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Miscellaneous #6894
I am the liquor
Have you ever found nudes online of a chick you know irl? Post pics and stories
MFW Sup Forumstards pretend to be sexist to fit in with the edgy cringecrowd. find one flaw in hilary that isn't sexist...
Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread
Rule 34 on the 404 girl
The science is here people, home made to perfection
Probably going to kill myself in the next few days. AMA. Literally anything will be answered
No Facebook fap thread? Let's fix that
Late night emo thread?
Trips gets tits and creepshots(taken by her father) of my butterface cousin
What is a normal day for Sup Forums, what do you do?
HG Part 2: Doggo & Bird Games
Ask an Oakland Raiders cheerleader anything
Old thread died, don't worry nothing happened
>>689498800 >>689498801 >>689498802 >>689498803 >>689498804 >>689498805 >>689498806 >>689498807 >>689498808 >>689498809...
ASMR thread? ASMR thread
YGYL: You Groove You Lose thread. BONUS if you can give sauce for this song
Time to poorly describe video games
What's the the worst country on Earth. Pro-tip: It begins with U and ends with A
Random porn thread
Can we get a thread where we post kik of girls and we send them dick pics asking them to r8? If you get any wins post em
Wanna fap to my gfs nudes with me?
Whats the story on this, also inb4 summerfag, not really just never really paid attention
How do I get over my ex Sup Forums
Just forced a mod to fuck me, and I got it on vid, Sup Forums:
Wanna jerk to this bitch's nudes Sup Forums?
Hey there Sup Forums, its time I give back!
Trips names my sister's lizard we've had forever but never named. It's a girl btw
You know the drill, post snapchats, others send dicks
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, Sup Forums:
Got pics of my stepsister in the shower, trips get full nudes
Alphas of Sup Forums I need woman advice
Running from police stories? I'll start
Holy fucking hell /b look what playboy "plus" has done to Emily Bloom! Turned into a make-up Kacked shit show is what
Self harm thread
Did any nasty images from Orlando make it to Sup Forums?
I'm going to create true artificial intelligence and have a working theory of the human brain...
Slam Tight Piggy
Turn around, see Jesus Christ of Nazareth, what do?
Fluffy thread initiated
Stoner thread?
Hebephilia thread?
Lets get an r34 thread going in here
H/Fur cont. cont
Stop right there Sup Forumsro...
S/fur thread part 2
Waifu claiming thread
Fucking terribly describe games and other anons guess
Sup Forums what is wrong with me? I'm 17 by now
I have had this huge cuck fantasy and my gf has been going along with it role playing sexting etc
Poorly Describe some video games
This again
Do you play League of Legends?
Would you fuck ? I Have more if interested
Wincest/Incest thread
Get yourself banned Sup Forums
New celeb thread
Im 14 ama Proof in the picture ASK ME ANYTHING!
You know what to do Sup Forums
Why are porn stars getting fat?
No rekt thread?
Help me Sup Forumsros i fucked up bad...
Who would you fuck?
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, Sup Forums:
I'm going for first place, dubs decides where
Why do Americans need a gun like this?
Let's get a chubby / bbw / fat thread going
First three words that come to mind
Florida thread. 772 checking in
Omegle/Chatroulette Wins?
Overwatch porn?
Lets build the best reaction folder
S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again
At the bus stop, bout 10 people sitting next to me
Kek, so did anyone actually end up buying one of these?
I'm bored. What's a good movie to watch?
Dubs for tits. trips for kik
Which would you fuck thread
Guys i took acid a while ago
So I guess she can't be our favorite anymore
Attempt v2
Twink thread, Sup Forums. I dare you to make me cum
Pics you shouldn't share
Does anyone still got her Leaked Photos?
Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread
What should I do to my cock??
Evens sleep, odds fap. Dubs watch gay porn, trips stay up all night
Hey Sup Forums would you fuck my sister?
Send me snapchat usernames. You know the drill
Pizza night faggots
Girls with guns thread
Be me
Havnt seen such a good movie like this in a long time
Any other small-dicked guys seeking a domme mistress?
