Why don't we kick all the muslims out of the US?

Why don't we kick all the muslims out of the US?

human rights

Fuck human rights. Kick all the Jews out of the USA followed by all the Muslims followed by all the niggers.

then whites n mexicans....this is native land

he said muslims

At what point do their rights take priority over ours (westerners)? We have the right not to be plagued by this filth and their insidious doctrines.

And then all the latinos and whites. The only true American is a Native American.

>Kick all the Jews out
Why would the people controlling the country kick them selves out?

honestly unless a person is at least 1/4th native american they should be kicked out.

If we were to do that, we would start world war three

Why not kick evryone out who werent here the first place but give it back to our red skin people

That's fucking dumb. You do realize that the Indian tribes are technically foreign powers, right?

Nah, of course not. Like I said, you're dumb.

right because this country would be so productive as a drunk and lazy populace.

tbh fam we should finish the job and wipe out the natives. they're genetically inferior, as evidenced by their predilection to alcohol, drugs, crime, homosexuality, molestation etc.

Also, "latinos" are "native Americans" as well, you fucking ignorant faggot.

If you deport them, they win

because you won't have a POTUS till next elections.

he said muslims not humans...


how exactly do they win?
If you remove cancer from your lungs, did the cancer win? no.

kick everyone out, let the us be alone

Not all muslims are as bad as those who have killed for stupid reasons. In fact, i've met very nice muslim people.

First amendment right to freedom of religion

We are, Trump has to win this shit

If Trump wins we're fucked up.

Kick yourself out, yer an immigrant.

Oh, so you can kick Jews out of every country they ever try to take over, but in come the Muslims and you bend over and grab your ankles because you love their rights more than your own all of a sudden? You goyim really know how to piss a Jew off!

Kick out the Muslims they join radical terrorist groups because the places they're supposed to be free in kicked them out, so by kicking them out, we continue to create terrorists

They can get the hell out too and good riddance.

It's the Jews who are behind this. They want the west to be entirely brown people.

kick the whites out, its them that stole the country


No race is truly native to America as humans came here from the land bride connecting North America and Asia. Therefor it belongs to those who completley took ot over with force aka whites

Because you can't kick out an idea.

People convert on their own choice all the time.

We have a name for those people. We call them traitors and degenerates.

No, the natives are the Vikings! They just didn't survive long enough.. Also then no race is native to any continent but Africa

Doesn't mean that they should kill others for being"infidels" so stfu faggot

animal rights

It's US vs THEM!!!!!

And you wouldnt know unless they told you.

When did she say that killing others was acceptable?

That is correct, but at least whites don't go around in modern day and kill people for being so called "infidels"

You're god damn right Sup Forumsrother

No, they kill them for being "niggers"


Yeah except for not eating pork, facing mecca to pray 76 times a day, raping non-muslims without discretion and other telltale signs.

it's 2016 women are allowed on computers you pig.

Blacks and niggers are two different sides of the same coin

How old are you?

Last time I checked its tits or gtfo. Plus you assumed that they are a she so how do you have this info?

How do you assume a person is a "he"? You just do. I've got a 50/50 chance.

No you dont you stupid shit.

Im guessing samefag or something along those lines, everyone knows Sup Forums is primarily male (I dont know numbers, probably at least 70/30)

50/50? More men go to this website than women

I take it you're new around here?

>The joke
>your head

if Jews control this country why are the terrorist winning?

B-b-b-b-but Muslims aren't human

Well i've got actual genetic stats on my side and you've got an idea that everyone accepts but no actual evidence.... so...

because jews are terrorists in expensive suits, user.

