
Last time I posted DS in /nbbmn/ it got buried under mountains of BM.

I think we deserve our own general.

Nothing But Dungeon Synth September

Why not?


dongeon synth dimanche you loon

I really, really want dungeon synth December honestly, or some sort of month. I feel like having two months in a row of the same music is kinda weird though. September would be ok I guess, but I'd rather have it in the winter or spring, to go with the vibe of the music, and also have some sort of a break between NBBMN. What do you guys think?

anyone here make their own dungeon synth? it seems like one of the easier types of genres to make with a DAW

dungeon synth is my guilty pleasure. So comfy playing rpg's/reading fantasy with it on in the background. Tb h I've kinda wanted to get into larping if I wasn't such a spastic

I have an old Casio I was planning on making DS with, but I need a new audio splitter.

Going to bed. Goodnight.