Would I pass as Spanish if I move to Madrid?

Would I pass as Spanish if I move to Madrid?


no. don't have the right features

Too pale, get a tan

grow a goatee, Spanish use them a lot

Look more sleepy and maybe


why would you want to do that

Spaniards are very sleepy people that's why they need to take a 3 hour nap every day during work hours

If you get earrings you could pass as Basque.

could pass as Turkish over Spanish tbqh

too much white

>american education
facial structure and tan are absollutely not "turkish" , kek

You could pass as a homo lmoa

You could get a Norwegian citizenship if you're willing to make the sacrifices for it.

Yes you would, don't listen to the memes

You look like a serial killer.

can you grow a beard?

yes i think you could pass in madrid if you dress right. i've seen people whiter than you and there are many non-spaniards here anyway (mostly indios)


this nigga look like Mr. Tumnus lmfaoooo

You actually look kind of Spanish
You certainly don't look Macedonian

there's a lot of spanish people who look like that actually

you have to be uncut tho

How do I "not look Macedonian"? I am an average balkan slav

Are you turned on?



You kinda look like a male version of Alizee.

She looks like my kind of girl

you look more american than spanish but sure

no, you look like english, me pic related

You literally look british to me

what does look american mean?

we don't style our hair like that either, thats a yuropoor style.also he's too thin to be american

You look french.
>long face
>those eyes
>auschwitz mode

I am dinaric racially the same race as tesla

You look like a guy I met in Barcelona.

Nicolás Tesláez was Mediterranean though, doubles man.

you could easily pass as a south brazilian


You actually look like a doppleganger of an old friend of mine, but we are from Barcelona not Madrid.

>look more american
Since when do we have a physical look? Any human could pass as an American (well maybe not an Abo).
>inb4 fat

idk, looks like a generic actor i could see in an american show any time
and i bet some people still style their hair like that, its just that we are more close minded than in the 80's for some things.

nah you look to slavic

>btw. if you come to vienna and are gay, I would like to meat you. picrel me

There is no "spanish look", and with your face you can pass in any Western, Eastern and Southern European country as a local without raising any suspicions. In Spain people will assume you are a native unless you look extremely confused or until you start speaking. You look like the basic standard of a European man.