The ones that arent just people, at least.

pics or didn't happen

A thread for ignorance to flower like this dill weed it is. You're an immigrant, and a dipshit. If you had even a single iq point you'd shut your racist homophobic mouth, but you do not, rather you and all who agree with you together have a combined iq that delves deep into the negatives, almost as deep as my cock and balls went into your just as ignorant; mother, sister, aunty, wife, daughter, and any other woman in your life. Because all they see is the cock. I mean, white men didn't start the "prairie bigger" racial slur, it was those nit wit women "of yours" that made the comparison between bigger nigga dick and native dick. So shut your mouth and kiss you wife's cum covered lips and be thankful your retard ancestors we're murderous mentally disabled hate monger. If you had even an ounce of the moxy your ancestral dipshits had, you'd already be scalped and tied to a rock with your cock peeled back like the tiny banana it is. ~yours truly, The Lakota that lived here longer than you.

I dont have evidence, but ive seen it produced by moderators in the past. Regardless, its common sense. You can look it up if you havent already realized youre wrong, but that would require effort (im not taking it at least)

Anyway tits or gtfo


Good bait.

>I have no proof
>i'm right though
>i'm horny too
k brah

Lol immediately proving my stance you ignorant shits

Ignorant on your pathetic rant perhaps.

Because they are not the problem, you ignorant, underage cuck

You even type like a woman.

Because liberals worship death.

Thanks I guess? You too?

Whoa check out the edge on these badasses, y'all.

Because real life =/= Sup Forums


Native refers to the first settlers... which were not European. Native Americans are the only Natives in USA. Rest are just immigrants.

Don't you have fire water to drink and a sister or daughter to impregnate?

What is right of conquest?
We took it from you fuckers, now it's ours to defend.

see and shut up, prairie nigger.

>Mfw the same anons are arguing in this thread that were arguing in the last thread






Due to an already unstable political climate with Saudi Arabia and the chance of total economic collapse following lack of oil

Enjoy sharia, Eurocuck.
If you're anywhere else in the world, you're either brown, or not experiencing (((multiculturalism))) on the same scale, and therefore your opinion on removing kebab can be ignored.

>we took it from you fuckers
>we took it

So. Are (YOU) one of the people who invaded native America?

underrated post

There are 100x as many guns in the US as Islamic residents. Clearly it would be easier to remove the latter than the former

Are you suggesting we remove them the German way?

why don't we kick all of the white loners out of the US?

Are you one of the prairie niggers that my ancestors killed?
White people (we) took the land from Indians (them). The land now belongs to the people who took it. Everyone else are our guests.

>kick all the muslims out

For the same reason we didn't kick all the christians out after McVey.

1st amendment freedom of religion

That worked so well in France and Belgium, amirite? Or in England, where parts of the country are under sharia law and it's illegal to talk about how Muslims like to rape little girls? :^)
Or is this the old "le white christian terrorist faec" meme?

You forgot when the Indians fought with us to kill other Indians, and then we bought more land from them with fucking beads, BEADS. We own America because we fought for it built it, made the laws, on the principle of religious freedom.

But the Mudslimes don't want that, it's either their way or die. That's why we have to push them out.

I am jewish and I support this, I don't feel safe walking to my bagel shop in the morning get rid of those mudslims please.

You have to go back too.
tbh I care more about removing kebab than removing shekel though.

Because white people don't start out violent psychopaths, they end p that way by being abused. Muslims are violent from the get go.

Because then noone could get rid of the gays for us

Islam is, when practiced, incompatible with the Constitution. Christianity is not.
Islam exhorts its followers to kill the unbelievers. Christianity does not.
America was founded upon European (and, hence, Christian) ideals. Islam has no place in a European or Christian country.

Christians never killed people? You seriously think that lol.....

Underrated post.

>Christians defended themselves from jihad back in the middle ages so the current jihad is a-okay

Thats the best you can come up with? Crusades, witch hunts, going to foreigner lands converting natives and murdering anyone who wouldn't convert check your privileges white man check em good.

I was talking about the crusades, m8, but
>Christians killed people in the past which is bad because of reasons so now they have to let themselves get killed in the current year

And now the people you don't want will take over and do the conquest thing - then it'll be theirs to defend.
Might makes right and hoowah etc.
Stupid vs stupid because two wrongs don't make a right.

Jeez humanity, grow up.