Malaysian thread

Malaysian thread

Masuk sini jilake

Eh nape cmtu plak. hahaha.
buat la /malaysia/ ke

Dilarang keras untuk berborak menggunakan bahasa selain bahasa Melayu kecuali istilah tersebut tiada dalam bahasa Melayu.

Bosan aaarrr



i like malaysia do you like malaysia


Why do you like malaysia

one night an angel was flying around. She saw a guy is counting sheep at bed: "one, two, three, four, five, six, ..."

the angel removed his left brain, and the guy counts: "one, ..., three, ..., five, ..., ..."

then angel then return his left brain and removed his right brain, the guy counts: "..., two, ..., four, ..., six, ..."

finally the angel removed both brains and the guy counts

"satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, ..."

You people are nice immigrants

Ai cibai

I love Australia. Why we are nice immigrants? Do they behave themselves?

Well bahaved yes, Muslim malays are not overly fanatical here. You bring nice food and generally are a decent group of immigrants.

Longkang betul mulut awak ni! Di larang menyumpah seranah


>being this autistic

I'm glad to hear that. Between Indonesia and Malaysia, which immigrants would you prefer?

Kan. Terkeno siot weh. Nakal orang tu.

Letaklah kereta kebal di dalam pusat beli-belah

Probably Malaysians. Indonesians aren't bad typically but can turn quickly, once saw an Indo hit his wife in public. Malaysians are more open and friendly I find while Indonesians tend to keep to themselves more so.

Hm. Nakal nakal nakal.

I see. Can't deny that we're more open in comparison. I saw many Aussie coming here this month. Is it holiday time in Australia?

Yeah it's holidays time as Christmas approaches, people going on trips because they now have time of work and their kids are of school

Bosan pulak bile off day ni. tak tau nak buat ape.

So it's that time of year, huh. I could tell apart between American and Australian tourists here because American usually fit the bill of the stereotypical tourist while Aussie tends to look more laidback. Is it usual over there in Australia?

To me laid back or go to Malaysia? Australians do choose places on how relaxing it is and lots of Australians visit Malaysia because it's somewhat cheap which is why a lot of trashy bogans go there also unfortunately.

Shitpost dekat Mongolian crocheting forum

>trashy bogans
They could afford the trip too?

Anyway, how to tell apart between a normal Aussie and them?


hi, malaysien bros

what's your view on France and Germany about this muslim terrorists?
since you are a peaceful muslim country, I want to know your thoughts

Bogans somehow afford trips to places like Malaysia and France and I don't know how. Bogans are always drunk and very loud. Wear singlets always and have shitty tattoos. A fat cow for a wife and ratty kids usually also. A bogan guy I knew went there and came back after 3 days because he found out Malaysia is filled with Asian people who he hates. Normal Australians are dressed in more generic clothes and are more respectful, just want to enjoy themselves.

Sini ah

Tak pun >>Sup Forums, >>Sup Forums, atau >>Sup Forums

I got a question: why was your shitty fucking football league included on Fifa 98? I hated that (no offense desu)

i really hate them. you can kill them all for all i care.
t.b.h i couldnt care less about what arab/african muslim did at europe. its your people's fault for bringing them to your country in the first place.

> why was your shitty fucking football league included on Fifa 98
i dont know.

OP here. Idk, not into football/soccer at all. Ask the other Malayanons here.

It's awful. We hate them. A handful of muslim from this country fallen for the doctrine and trick their families and employee and went joining the terrorist. The government is serious in catching personnel who's involved and intent to join this terrorist organisation. They also actively monitoring any suspicious activity on social media about any recruiters from outside. We had a bomb attack this year. We've voiced our opinion and resolution to the international arena but it seems like our voice are kind of shut off.

Based on your description, are these bogans comparable to country bumpkins but more ignorant?


dilarang keras menyumpah seranah. Sila kembali ke kandang awak, ok?

>Sup Forums Sup Forums
haha. kanser tahap gaban

Om telolet om

Yeah kinda, more ignorant, obnoxious and violent though while a bumpkin is more dim but might mean well.

My image of a bogan before this was they're homeless person on the street. It seems that this description kind of new to me. Recommend a good place and the most Aussie in Australia that's not a tourist trap?

>Takut kena kanser
>Mari Sup Forums

Ko salah lubang ni abang hahaha

Di larang berloyar buruk

>NASI GORING dah mai dah

Don't you have some forest fires to start?

I really like Bunbury and Perth. Both have that great beaches and nice climate for the most part. Bunbury has both great beach, nice city and good bushland around it.

>tfw only sentence I remembered from malay class is boleh saya pergi ke tandas

Question for our Southern neighbor: What drives some of them Singaporeans to hate Malaysia with a passion? Is it because Malaysian immigrants?

betul ar lubang ni. tahap ketulahan tempat tu tak terkata. bertaubat dah. haha

Siapa di sini sudah tonton Kimi no Na wa. kat cinema?