I was once banned from Sup Forums for posting a nude pic of a bitch that someone thought was CP. A pic, might i add...
HG Thread: Late Nite Edition
Would you breed me Sup Forums?
It's that time again
Name a more beautiful woman
S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again
Rate my dick
Illinois thread
Ham it up in here
Do u like Butthole fetish?
I need a drawing of this chode being hugged. Add precum if possible
Islam debate thread?
My wife. You like ?
I feel like killing myself
You Mad black bois?
What smells trigger the best/worst memories for you all? I'm curious - for me the best is baked bread...
I don't know why I'm posting this but her tits are too big for her age or something
Right or left?
Negress thread
Dubs will go to hell
Anyone in here from this mornings threads for my nigga Sam?? Are you still here Sam? Happy birthday man hope it was good
Im at friend's house for the night and Im jacking off. Dubs decides what I do
So I got this cat, his name is Butters, from some random person on Craigslist. Seemed like a nice guy...
Trips unlocks complete 4K video
Roll dubs to see her nudes;
Wake up this morning
Drop them teens
Trips names my new dog
Go away evil dogger
Feet thread
Sup b
Loli Thread
Hey Sup Forums my friends bought me this as a joke gift for my graduation but now I don't know what to do with it...
YLYL faggots
Sitting here with a glass of shitty wine. It gets progressively less shitty with each glass. Anyhow: roll...
Picks yew shoodint Cher
Why do Americans need a gun like this?
Ohio thread. 216/440 checking in
Anyone know what this pill I found today is?
Tell me Sup Forums, who is she? How much does she mean to you? And how's the relationship between you two...
Me and my friend made a bet that you Sup Forums pussies couldn't roast worth shit
What would you do to her?
Let's clear this up
On my last thread we discussed best anime
H/fur cont
Hi Sup Forums
Comfiest WoW zones?
Waifu claiming thread
Back then vs now thread
How often do you think about suicide?
Hey 4chins! I bring gift
Aesthetic thread. I'm high. Post trippy shit
Witch one, Sup Forums
What grinds your gears Sup Forums?
I'm not your pal, buddy
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, Sup Forums:
Fb booty thread
You aww you loss thread
Ask a 21 year old drug dealer that has made $100.000 in a year anything
ITT: we re-write Sup Forums's rules
Can someone tell me who she is?
Creepshot thread part 2
Udders thread?
This is my GF so dubs decide
Ask a a male nurse anything. Picture is one of my current patients
Option 1:
Just found out my sister is an escort in vegas...fml
Fluffy thread
>>689472000 >>689472001 >>689472002 >>689472003 >>689472004 >>689472005 >>689472006 >>689472007 >>689472008 >>689472009...
Its not gay if its a feminine dog dick
Pale girls thread
8 ball time/b/
Taylor Swift thread! Clothed, nude, fake, it doesn't matter as long as it is Taylor
Post itt or u die lol
Fucking stupid americans...
I am looking for the Dragon warrior, have you seen him?
Ask a licenced forklift operator anything
Describe your life with 1 gif
Besides being fucking sexy as hell...
Willa Holland bf insta hacked. Trips gets censored nudes, mb more
S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again
Cock r8 thread
Give me your exes and i will rate.. also will dump any noodz if if find them and answer your questions
Asian QT thread?
Cuckthread, post gf/wife and say what youll do to them and request a picture
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, Sup Forums:
Post the last image you downloaded to your computer. Doesn't matter what it is, no cheating
We act all calm and nice to each other...until someone gets trip then we lose our shit
Ass thread
Suck it Amerifats
Imagine you had the ability to enter "theater mode" similar to a spectator mode in a video game
Im looking for a job that does not drug test, any ideas?
Dark Souls thread
Drawthread: do whatever edition
Any word on the hypothetical deep fried girl?
Any doctorfags here? Am I kill?
What does Sup Forums think of Bob Ross?
A man has dubs thread
Computer problem: Toshiba laptop (which is at work so I don't know exact model) got forced (from win 7) to windows 10...
