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me with the gf edition

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That's a big spider



lmao didnt get any pucci today, my quest continues



Went to a barbershop for the first time in my life a couple days ago, used to trim my beard myself before.
It was a nice, but essentially a useless experience: there's nothing the barber did I can't do myself. As it turned out, trimming and fading isn't a rocket science. My neckline was already perfect, as were top cheek lines. The service was good though, I would go there every week if I were rich.


>spider meal.jpg
Everything seems to be OK.

>tfw if it's under 1k the government will cash it out instantly

looks like I'm ordering a few dozen pizzas tonight


let's speak broken post-soviet Russian, chaps.
do the best

fuck off you cunt

How many dimensions do the important women have?


No weapons in our family for at least 3 generations. Actually I dont think I ever heard him talk about a weapon in his life except for when he was in a army.

This is one tough situation, lol.

Can you drink in barber shops there? It's kind of a social thing here.

Zdrstvj, mnja zavut Boric, kak tvoja?

my mum cuts my hair with a pair of kitchen scissors, never been to a barber in my life

I you are over 20, then you will never get it.

I got an electric razor a couple of months ago and I just shave my head every couple of weeks. Easy Peasy

>be me, lithuanian
>minimum wage is 380 Eu
>surely i will spend my whole months paycheck for knife

I think the problem is youre thinking from a westerners prespective, i cant afford such things, nor would my father would appreciate it.

Thanks for the help, tho.

Just buy the latvian hunting knife I mentioned. I bought one for best pal during bday

Yeah, they serve Guinness and Black Label, greet every customer with a handshake, have a wall mounted deer head, and have americana, blues and country playing :DD

very good attempt, my soviet brother. 4/5

ah damn, I am sure you will figure out something sooner or later.

Ive had it b4, just want some moar

post beard

a l l y

Hello, thank you if it was you who recommended me before to buy one from there. Good quality and friend was very pleased.

>tfw dad got me this portable strobe light thingy that is also a bluetooth speaker for christmas

it has 20 different colours, very nice desu



make the video of it changing the color pls

yes it is i

you are very welcome pls buy axe now

ok but it's going to take a few hours to upload tbqh

Very nice indeed, that chicken noodle cup sure looks good.

I never make anyone christmas presents and i also haven't received any for like 11 years. Up untill age of 11/12 i got presents from grandmother.

here's one for (You)

God, i wish i was you.


Yes can buy when my axe runs down.

oh i forgot u have problems with internet speed in australia :c


post classic christmas music

did you try to get a life?

My life is pretty decent.

what about your social life?


brety cool

I have the same sweather, nice.


How much?

Cant remember, bought it from a thriftshop when we still had Litas as our currency.

did you know that in dutch they call facebook feesboek

where did everything go so wrong

At least your rollie pouch is fuller than mine. You got that going for ya

>people are actually buying gifts for their relatives

being such a heartless bitchboi

Im seriously contemplating to not buy anything.

Fuck it, they know im a loser. ANd they will make me feel like even a bigger loser when they will gift me something.


>falling for the jewish consumerist tricks
what are you doing user?

i'm not getting anyone anything and nobody is getting me anything
it's been like that for years now and i love it

scratchie really ads to the despair

might do a sleep

It feels like my family is torturing me, they know i have a really hard time buying presents. Every year i mention multipple times that they should not buy me anything, they say "ok" but still get me something.


Why cant i be a greedy fucking retard with 0 fucks to give and just accept gifs without feeling guilty for not gifting anything back.

>Im seriously contemplating
No joke, when I glanced at your post and saw the flag I thought you were going to say suicide.

When typing that post i had a few thought about suicide (not serious ones).

That meme is real btw.

ah yes, that famous aussie larrykinism, good on you lads

A lot of memes are.

>omniva promised my package to come by lunch
>still not here


the courier probably got jumped by mohummad and jamal

Pinch a couple of things at the self-service counter every once in a while. Keeps things even.
You didn't apply for a job with them and you weren't taken on as a new employee; so why are you expected to do the work that's literally done by other people that already work there? If anything they quite literally owe you since you're basically helping complete some of their workload. Fuck 'em.

>be me
>drunk as fuck on chink vodka
>cooking in my wok
>spider jumps from nowhere into my wok
>cook and eat it, no fucks given

luckily I don't live in cuckholm and up here north only swedes,finns and random balts live but I want my damn package from the estonians, NOW.

> up here north
how's the weather?

cold but nice, just horrible with roads since there is ice below the new snow.

Don't mind the hot weather, but fuck how summer always brings out lots of roaches.

>ordering something from estonia


The weak should fear the strong

was it bad choice?
the price was excellent so didn't think too much about anything else

> s ice below the new snow
I know how you feel. Happens here all the time

Omniva is solid, i've used it repeatedly.

yea fuck that man, one walked on my laptop the other night and I almost smashed the screen

they come from outside, so we just can't get rid of the blattodea niggers

fuck yea
my cat brought home three birds and my bathroom looked like a miscarriage when I got up in the morning

>tfw can't even get a bird home myself

i don't doubt them being solid but i am just sad, i want my chink monitor and chink computer chair

One year early summer when I was a kid I had to get up in the middle of the night to take a shit. I took the spray with me and must've killed 40 roaches in the time it took me to shit. We didn't have any roaches anywhere in the house that whole summer. Pretty satisfying.

Also you should be able to track your package on Omniva website to see where it is right now.

I smashed a bowl the other day while trying to kill one. I killed it, but at too high of a cost.
I'm undecided over whether to try some DIY solutions like baits and poisons or just hire a professional to get it done.


that took fucking forever


>undecided over whether to try some DIY solutions like baits and poisons or just hire a professional to get it done.
Or just stop eating all your huntsmans you fucking maniac!

>Get a woman over to your place
>Fuck her with blue backlighting
Actually sounds kind of hot.

Yeah doing it, according to tracking. It's on way, just gotta wait

No that was the rinky vodka guy. I don't eat my spiders. I try to peacefully coexist with them since they're predatory.

Looks pretty sick dude. Are any of those lights blacklights that make flouro shit glow?

I got drunk and bought a USB microscope once. They're even uglier up close.

I don't know the mechanism for how it works, it's a pretty great Chrissie present though, you can find it here


Ants are kinda qt tho

hello, where are the balts?

made a sausage sizzle lads

> one slice
Good man, glad to see you're not all spider munching barbarians

brb, going to fry some sausages

>cheeky middle of the night sausage sanga

good lad