""""""""""Conservative"""""""""""""""""""""" party.............

>the rebels aren't just ISIS in disguise
Everyone knows their islamists, hence the reason they support Assad.

He's the best of a bad bunch imo.

Everyone's mentally ill

Prove it

I know thats what I have to do to make something of my life, I just dont know where to start

> obsessing over this
It's got a level 5 hygiene .
Get that autism disorder looked at m8