I just got picked up by a chatfish!! Going to her house will keep you up dated! Car smells like cats
Perfect breeding stock
Finishing Game 4:
PA thread! Post your PA nudies and sluts Sup Forumsrothers
Sup Forums aside from going to jail and other punishments give me one legit reason not to rape any and every woman I...
Anime feet thread
Waifu claiming thread
Feminism hate/cringe thread bois
Continuation of last thread
How much would you have to be paid to lick the cum off this erect cock and swallow it?
Some days ago I fucked my older sister. Posting it again for newfags' sake. Bring me quads, get link
Because I'm feeling nice, I'm gonna teach you Newfags how to greentext
Photo below yours is your new Steam profile pic for a week
Get fapping
New celeb thread
People who are not edgy 14 year olds what's your opinion of the shooting?
Newfags cant triforce
Ylyl thread
What did he say Sup Forums?
How do I ask a girl to have sex with me Sup Forums? I'm a lonely virgin and I want to do the sex...
What does Sup Forums think of this 12 year old girl's? The one on the front has a crush on me (I'm 23) and TBH I think
Sup Forums, what is the best anime?
God Tier MILFS only ITT
Games #3 - #4:
Im looking to better myself as person i changed my sleep schedule so i have more time what "arts" or skills should i...
Weird things you do and see if other anons do to
Wallpaper thread
Info thread
Rekt thread: child edition!
Anyone know her name?
Need reaction pics, Sup Forums. Fill my folder
Dubs go to sleep. Trips leave Sup Forums forever
Hey Sup Forums I need an easy way to get a bowl or a pipe without parents knowing. Also general stoner thread
Hi friends :) you guys liked me and my brothers videos and pictures yesterday so we decide to come back just ell us if...
Fat thread?
Spongegar thread
Anybody want me to model some panties? :)
I feel alone
ITT: We flaunt our power levels!
What's the best soda and why is it vanilla coke?
Color war continued. Save green for me Sup Forumsros
Hey guys I'm new to Sup Forums. Which boards should I visit
Who's ass would you smash left or right
Pics you shouldn't share. Contnued
What's the worst thing a gay person has done to you personally? You act like they go around and fuck your girlfriends
Found this fucker outside my house. Trips activates my stove
It's dat cancerous meme
Gay sex with hats on, minus the hats
Anyone else want to get dominated and controlled by a family member?
You must post in this thread, or you will get pic related
U cum home fr0m werk
Poorly describe a game and guess what it is
5 of these are poisoned. If you eat it you are kill
Why don't you eat more acid?
So since I know all you retarded faggots don't know how to hack or do shit. I'm going for the lels and lol...
Most passable trap thread
Faces of Sup Forums #2
Hey Sup Forums :)
Ask a guy who's counselled victims of child sex abuse anything
Next gen roulette bitch
Game #1:
Porn Webm thread?
Faces thread cont
Hot ass dubai prostitute , decide what i write her back
Why not. my kids hate me. the love of my life hates me. friends dont care. life is going no where
How do i easily kill myself?
Black booty thread
Fuck one
Ask a mormon anything
There must always be a bread
White boi mad cuz I got it lik dat
Dubs decides what ethnic group gets massacred next
Would you let her lock you in chastity?
Dubs and I send it and post her reactions
Let's get a good thread going for this bitch. Thoughts on her?
Get in while it's hot
Waifu claiming thread
Whats your thoughts on faggot massacre?
Want to start a dedicated Thick/chubby/BBw thread, share your pictures here
Anyone know anything about pills here?
Would you?
Sup Forums I have a paper, who do you think is responsible in a self driving car accident?
So.... I am a Iraq war vet. (Not looking for thanks)..... I can't relate to my wife, or the people I work with...
Found a sad streamer basically talking to himself because he has no viewers, i think Sup Forums should pay him a visit
You fall in love, you lose
Women have to get fucked, deal with pregnancy for 9 months and all that comes with it, give birth, then RAISE the baby
Daily Mostly Enjoyable Berserk Thread
Tinder thread. Stories, win, pics etc
Desktop r8 thread v2
New drawthread
My hard drive got corrupted
/feg/ Hunger Games thing because mods
Anons briefly explain the ending of a video game and other anons try to guess part 2. I'll start
So uh, I found an old box of pictures in my parents place. Found a set of pictures of my own birth...
