/mena/- Big Head Scientist Edition

we wuz kangz and shieeet

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merry christmas muslims :) thanks for the card you sent to berlin, the delivery driver was a bit excited to deliver it though

Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a very merry Christmas. Peace and goodwill to all during this festive season. God bless.

merry christmas, lads

we're better pilots than we are drivers, sorry blud

merry christmas

dude dead people lmao xd meeeeme haha death xddd

haha surprisingly no one's killed anyone in the name of christianity this year :)

just sleep it off, you pile of shit

merry christmas to you too

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Nice pasta

So global warming is already pointing with its desastrous effevt and you're cutting even more trees just for your vapid traditions?

Christianity is killing the planet.

ⴼⴰⵜ ⴼⴰⵜ ⴼⴰⵜ ⴼⴰⵜ

not done in the name of christianity
islamic terrorism is done in the name of islam

Most people buy plastic trees and keep it for some years. This isn't the middle ages.
For us we have a fir tree in out backyard that has been the Christmas tree for 20 years.
And most Fresh trees are Farmed, it's like saying harvesting wheat is bad for the environment.

what does it say

ⵙⴽⵉⵏⵏⵢ ⵙⴽⵉⵏⵏⵢ ⵙⴽⵉⵏⵏⵢ

It still has more disastrous effects than crimes in the name of islam. What a shame in a time of rising ecological awareness.

They could be planted instead

I hope Mona and her autistic Dutch friend die a slow painful death Mexican cartel style.
By chopping their hands and legs
Peeling their face off while they are still alive
Then burn them and laugh at their screams

make your dreams come true

Hello, I am algerianfag and I am 13 years old. Provided below are some statements and questions I have for this world:
-which race is the whitest race in the world? it's surely not the white race.
-I'm on Sup Forums and I want Moot to ban certain posters I don't like even spread my buttcheeks for Moot
-I'm on Sup Forums and I forget Moot doesn't work here but that doesn't matter I can claim anything I want
Some other bullshit etc..
Even though that autist doesn't know I said DARK moot which is not moot. But he's probably a new fag


If you don't know about something don't talk about it.
You gays consume more wood than the average christian.

I want to do this to them but burn them instead of behead
This is not full video though
someone on Sup Forums posted the full video
But I forgot the link

that's mighty autistic

Edgy post m8

Just pray for them to die.
I do that every day.
One day Jesus will deliever

If you call this edgy
Then you have never seen mexcian cartel executing people
with chainsaws
They make isis look sissy

Actually plastic qnd artificial trees rqise more concerns over the environment than natural ones and not all natural ones are farmed.

You seem to be tge one not knowing what you're talking about, as per your habit.

Sucking dick has no impact on the environment. Most ecological gesture ever.

Look at your gay prides, Wasting plastic more than anyone.
And All natural ones are farmed otherwise they'd be 20 Meters long.

t. Never went to a gay pride.

Implying there aren't wild trees of varying and smaller sizes.

The planet is losing all its forest and all christians know to do is wasting more trees.

>attacker in berlin targeted a christmas market, a place known for wasting resources
>he comes from the religion of peace
>he cares about the environment
>religion of peace color is green
>green + peace


Those shed needles quickly. Which means they're shitty.
People don't cut natural trees for Christmas. End of story.
And I don't want to go to a gay pride, but by pics I see there is more plastic than in a Korean fashion show, and there are more than one in the world which is a danger to the planet.

reminder that christmas trees are carbon sinks, grown specifically for the purposes of being cut down and absorbing large amounts of co2 in the process

>talking about climate change to distract people from the horrendous consequences that are specifically advocated for by your religion

Plus when Christmas is done the tree gets sent to a place where each part will be separated and used (I.e wood as Lumber, Needles as fertilizer/Perfume etc..)

The farmed trees have as much of an impact of the environmemt.
They coupd have been planted to compensate but vapid christian tradition need them to destroy the planet


>The farmed trees have as much of an impact of the environmemt.
yes, they absorb large amounts of co2

i know you're from a desert but things don't need massively energy intensive farming methods to grow here

Fir trees can grow anywhere From Semi Arid climate to Tundra... Why the hell do you need these shitty farming methods.
Wheat farming destroys the planet more than Christmas, does that mean it should stop?

I'll have you know north africa was the granary of rome and the coast is still up farming and has its own variety of fir trees, except for those lands destroyed by french and white people.

You could have a more eco friendly traditoon but you choose to have decqdent traditons. Merry christmas planet!

You forgot the female roleplaying part ʕ•̫͡•ʔ

hilalis are white people now ?