...aku torrent je.

eh? ade kat wayang ke? jarang tengok wayang. hehe. selalunya sedot jer online.

Well the quiet majority don't actually hate Malaysia if my experience is accurate. Some people probably hate immigrants in general though, since they allegedly compete with jobs and accept lower pay, therefore reducing opportunities for locals.

Lebih syok kalau tonton di wayang lah. Itu torrent punya video quality tak begitu baik.

GSC dan TGV mungkin masih ada. Aku tak tahu kalau minggu ini ialah minggu terakhir.

Similar to the condition with Malaysia and Banglas... Except that most of 'em come in aided by the PM. They have their own ICs too, making them practically legal Malaysian citizens.

Any Malaysians here?

>Minyak mahal

Aku tunggu novel Gempakstarz jelah

Dumb frogposter

Taubat sekarang, karang masuk balik.

The latest incident of lorry ploughing into Christmas Market in Berlin will likely help far right to win more seats or even government in Europe. The lorry driver - who is believed to be a "refugee" from Pakistan - has made the lives of many refugees from Muslim countries more difficult.

Should all refugees be punished by association to a minority amongst them? Of course not.

The question is how to convince the Western public that they can take in more refugees without risking their own lives with more incidents like this. I don't have a clue on how this can be done. Do you?

Nak cuba MRT baru tapi terlalu malas nak cari tempat letak kereta...

Who cares? It's their problem and I'm not surprised Europe doesn't want any more refugees anyway. I'd be sick of it if I was one of them too.

Cukuplah penderitaan yang ditanggungnya. Tamatkan kezaliman. Hentikan ketidakadilan. Bebaskan Anwar.

Freeing weak people. What a you? A fucking faggot?

>Supporting a golf ball and a hippo

What are you, autistic?

Opposition is a bunch of degenerate virtue signalling cucks

>>Sup Forums

Implying I'm support a bunch of cucks.

I didn't know there's enough malaysian to start their own general thread.

Nice dubs
Maybe Kek will decide for our next election

>Kimi no Na wa
>bukan "Namamu"
Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa, bang.

kermits white assho

aku tak layar 4cina dekat sebulan sbb sibuk nonton smue hary botter movie. asal kita ada thread sendiri?

Kite sabar je tggu torrent keluar. Wayang kat tmpt kite ni tak syok. Macam nak haram je.

Kite bosan awak. Hehe

Bila kempunan takde salji, buat salji sendiri jer lah.

>buat salji sendiri

Kek lapis betol. Haha

Asam laksa tastes absolutely vile

There, I said it!

Then what about Sarawak laksa?

Is there anyway to kick out the Chinese, Malaybros?

who do you hate most?
thai or indo



Y tho

Some of em chinese folk are good.

It's the racists that we should kick out, either ricenigger, currynigger, or gulainigger.

>Gores polisterin
>Panggil salji

Mana ni? Kenape based sangat?

Depends on your taste londanon. I happen to love laksam and asam laksa, but northern laksas just doesn't interest me.

If dubs najib goes down

Let's see, impose more taxes on chink based business, force asimilation or deported to mainland. One child for every chink family. Chink owned business are not allowed to bring imigrant chink to work here. Every chink script must be translated into perfect local language or else. How about your plan?

Indo is kind of my sister, we do bite and get angry to each other but deep inside, we're cute grills who admire each other. We just can't be honest with each other. That's all.

Thai? Definitely hate them. Our brothers of southern Thai is suffering because of the regime and constant brainwashing. They'll silenced everyone who opposed the kingdom.

Between the two, we hate Thai more.

Qiam sesame nanti k~


Ah yes selemat pagi! Nama saya CUNT.

Selamat pagi, puki.

Ada yang kangen sama asap? :^)

Berisik lo, Blake.

Mesin salji la. Dekat pusat beli-belah. Bukan polistrin, macam tin sembur salji palsu tu. Ade kat super save/diy.

Saya pelejaran bahasa Indonesia tahun ini. Tetapi saya gagal.


Iya dong. Salju desu.

O yeke... Tapi bukan yg sembur tin tu macam buih busa ke? Melekit an benda alah tu? Aku tak pernah beli.

Itu bahasa gaul atau emang bahasa baku malay?

Eh, the worst laksa I had was in AS, while my favourite was in Perlis, JB was a bit too sweet (but everything in Johor seems sweet for some reason), the one I had in Ipoh was OK I guess, too busy eating other stuff in Penang and Malacca to try it there.

I'll admit my food tasting has been a secondary aspect of time in Malaysia. I can't claim to be methodical, I just can't remember feeling as ill as I did having sour type laksa, though 50:50 is bearable.


diam la indon bodoh. kau punya azhari tu pun lama nak gampang