>puts oil in pasta water
I thought this guy was supposed to be a good chef.
Puts oil in pasta water
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He's a 3-time Michelin stars award winner fucker, what do you do besides typing shite in a korean image-based forum, you sod?
>not doing it ralph cifaretto style
yeah, so they don't stick together. are you fucking retarded?
>he doesn't oil his pasta water
Might get a few bites user. cooking fags get butt hurt
I'm sure a three star Michelin chef who owns multiple restaurants knows much more about cooking pasta than some retard on Sup Forums.
In dry premad paste you don't need oil at least is terrible pasta, i fresh pasta you always do it
Does he eat pasta every fucking day?
I thought not
>not putting salt on your salad
What the fuck are you thinking?
Frozen food needs to be defrosted naturally. You'll fucking kill somebody.
That's bullshit by the way. As long as it's cooked through to a certain temp it doesn't matter how it's defrosted.
If you don't care about taste then sure.
Putting oil in pasta water doesn't hurt it, it just doesn't do anything. Gordon Ramsay was trained to do it that way and keeps doing it because there's been no reason to change.
He probably also takes a certain amount of pleasure in fucking with the "mythbusting" food blogger types, who are pretty obnoxious individuals and tend to be at odds with actual restaurant chefs.
Depends on what we're talking about cooking and how.
It matters in the sense that some parts will be undercooked and others overcooked. I do cook partially frozen hamburger meat all the time, it's just a pita to cut it up and get it cooking right.
>As long as it's cooked through to a certain temp
I must have cooked pasta 1000 times and a few pieces have stuck together maybe three times. I doubt a film of oil floating on the surface of the water would have prevented that.
>implying he wouldn't add the flavor packet after the ramen
You can make food a thousand ways different, but to make it good, like, international cuisine good? I'd follow Ramsay's advice, not user "1000 times pasta" McFaggot.
>Putting oil in pasta water doesn't hurt it, it just doesn't do anything.
It actually makes the pasta slimy so the sauce will slide off while you're trying to eat it.
It keeps it from sticking together. At least it works the past I cook.
only because when you drain it the oil coats the pasta. until that moment the oil cannot and does not touch the pasta or in any way stop it from sticking together.
ramsey is a hack. how often do french restaurants even serve pasta?
Nah, it doesn't, the oil and water separate and it has zero effect on sticking.
Doesn't do this either.
Stops it from boiling over.
you're not pouring the entire fucking bottle of oil you moron, a teaspoon will be good enough. if there's a slimy texture to the noodles you obviously put too much.
>3-time Michelin stars award
it's has the value of a MtG tournament award.
>the "mythbusting" food blogger types, who are pretty obnoxious individuals and tend to be at odds with actual restaurant chefs.
Oh you mean like OP and this guy ?
i hate this meme
>someone criticizes someone
>random turdbucket of a human responds with something along the lines of ''WHY DONT YOU DO IT THEN'' or ''WHAT HAVE YOU ACHIEVED??"
that's not the point, retard
Considering I've seen it do exactly that with my very own eyes, for some reason your post doesn't convince me otherwise.
I usually do about half a cup of oil, and brown half an onion and half a garlic in it, then strain the oil into about 4 cans of pasta sauce.
It doesn't make any difference as long as you move the pasta around every now and then while cooking, especially right after putting the pasta in.
you've watched pasta not stick together after adding oil? how did the water even boil?
Why is Ramsey so based bros? Go watch his show where he features kid chefs. He's genuinely a really cool dude and is more supportive of them than most parents are of their own kids.
I am willing to bet your pasta sucks. I am also willing to bet you have no taste to say otherwise convincingly.
>implying any of you fucking faggots will have to cook for anybody else but yourselves
>implying you can make anything but overcooked spaghetti and instant ramen
>i hate being less than those i criticize and people reminding me of it
It shows.
Who cares, only poor niggers and art students eat pasta anyway
...you add it at the end and then mix it?
You're a funny guy, but you don't know much.
>how did the water even boil?
underage get out
bet you eat fast food every day
fat fuck
>implying that scottish cunt can makes tendies to match mine
>le epik frog meme
It doesn't do shit.
It's something disgusting that amerilards do when they think they know how to cook "pasta" when all they eat in the end is fucking garbage.
my grandma throws like a bowl of salt into the water. she says it needs to be as salt as the Mediterranean lmao
Real Italians out giant meatballs in their spaghetti.
I bet you suck dick every day, faggot
It's pretty easy to criticize people who are more successful than you when you are a fat neckbeard NEET
I make crepes
Cooking Mac & Cheese for your wife's son doesn't count.
>don't post images on a imageboard
what a qt
nice trips too
That is true, "salty like the ocean" is what ever culinary school teaches. It's just seasoning for the pasta as salt is simply a flavor enhancer...like Starbucks selling "Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate".
Go lurk in /ck/ for a while, bud.
italians never out meatballs
their secrets must be kept
Um, fucking no. You have to defrost something in graduated stages of time/temp to ensure that pathogens and toxins produced by bacteria that aren't killed by conventional cooking temperatures don't grow in your food you fucking mongoloid.