I was to tired to write it, anyways can you please seek attention in another general?
You waste of Atoms

i'm confused, the article you posted clearly states that the trees aren't wild, more trees exist in the world because there is demand for those trees

would you prefer for less trees to grow? that seems bad for the environment

-___-" i think you're being a hypocrite

You presenting a false binary alternative. How about don't touch any tree for the sake of an arbitrary tradition.


I think you're being a faggot, please move to /NEDERDRAAD/ or where you belong, thank you.

Also how do you translate? Because its actually wrong. Give link plz ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Hilalis destroyed most of the fir forest in the tell Atlas because Amazigh people hid in there and Araps are scared of forests.

Is it true white people were created by a mad scientist in the Caucasus Mountains?

.___." But i do go there
.-.besides i cant speak so good dutch ( ๑͒・(エ)・๑͒)

Why would that make them white?

>Tunsu logic

No it's not.
you wrote using lexilogos.com/clavier/tamazight.htm with English words, which can be seen since that keyboard lacks the O and the P which is why your O's and P's are visible in Latin.
Please move away from here now.

Because you said only the lands white people ruined have no firs...
Then go to /Brit/

this tradition encourages thousands of trees to be planted every year user, why is that a bad thing?

.___." Then i wrote it wrong idk
.---." Why can you attention whore here though?

because look where I'm from and at my flag..

Because then the growing reaches an industrial scale and then hurts the environment. The trees aren't eco friendly.

Planted treess are rare and can't counterbalance.


Glorious nation of Kazakhstan, best exporter of potassium in central Asia

Nice numbers
Ive had algerian in me plenty of times though *。ヾ( ´ /// ` )ノ゙*。

Jeez we get it, you are white nordic tribes who were oppressed by the ugly brown shitskin arabs. Just get over it with your endless rants about muh heritage.

You're still an attention whore fake kenza morsli-quick-i-need-to-tell-that-I'm-not-muslim-and-I'm-white.

Don't deserve those digits


no one here implied what you said butthurt fag

>Kenza Morsli (Arabic: كنزة مرسلي) is an Algerian singer born in Algeria on 27 July 1990.[2] She became notable after her performance in the 2014 edition of Star Academy Arab World
>star academy
wait, that shit is still on?

No you implied even more retarded things which is a feat on itself my bani drahem dweller.

She has an army of pre pubescent girls on twitter and instagram trying to keep her relevant. But maybe now the switched to souhila ben lahchab.



Look at it on the bright side: i could have been political cancer *。ヾ( ´ /// ` )ノ゙*。

>souhila ben lahchab
you are making me google lots of shit tbqh

wish there was a variant of islam for racist white people such as myself, or a variant of christianity that is similar to islam

quite like islam tbf


>tfw you will never be a sufi dervish waging jihad from your comfy mountain ribat

and what there retarded implication , mr gay detective



there's a bright side to you? I thought you are not white

Benjamin netanyahu

smart choice

bibi all day erry day

Gee why would you bring whitness on a discussion related to ecology or desctruction of fir trees.

Of all the sfaqsis in town we had to have tthe retard one.


>And most Fresh trees are Farmed, it's like saying harvesting wheat is bad for the environment.
This 100%, I knew a family friend who had two christmas tree farms where they grew different varieties.

As a gay man no one will protect me. Burn them, burn them all.

israel and jordan have some gay rights tho


Israel only has right for jews. Otherwise you're backstabed by a curly haired jew. Shit way to die

So correction: As an Algerian gay man.

Reminder this is the kind of cancer you're allowing when you engage we wuz tamazgha posters
Why'd we have to get the Maghrebis from Berber regions on here i wonder

Top fucking kek

I just wanted to troll deus vult christians on here. It partially worked.

triggered .
also israel can be pretty for some arabs

all what they said is true btw

t. Shitskin from Oued Souf


That is great I think other Arab countries should follow suit.

Unfortunately there are still ways to persecute with laws other than the anti gay ones (public offense)and the vast majority of the population hasn't changed views.

There needs to be more systemic wide pushes to protect those rights in Jordan

I wouldn't feel more safe in Jordan than in any other Arab country desu.

the only solution is ayyrabs abandoning Islam which is impossible

You're a 'shitskin' yourself. Self hating much?

Cucks like you who import racial considerations in Algeria should have been genocided.

is that the algi uncle tom constantly sucking /fr/'s cock ?

unlce toms are 100 times better than niggers, nigger

I take back what i said Berbers can be cool like everybody else, just not them
Algerianfag can be cool when he wants to as well
talks out of his ass a lot though

I'm pretty sure it is

>Taking every post seriously.

>hating el jboura is self hate