Does Turkey stand a chance?

Does Turkey stand a chance?

they need to gain the lead first by twisting russia's wrist and then just apply pressure using their body weight

its really nt about biceps circumfurance but about speed and wrist technique

Turkey would demolish Russia.
turkey made gains against russia in ww1.

In ww1 dumb fuck

No, Russia would just steamroll them and i doubt the US would intervene

nigga turkey didn't exist in ww1, it existed as the Ottoman Empire. Which is vastly different to present-day Turkey, the main difference being it was a powerful, long-running empire. Just as present-day Turkey will be vastly different in 100 years, after all this is over.

theyre not going to war you dumb fuck. Turkey is in NATO. and russia isnt that stupid.

Turkey is a part of NATO, war with Turkey would mean a war with the US, UK, Germany, France and more than 20 other countries.

NATO is being dissolved next year.

so US, UK, Germany, France and all other NATO countries could freely execute russian ambassadors

>He actually believes this

Nope at that point it was already controlled by the young Turks and Turkish nationalism was growing more important which directly led to the modern Turkish Republic


Yeah, starting a war with the alliance of countries which is like 100 times stronger than us is a very reasonable action.


Like anyone would fire a single bullet for NATO since 15th july. NATO, EU, IMF, UN... these are nothing but the modern ministery of the colonies of the international power.

why would they fight against each other?
arent turkey and russia friends?
if anything they should fight together against terroritst even more

Is it just me or does that turqish arm looks kinda like a cockroach leg? Did a 4chaner made this?


fite me bitch boi

>arent turkey and russia friends? LOL
We were never friends, we were always enemies.
I mean yes, we are allys for now at some point, because of war in Syria, gas, economical interests, but people don't trust Turkey.
I would like to be friends with Turkey, but it's hard and needs a lot of time.
Turkey fighting terrorism? LOL once more.
Turkey fighting terrorism only when it suits their interests, if it suits to support terrorists, they will support them.

brb I need to buy a gun

>don't trust

That's not a "distrust", most people hate the türks for real.

Who wants to be our friend? We have shale gas and possibly crude oil in three locations

Who cares - do you have qt3.14s for sale?

For sale? Isn't Mauritania, a French colony, already in charge of supplying you?

Putin says he wants to make relations stronger with Turkey to spit the terrorist act.

Doubting anything is going to happen,
Syrian civil war will end in Assad's favor.

go for it Turkey.
kill Russki

Yeah, when we had a civil war it took pieces of Armenia.

thanks for the idea

Alone? no.
the reason they get away with all of this shit is because they're in NATO

nope, russia to stronk