YLYL thread

YLYL thread
Orlando Edition

Other urls found in this thread:



Trump Trump Trump.

Go to a gaybar, allahu akbar!

My sides are gone







omg lost real quick

Liberal are atheists, right? The couldn't possibly be fending a religion they don't believe in.

It's much more likely liberals are defending the First Amendment right to freedom of religion. It turns out the liberals were defending the Constitution, not Islam.

Conservatives don't believe in the Constitution. They don't defend it. They malign the people who do defend it.

If you have a corporation, your legal fiction agrees in writing to follow the laws of the US and the State. Like the anti-discrimination laws. If you don't think your business is able to abide by the law, then you should stick to your principles and give up your business license.


Fake and gay


Would you guys stop posting this shit

It's so fake it hurts

It was a fucking night club


>faggot jealous he cant blow himself in public

I raged


So many keks had

This is the best one in the whole thread. But we need more muslim walk into a bar jokes

Omar "The Rainbow Reaper" Mateen
Omar "You blast ass, I blast you" Mateen
Omar "Orlando BOOM" Mateen
Omar "Spray and Pray The Gays Away" Mateen
Omar "Gay Day? Spray and Pray day." Mateen
Omar "Fruit Shoot" Mateen
Omar "Ass Ranger Death Arranger" Mateen
Omar "Hey you gay whore, meet my A4" Mateen
Omar "Queen Killing Machine" Mateen
Omar "No Pulse" Mateen
Omar "Holy Wars on Girly Boys" Mateen
Omar "Hes a Lean, Mean, Fag killing" Mateen

the pic and the text don't contradict each other


Liberals don't give a single fuck about the constitution or any civil liberty, they just want to seem like the good guys by defending minorities that don't need defending or shouldn't be defended. They're view on life and the world is so infantile it's a wonder they made it to fucking college.

Warcraft 3 tft
