Why are Scandi autists so hairy?

Why are Scandi autists so hairy?

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t. Bulgorillan


real map

It's cheaper than buying pants


Isn't that one of those hairy pantyhoses?

this is false. i've been to sauna with scandis million times and finns are always hairier. or scandis just shave their body hair

Inuit heritage

>or scandis just shave their body hair
Likely, given how feminized they've become.


>Central America

This map was made probably by a Costa Rican or an Argentinian/Chilean

I thought the same shit. How they have bodyhair if they have Amerindian ancestry? I live in Maranhão, North of the country and almost every brown commie and leftist look like this: muslim tier.

what the fuck are you talking about it says they're not hairy

argentina and uruguay and mostly european descent so they are hairy

They have too much amerindian ancestry.

I don't know. It's cold?

>tfw hair on hands and back

lol gay
stop going to swedish bastuklubben you're gonna get aids

Why are nipnongs more hairy than chingchongs

look up ainu people

am I nordick? XDD

the bulging veins make it look like a malformed and hairy dick


Am I Aryan?

no you are balkan

You are balkAryan

High test obv

I have doubts

I'm exactly like that

>"""""""""""""""I have dounuts""""""""""""""""""""""""
>"""""""""""""""Procceeds to post image about culture""""""""""""""""""""


>Back hair
You are Arab

I have the same hand, just a little more pale and hairier

I can trace my family back to 1800.

No arab genes. Mostly eastern german and baltic.

Ask your mom if she likes Russian creamy vodka.

How about I fuck your mother instead?

High testosterone.

Higher test. Japs have normal sized dicks.

but they're pussies

All test went to their women

scandi girls here are clean shaven legs pussies etc but i can notice a bit of arm hair

Are they really though? Or is it just a meme?

Doc Miller's hairy Greek encounter.


Is it normal to have hair on your toes?

t. Norwegian, but traces of Gypsy from way back. I'm white, I swear.

>tfw hairy as shit
>very blonde so it's hard to see unless you're really close

>tfw half your beard is light people think you just have patchy growth until it gets long

All memes are obviously accurate descriptions of reality. Sweden in particular.

This. Memes are what's shaping our reality. It's the only thing not bound by spacetime.

most hobbit looking foot I've seen to date

protects them from cold?

sauce pls

Næmmen faen, it's time to to on an adventure, then.

Because it's cold

why are Japs the hairiest Asians?

>Northern Eurocucks

i suppose

this shit is wrong af, im iranian and i have enough bodyhair for the entire east asian male population

It's probably true. It's usually lighter and not as thick as southerners though. I assume this map is the percentage of the body covered by hair. Face, chest, legs, arms and back is basically +70%.


Oh my god, my foot looks like a sand nigger's compared to yours in the skin tone.

Simple. They have all been replaced by meds by now.

cute af desu

you have to go back

Six months late adolfo

helps against mosquitoes, and it doesn't look half-bad when it's very light and not dark T*rkfur.