Is he white?

Is he white?

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably could've passed as southern European.

>After firing at the ambassador, the man, dressed in a suit and tie, shouted in Turkish: “Don’t forget Aleppo. Don’t forget Syria" etc etc.

He looks like a typical Greek.

So no.

He's so good looking.

Whiter than most Southern Euros desu

But thats a low bar

"Hack this, faggot."

Judgind by how shitty TT is and the flag, I'd bet it was made by the same person who did the "modern women thread'.

Someone maymay-brained and desperately trying to fit in...

literally chad tier facial aesthetics


He's caucasian.
But these days white means no black hair and being as pale as an albino, so no.

he's handsome ;_;

white in places like brazil/argentina etc. where they consider sandnigger to be white

here he'd be seen as a dune coon, same in america

>Golden Stone


Whiter than the average american, that's for sure.
Shitty assassin, he will not receive a good achievement.
Хммм, cвeжиe пoнчики. Cнимaю шляпy, мы из ФБP.

He looks really good in that suit not gonna lie

totally white in Argentina

You would also expect someone doing something like this to look a bit more shaken and sweating and stuff but he looked alpha as fuck

attractive people look good doing anything

>the only time people say positive things about a turk is when he assassinates ambassadors

yes turks are hwhite

fresh OC coming through




In Soviet Russia, the bodyguard shoots you!

I got this from Sup Forums

but the cops (?) that shot him were probably roachkin too?

They were. But Sup Forums has difficulties in firing up their neurons, despite all those memes about "really makes u think".

He looked very attractive and handsome. What a pity he has died...

war soon?

is this real?

war NOW

If you are a Muslim you immediately give up the rights to whiteness.

who remembers, when the seljuks committed their crimes against armenia?

Is Nayzak the living proof that Islam is a symptom of autism?