

Can't even play football...

how will europe ever recover

American:Proud race of pioneers, discover land and defeat the red man for glory and riches

E*ropean: Farm land and inbreed for millennia because you live in a small village.





I don't even know but latinos are not white

t. proud 85% white (at least) cuntree

Kek at southern european niggers

So burgers = euronigs + regular nigs + spic nigs?


the funny thing is, americans consist of all the bottom feeder scraps from europe mixed in with africans and mexicans

Reminder that only 5-6% of Americans are blonde.


Funny how we own your country though

Europe is basically a leftist shithole

>the funny thing is, americans consist of all the bottom feeder scraps from europe

>Europeans kill each other for thousands of years in droves
>US Finally decides to civilize them and forces peace among them
>Europeans on Sup Forums want the US to leave so they can go back to killing each other like Africans

Really makes you think

>arabs are white in USA



I think that refers to Caucasians in general- which is a much broader anthropological group than the traditional definition of whites

come home shart man

america hate thread? america hate thread

>Original people's

I think we can all agree that Americans and Europeans on /isn't/ are both equally pathetic.

there is no european race, but there is caucasoid race.contain all europeans anatolians middle eastern and north africans.

>Turkey calling us "non-European"

U meant France not Europe Right ?

France is the traditional heart of Europe though

There are definitions of europe that extend well into russia

Left in America is still more right than right parties in Europe.

takes one to know one, of course

no, it's just that USA is basically a filthy right wing shithole

there is nothing wrong with being right wing, you leftie scum

looks like this desu

no soy zurdo, pero estados unidos es demasiado derechista, y si no te parece que esta mal sos un subnormal.

>speaking Mexican on an American image board

en qué aspecto? están plagados de marchas feministas y la mierda esa de BLM, y si te referis a las guerras, eso no es derechismo

>glorious river plate spanish

not gonna trigger me m8 :^)

Not sure they're related, m8.

man, los tipos se niegan a tener hospitales publicos porque piensan que es una medida "comunista", igual que las universidades publicas y el control de armas de fuego.

ni los democratas quieren cambiar eso, lo unico que tacklearon mas o menos fue el tema salud con lo del obamacare y la verdad que es un chiste.

You know, I'd support you on this one and start going New World best world, Americas are better and stuff.

But since y'all call us niggers and stuff, I'll just say


ah si, tienen re lavado el cerebro con eso, pero después tienen los subsidios para los negros y los pobres, es una sociedad bastante hipócrita la yanqui, tienen doble moral para todo, pero aún así no los llamaria derechistas ya que en otros aspectos son bastante liberales

even one single player is more white than literaly you whole country, combined

>muh statistics

every single thread




O am laffin

>meanwhile in usa, the proud "white" race..

>can't even come up with a decent come back

Americucks lmao

>Be European
>Go outside
>Get trucked

>be american
>stay home
>get shoted

Why do Europeans die so easily in such large numbers?


Two World Wars?