If a chic is this easy am I talking to a bot?

If a chic is this easy am I talking to a bot?

you hit the jackpot bro, go have fun. Hope I don't see either of you on cnn

Not necessarily, when ugly girls like that break up with their boyfriend they need validation from sex.

Whats sad is that I'm still a fucking virgin, and I've got 2 girls on tinder asking me to hookup.

run bro bro
too easy
dont get stuck.
other dude left for a reason
dont be the next one.

Ask for a full frontal nude to see if she is worth your time


fuck her say yes bro, but have her come to you so you dont get jumped

It's a bot Sup Forumsro. I saw another thread a couple weeks ago and another user called out what she would say word for word. Sorry man


Start asking her questions that a bot couldn't have a pretyped response to like 'what was the weather like yesterday?' ect

Virgin detected

it's a bot user

>bag of sand

Second one I found

kinda thinking that as well I'm just fucking around.

Topkek they both say the exact same thing the fuck maybe a bot


What the fuck are you doing nigger!!

confirmed bots

chatting to a bot dude i had the same
UKfag here

being honest, and I was 99% sure it was a bot.

If I say I'm Chad thundercock when I don't know shit about fucking girls i'm gonna get run out

mfw I live a quarter mile from mid rivers

Yikes I wouldn't have said your inexperienced IMO

Had the same tinderbot 2 weeks ago. Will ask to verify you're real with website link soon. Gg

OP if that's tinder you can see if they are real if they have their Instagram profile linked to their account. If it was a bunch of pictures and stuff on it then you're in the clear.

I got that EXACT message recently, its a bot.

i've got 3 fucking bots talking to me right now......

fuck my life

Just start sending them "prove you're not a bot. what is nine divided by three?"
Spell every number out.

>Being a faggot
Fuck sake, my sides. Just cum in her pussy then leave you retarded faggot.

>Just cum in her pussy
What's the worse that could happen?
>do you want an AIDS baby, because that's how you get one.

>Aids baby
Why the fuck would I care? If I was "inexperienced" like faggot Op it's not like I'd ever see her again.
>it's her aids baby
Not mine.

Literally getting the same messages atm.

Sounds like a bot, or her sister.

their real

Bot bot bot bot bot !!