Why would somebody kill 50 people that had done nothing to harm him?
S how many of you conspiracy faggots are claiming false flag?
Anyone want more of this bitch?
Dubs names my new corgi
Describe the ending of a video game and other anons have to guess it
Feels aesthetics thread
How does it feel, blackboi?
Let's play a game, Sup Forums
G/fur. Tranny, trap, femboy preferred
Mini color war. Can't attack each other until all white tiles taken! May luck be ever in your favour...
Faces of Sup Forums, rate and all that jazz
Okay Sup Forums, I want to fuck a trap/sissy/cd/shemale. How do?
What if we've been thinking of this all wrong?
New FB Fap thread
Fluffy Cont
Name a better Star Wars character than this bad motherfucker
Rekt thread?
Box thread
Dick R8
U know what to do
Kik thread
Waifu claiming thread
Coke or Pepsi?
Pics you shouldn't share #727191
Key guy here.. this is what we were left with from the last thread and his "riddle".. should I go check it out...
Why don't you own an AR-15 for self-defense and to protect your family, home and country?
Another korean girl thread. dump all yr cute pics of k-girls ty ty
Give me 5 reasons why i should dump the whole set
Hi Sup Forums, I am a white American guy who has been living in India for 8 years...
I've become addicted to sharing my gf even though I shouldn't...
It's just like over 9000 other camwhores you saw before
Pics that make you go wtf
Post your spookiest spoopy stories itt
Is this girl fuckable? How would you fuck her?
Rochester, NY Thread. Any poor fucks live in this soulless hellspawn of a city?
Cringe Thread
In school, guess which country I am and I'll scream whatever you want in class
I demand your participation in a contest of sexual endurance!
Are you going to see Ghostbusters 2016?
I had a devils threesome with my girl, is this the end of the relationship?
New twitter name
Just got up from my nap
Pepperoni is back
Sexy family member thread, post creeps/nudes/pics of family members you want to fuck
Post the first three things that come to mind
Learned my lesson last time I did this thread -- it's not possible to keep up with the number of requests I get. So:
Autism thread. Post everything exceedingly autistic, for better or worse
Walk into apartment
Trips da key
Should I suck a big, juicy cock behind my girlfriend's back...
Why do gays bother you...
Faces, comment, suggest improvements
Anybody want some shit steam keys? leftover hidden object crap from bundles
No ylyl ylyl
Yo faggots I have a humble bundle key that I'm willing to part with, roll double dubs to cop this piece of shit
Fb Fap Pt. 2
Perfect bodies for breeding
Dubs decides my GT for xbone
It's time
It's time for another round of The Most Dangerous Game!
Just to let eveyone know there is someone on here pretending to be me spreading nudes of my wife and asking people to...
Hunger Games Bread, first 48 are in
Does Sup Forums like Rammstein??
How do you turn off situational awareness?
Canada thread
Creepshot/webm thread
Teen Nude Thread
What is the greatest civilization of all time and why was it the Romans?
Key guy here! I am uploading the film.. it is crazy as hell. Hold on, my phone is buggin.. bump thread please
Thick teens
Hey Sup Forumsros i need some Orlando shooting jokes
Good evening, I'm back. The game is simple: you tell me your problem, and I give you the solution...
Hot teacher thread
Describe the ending of a video game and anons try to guess it
Hmu with your girlfriend's or someone you want to see nude's snapchats
Count to 5 for nudes
Which one would you pick to fuck?
Free steam games, first code
Request: Cotton Hill holding a gun outside PULSE Orlando saying i killed fifty men
Loli thread
Would you let your mom suck you off?
Who's your favourite celebrity that you want to fuck?
I need a good dicking like nobody's biz. i havent had sex in weeks and im getting antsy
Hey Sup Forums guess what's in my omelette
Waifu claiming thread
Yo Sup Forums should I buy this guitar
Random webm thread
Sup Forumsrothers I come to you for advice
If im a dude and want to get fucked by a tranny with a big i gay or not?