Frozen food should be thawed in a fridge.
Adding oil to your pasta water is pointless but it's an oldschool method that isn't used anymore. The idea is that when you strain the pasta, the oil will coat it. It's much more effective to just toss the strained pasta in a very small amount of oil after it's been strained to keep it from sticking. I don't fuck with that typically, I just immediately cold shock the pasta after straining to stop the cooking process (hot food continues to cook when it's removed from a heat source FYI, cooked to order cuts of meat are pulled to rest before reaching their intended temperature and will rise roughly 1 degree per minute for up to 5 minutes) and rinse the excess starch off that causes cold pasta to clump together.
Am fucking chef, can confirm, everybody shut the fuck up about it now.
it's not just here
literally everywhere
Valid criticism can come from anywhere though, not that you should trust everything some nobody says.
Listening to experts is good because they're fucking experts but even experts are sometimes wrong - that's why appeal to authority is a logical fallacy.
If a weeaboo NEET told me not to use a chainsaw backwards (and I don't know why the fuck I am) it's still good advice even if he's not a fucking lumberjack.
It's seasoning yes but salt also raises the boiling point of water so it boils hotter (conversely, it takes longer to come to a boil because of the increased boiling point despite what folksy wisdom woild have you believe) and hotter boiling water cooks whatever is in it more quickly.
that's exactly what I mean
but there's always this hothead who goes THEN WHY DONT YOU DO IT BETTER
This all started because OP criticized Gordon Ramsay for putting oil in pasta water and somebody calling them out on not being a Mich star chef.
Yeah OP used hyperbole and fair enough to call that out but the response also shut down of a valid criticism for no good reason.
This is actually completely fucking wrong. Food poisoning is called poisoning for a reason. You may kill all the microbes but the poison they've shat out is still all there.
Because gen x parents think being critical = being mean so they lather up milenials and whatever they're calling the next generation up with a whole bunch of feel good bullshit that virtually ensures that they'll never actually be good at anything.
ITT: Buttmad murilards who still think spaghetti with meatballs is a classic Italian dish
Ge over it you wanna be connoisseurs, you have no culture and certainly don't know how to cook, your meme chef is an idiot and spaghetti water isn't topped with olive oil.
Oh and by the way, eating mayo from the jar is disgusting
Cold water over boiled pasta isn't a good idea, warm water is better because it also lowers the temperature and doesn't harden the starch.
Spaghetti and meatballs are better than anything Italy has come up with. Also American pizza is the real pizza.
>NY pizza is the real pizza.
>NY is garbage
Award for stupidest post of the week goes to...
>not putting a whole bunch of shit in your pasta water
Pasta roughly doubles in volume when it cooks. Where do you think that's coming from? If your water tastes like water then so will your pasta.
This doesn't have anything to do with superheros, so please don't post it on this board.
judging by his youtube channel he mostly goes for white trash comfort food and doesn't err much outside of his comfort zone, so yeah now knowing that pasta only sticks when overcooked sounds about right
That's a good point but in practice I'm a bit of a hack.
Yeah, except oil isn't water soluable, floats on top and doesn't get absorbed into the pasta.
>He wants his pasta to stick
Yeah, no.
Learn how to cook.
Idiots. Adding oil to the water does not keep the pasta from sticking. It does two other things, however. It prevents the water from boiling over, and it coats the pasta in oil as you pour it out. Basically, it frees up some of your attention and time. Wether you want it coated or not is another matter. Some do, some don't. Depends on how you're going to serve the pasta, as well.
What prevents pasta from sticking is salt and a good, rolling boil.
fucking here we go...
oh god, are you one of those fucks who puts garlic and bay leafs and shit in with their pasta? please leave this planet
ITT: appeal to authority fallacy
Failure to read the thread fallacy detected
Surely declaring that someones entire cooking credibility is overridden by putting oil in pasta water is a fallacy in the first place.
pasta is white trash comfort food though
>Only turn a steak once
>Turn it every minute
Muh niggy, what do you put in them? I always make them for manicotti but never anything else.
Both he and Marco Pierre White do this.
you're supposed to put the oil in after you've removed the water
and the pasta
>Only turn a steak once
that's the only way to do it
>turn it every minute
pants on head retarded
>tfw you can't cook
don't listen to the edgemasters online, if it's edible and you like it you're good, everything else is a plus
I've always added oil to pasta water. What's wrong with that?
blood and fat are what give the meat flavor u pleb fuck
I just put some butter on top of my pasta to keep it from sticking, how pleb am I?
I don't like it
maybe i should just crack an egg over rice or some meme
This idea needs to die already.
Yes, the boiling point gets higher as you add salt to the water, but you need 30 g of salt per litre of water to raise the boiling point by 0,5ªC, and nobody ever adds such a huge amount of salt unless they feel like eating crispy salty spaghetti.
I don't think I've ever added more than 20 g of salt in 4 liters of water which would be a difference of less than 0,1ºC and that'd have literally zero effect on the outcome.