Poland is third world

>Poland is third world

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Yeah, it is. Thanks for making a useless thread mr. 3rd worlder

your right
It is actually 2nd

REALLY makes me think




Finland looks much more depressing than Poland

what city is that?

what a beautiful German city!

Poznań, nie poznajesz ratusza z koziołkami ?

go get hit by a truck Fritz

wtf i love germany now

Why polish posters are so insecure? They always trying to prove something for some reason

Fucking fag enablers...

why are you so rude, Friend?
I for one am glad to see that Poland has preserved/restored the cities build by German architects so well.

nie byłem nigdy w poznaniu :(

wygląda ślicznie

I for one am glad that germans fit under truck tires so well

Well it's second world because it sided with the Soviet Union

I think it is just banter and you don't really wish death to German people

you'd be partly right if you said italian

you think wrong then

you can't tell me that OPs pic doesn't look like a typical German city

>I for one am glad to see that Poland has preserved/restored the cities build by German architects so well.
none of the buildings in OP pic have anything to do with Germany

Nice try white man


Yeah they totally decided that on their own accord...

The only "typically German building" on the pic would be the brick gothic cathedral which of course somehow resembles German cathedrals built in the same style. Houses and the cloth hall are inspired by Italian reneissance though, they don't look German at all.

I always wonder if the person who put this OC together was aware this was painted by a Pole, because if not then the irony is rich

judging from my lifelong experience being a pole and dealing with polish people, poles are narcissistic af

i remember seeing some statistical data on empathy (not sure how they measured it though) with poland scoring almost the lowest of all countries in the study. my guess is it's because we're so self-absorbed, always trying to maintain that overblown image of ourselves, there's very little left for anything else

i've been to western countries and what struck me was how how "normal" and easygoing people were, and they didn't brag or talk about superficial stuff so much

>german looking
austrian if anything
definitely not something that comes to my mind while thinking german architecture

I was struck by how fake and prone to snitching westerners were

you might have a point there.
Anyway, it makes me glad that Poles appreciate the German architecture style of Brick Gothic so much

He's right though, we are literally second world. The first/second/third world distinction is based on Cold War politics, not on "lol ur shithole is worse than my shithole" memes.

"In the Polish soul there is sensed a cramped oppositeness in the person, a capacity for suffering and an incapacity for humility."

brick gothic best gothic

Ugliest picture I've seen in my entire life

ale kawal kurwa!

>tfw even the photo trying to show the bad side has very nice buildings in it

Wygląda ładnie, ale co to za barak na środku?

Just a reminder that Germans didn't build anything.
They just bastarized old Polish buildings to make them look brutish.

No matter how hard you try, """"""Danzig"""" and """"""Posen"""" were never German and Germans didn't contribute anything to it.

Thank you.

Couldn't be further from truth, Kraków wasn't Ge*man even for a second.

Isn't the top pic Copenhagen?

Still looks better than our cities.

gdańsk is famous for the crane you can see in the pic

Gdańsk, build by Dutch architects that got later genocided by the G*rmans.


Relax, friend. I am quiet happy with the current German territory and I dont want any more clay, since I can visit Poland anytime I want. And I really appreciate how you managed to use the EU monies to restore the beautiful German architecture in Poland to its former glory

At least their cities don't have any niggers

Teutons not only didn't build anything but blow up almost everything while escaping from Red Army. Once barbarian always barbarian. Also a little reminder - if we let them rule our glorious continent in the end they will blow it up too.

I am glad that your hatred for teutons didn't prevent you from joining the EU and taking German monies

le german monies XDDDDD

Germany gets more money from Poland than Poland does from EU.

Looked like pic related, my bad

nothing wrong with Poznan, Aquafresh


oh wow, there are not so good looking parts in polish cities, I'm shocked

plz don't talk to him

Shut the fuck up, cuck.

It is really hard for me to say if his opinion represents a majority in Poland

sorry user, i cant read polish

>source: my ass

Of course, we just hate you as a people, your money are ok.

>It is really hard for me to say if his opinion represents a majority in Poland
it doesn't

I don't think you really do, to be honest

Gdańsk reporting. The whole "lower Town " has been revitilised. That pic you posted is before they renovated that shit hole which was the most run down part of Town. Apart for stogi and maybe górki zachodnie.

can you post any pic of it?

tfw living in Wrocław

yeah nigger, i screenshotted that pic from google images today

>Jun 2014

Pics wont show the extent of what was done. Heres a vid

breddy gud

Good parts were build by Prussians.

such as?

Feels good being voted #1 Christmas destination in Europe second year in a row.


That pic is old bro

You really got that much snow in Groatia ? Kinda jelly

Poles are subhuman

Actually, snow hasn't fallen yet. The pic is from last year, but the city is decorated pretty much the same. The ice rink is there, though. And the mountain above Zagreb is already open for skiing.

>posts Kraków
It's like saying Malaysia isn't third world and posting a picture of Singapore

>le poland is poo

Sorry but it isn't 2002 anymore. Half of Eastern Europe is practically 1st world now because of EU.

wtf I
Poland even more now

Wyspa Spichrzów dalej wygląda jak Bangladesz żbsz

I thought you were OP tbqh

The bottom pic doesn't look that bad Tbh


that's not a winter market in Kraków, there are people in t-shirts there

>because of EU

why do you want independence for? union make force

Independent Kraków in federalised EU would be GOAT 2bh

>independent in non independent

what's the point ?

>in a federalised EU
please think before posting

Kraków independent from Poland in a federal EU to be precise

You know they would just fine the shit out of you for your air quality ?
You should consider independent Kraków in China

We are working to improve it unlike the state of poo land which is giving free money to s*lesians to dig more coal

>that rainbow in pic
Poland confirmed for secretly a homo country


>We are working to improve it
doeasn't that money for improvements come from the government as well?

Kraków is openly homo desu senpai

No, from the city budget
We get 0 investments from national budget because everyone is mad how great we are. This is why we need to secede

They banned 19th century fireplaces.
The same one that every house there uses

Also half of their city is a gigantic steel plant, so good luck with having nice air.

And also Kraków is located in a small valley so smog stays nice and cozy over them

poles are filthy animals

>We get 0 investments from national budget
or maybe because the government focus on developing other parts of the country while Kraków is already pretty developed?

sounds like a nice city to be called Buenos Aires tbqh

True, but the pic you posted was Frankfurt am Main.

Yes , we have so good cities , but they were better when germans were here . (Stettin here)