Be me
Fuck it, drawthread
Age, based on desktop thread
Is speed (amphetamine) + alcohol a good combo?
Hey b/ my friend doesnt believe me when i tell him how fucked up in the head you all are. help me out here
Share your best rough porn continue
Best thing about working in a bar? Getting phones handed in that don't have passcodes. Tonight- the girl on the left...
Whoever posted pics of this girl and promised a video, we know you're out there. You're a fucking fraud
Faces of Sup Forums and rate thread, round two
Hello Sup Forums, how do I throw a kunai straight?
Just saw this story. Anybody got the link to the Full uncensored video?
You Boner You Lose
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Is it bad to feel indifferent regarding the Orlando shooting?
Hey fags i have about 300mb of pics and videos of females most of them from instagram sluts and from Sup Forums dubs...
I can bet any amount of money that I fucked up worse than anyone of you ever have
Girlfriend and I broke up after a 5 year relationship. Don't know what to do, please help
Hurry Sup Forums I need the most offensive picture you can muster
Pokemon Box
Overwatch r34 thread
ITT: We are a bunch of normal white people. As soon as someone rolls trips...
One Question-
Pic's you shouldn't share
I am a member of Orlando P.D
0-4 You go to Heaven
Why on earth do you need the 2nd Amendment?
Dank meme thread
Have 10k disposable
Ask an Argentine boi anything
Who is hotter? This girl?
Criticize her
Hello Sup Forums
So i just vomited blood all over the floor
FB thread!
ITT Street Justice
Roll to discover your role in Sup Forums's magic adventure
Okay, roll game. The last number of what you roll is how many days you have to go without masturbating...
More like this
Op deliver thread
Roll evens to fap, odds to kill yourself
Cuckold thread cont
Alright Sup Forumstards
Your age:
Dubs decides what i say, you fags know what to do
Creep shot!
I have a question for all the automatic rifle owners :
Waifu claiming thread
Non Nude Pictures You Could Fap to. Part 2
Hey englishfags. How's it feel to get your fucking asses kicked by the Russians in France yesterday? Topkek...
Rekt Thread plz
Any annons here got their sister to have sex with them? Pic related
I am not going to lie, I just need better links than this shit
Tell me Sup Forums. What's your excuse for not fucking a fruit yet?
Good afternoon Anons
Alright Sup Forums let's see the most bizarre porn you have
Serious question guys
I was a virgin until 21
Let's play a game, Part 2
So, Just being direct here. How many of you really give any fucks about this? Honestly...
Porn webm thread
Get thread
Hey Sup Forums! You know the drill, leave your girlfriend's Snapchat name in this thread, I'll send a nude...
Last local girl that drained your balls
What are your thoughts on Jazz Jennings?
If your son died in the shooting would be upset cause he died or relieved cause you'd never have to go to his wedding...
Create your waifu, post it and rate others. Just Copy/paste the link
Good afternoon gentlemen
Holy shit with everything going on in the world today why the fuck don't you not only own guns...
The Great Shift Thread
Incest Thread
Pepperoni is love
What gets you off the most, Sup Forums?
Religion hate thread
YouTubers you've fapped to thread
Does anyone know how to remove the colour?
I rarely ask for help or anything but.. could someone help me with my sister? i need to make it viral
Post sexy sport-girls
You have 60 seconds to identify a flaw in this gorgeous woman's perfect beauty
Fb friends you'd like to bang
I really want to fuck this girl i go to school with. Any ideas?
Faces of Sup Forums
Trib Thread Cont
Tinder thread. Stories, win etc
Substitute Teacher thread
Why don't we kick all the muslims out of the US?
Wife thread/ mine
Rate my gurlfriend i will share nudes
Waifu claiming thread
Continue from >>689411758
Hey, lonelyfag here again. It's all cold and dark tonight
Nude game. Let's go!
Just to let eveyone know there is someone on here pretending to be me spreading nudes of my wife and asking people to...
Let me tell you something Sup Forums
Cringe thread
Any Sup Forumstards here who practise a combat sport?
Dick thread, post your dicks! I guess you can rate them if you want, but really I just wanna jerk off to some cocks
How many alpha points do I get if I fuck a lesbian?
A friend of mine who is a nurse Stolen from her laptop during a house party
Faces of b
Celeb fap thread
If you use these 2 characters in Overwatch your the biggest faggot known to man...
Post a non porn webm
Hi Sup Forums ok i wanna buy headphones but i dont know to much about this things...
Does letting your gf fuck you in the ass with a strapon dildo make you gay?
Stoner music
Bubble thread
Post your pussy
I looked out of my moms basement window today
ITT we post our unsourceables
Who truly rules the internet Sup Forumsros? Us or the pussies over at reddit?
Left or right?
Asian thread? Asian thread
How do I look?
Skinny with big tits
What does the vagina feel like when you slide your dick inside it? Asking because I'm a 20 year old virgin
What if there was a terrorist threat towards the Central Intelligence Agency HQ made from an unknown location...
Been lurking Sup Forums for a while now but does anyone remember those candlejack thr
Is Sup Forums able to solve the rubik's cube in under 5 minutes?
I love how the NRA gets attacked for defending our infrangible right to bear arms...
ITT: we post screenshots of movies paused at 33:33 and others have to guess the movie
This filthy nigboy just had a seizure on his private jet
She's literally right
Your last 2digits are the age of your next sexpartner
Cuckold thread cont
All right faggots, give me something to x ray
Name my squad
Big bear is hungry and wants a salmon can u help him
Only dubs get in the Salty Spitoon
Non Nude Pictures You Could Fap to
A friend of mine just sent me a picture of her BFs cock. WTF. What do?
Hey anons trips or 69 name my knife
Creepshot thread?
Lol can any one find this is this real or fake? and yes i image serched
Hello, care to play a game?
This girl thread
Booty black thread
Worst insult you can come up with
Where's the fucking porn webm thread faggots??
Anyone want more of Tinigirl1 on kik?
And with a new OP, the Color War continues!
YLYL thread
Hajmo Balkanci sa 4chana
Whats keeping you from killing yourself Sup Forums? For me...
Roll for your shitty superpower
Reaction image bread
ITT the best reaction and meme pics you have for Sup Forums
What is Islams view of this guy?
Ask a British Pakistani anything
Post in this thread or your mum will die today in her sleep
Trap thread?
Hidden Cam on Mother in Law/Sister - posting MY hidden pics and welcome all!
Its one of these threads again
Dubs decide what i do with it
The ride never ends
We need a dick in mouth thread
Explain what's going on here please
FB Fap v2
Nude game. Let's play
No fluffy thread?
Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread
Constant fucking sound of people mowing the lawn
New of old >>689398635
If a chic is this easy am I talking to a bot?
Hello Sup Forums
OP has to go, last post. Someone take over here's the board
Trips decide if me, my girlfriend and my old school mate 3some
Things you found on Tinder
Look, I 100% support the 2nd amendment and right to bear arms...
Hey Sup Forums my friend is a trump supporter. Can you photoshop him getting railed by Trump?
Does this picture give you an erection?
Unpopular opinions thread
Marijuana thread
Dubs decided what i say to this cunt
This ain't gay
Make this the most cancerous thread on Sup Forums
Feel like a moron
Poorfag here
I need a new anime to watch. Saw all the good shit
Give me 10 minutes and I'll streak up and down this street and wave my cock at an old lady
All hail our skeleton queen/
Trips names my pipe
If you roll dubs you must kill yourself
Ylyl thread
Stop posting your shitty youtube videos here fucking degenerate
ITT we hold down a key for as long as we can hold our breath
Hey Sup Forums, why would somebody stack their DVDs/CDs like this...
Faggot flatmate thread
Fuck, Marry, Kill?
G/fur horse edition
Oh Hai
Color war cont...wait...what was that!? DID YOU JUST HEAR THE GROUND TREMBLE...
What he did wrong?
Try your luck, Sup Forums
Ask a SJW anything!
What is Sup Forums opinion on the mass shooting
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...