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Television and Film
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Television and Film #693
Television and Film
Movie night snacks
How can you continue to enjoy films and television when you take the red pill and realize they are just a tool of the...
ITT: Recasts that turned out better than the original
What gives?
Protagonist has sex with girl
Seems like proof that most people being called Sup Forums are actually just non-redditors
Spoilers: Justice League Story Details
/GOT/ general
The 3 Emmas
MarvelFRIENDS will defend this CGI
Hi Sup Forums. How are you Sup Forums. Give me some spooky documentaries Sup Forums. Thank You Sup Forums
Where were you in 1999?
I finally watched this
Would they give him quips if he was in the MCU?
What did he mean by this?
What are the best movies of 2016 so far?
Has it happened to you?
Whats the best camera & lense for an indie film?
How do I get into Jim Jarmusch? I've seen Coffee & Cigarettes and Only Lovers Left Alive...
Sup Forums I'm about to go on a road trip with people I hate
Hulk vs Colossus
Would JLaw let Chris Pratt be openly conservative unlike his current wife?
Movies you've seen an unhealthy number of times
What was her fucking problem?
How can black "men" compete?
X gon give it to ya
What did Sup Forums think of Lazytown again?
End of the franchise for fox lol
Hey user, we're having a party at my place
Best part of the movie
What are some movies that have unsettling soundtracks?
Idiocracy movie is becoming reality more and more nowadays
Why did the Cenobites turn Frank into a Chinese ?
/got/ general
Why was Malfoy's dad such a cunt?
New trailer
Guy saves her life
Movies you saw with people who are now dead
When will they make a movie about Chaturbate?
Why is Malcolm such an asshole?
Is there any other movies like this...
Can we have Charlie Chaplin thread?
If you think this show was any good...
ITT: Movies your father took you to see
Obviously Don's best sidepiece
I want this skinny babe back. What a wonderful series this was. :(
She is superior to Eva Green
Wow so deep the main character dies at the end 10/10 classic of all time
Give me one good reason why this shouldn't have won best picture
My hands are a little dirty
Finding Nemo was released 19 years ago today
Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
Why is cinemassacre so comfy?
/got/ general
What was Zod thinking in this moment?
Should I watch Bram Stoker's Dracula? I'm just in it for that god tier armor design
Why do you fags like this bitch so much?
What went wrong?
Used to love Ace Ventura as a kid
Its national Twilight Zone Day Sup Forums!
So me and my friends went and saw this at some theater in LA...
Do you think he has perverted thoughts about his daughter?
Explain what The Stand means without using "God", "The Devil", "Christ", "Good & Evil or Good Vs Evil"...
No Sopranos thread
Celebrities, as themselves, in blockbusters
Hey user! It's Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray
Let's have a personality guessing thread
Season 2>>>>>>Season 1
ITT: Actors you unconditionally love
Manlets BTFO
Post insecure RDJ
What went wrong?
Has anyone here ever figured out how to snuggle a grill into the theatre? Also what was the biggest thing you pulled?
/got/ general
Leave vidyakino to us
Is he one of the most underrated actors ever?
The two TAS movies were better than Raimi's trilogy. (except for the dubstep)
The Americans pregame & watch thread
Hey john it's jenna again. not sure if you got my last voicemail...
Itt: we teach plebs
Attended a press screening for Warcraft. Ask me anything
...and you are beautiful
Now that the dust has settled, who is the best young actress in Hollywood working today?
Can we all agree that "why so serious" is a stupid tagline and a stupid catchphrase...
In order to more properly write an 80's-inspired short script, today...
Where do you stand on Wild Wild West? I like it
Geordi La Forge
RDJ was paid $50M+ for his role in Captain America 3...
What happened?
Sup Forums approved podcasts
Why the fuck didn't Ned use Ice in the ToJ battle? Wasn't that his primary weapon during the war...
Have you ever thought up a plot twist for a movie, Sup Forums?
/got/ general
Insiders say the director and Francis Ford Coppola reached out to 'Star Wars' producer Kathleen Kennedy to vouch for...
ITT: Actors you unconditionally hate
Mention that The Simpsons is one of the best shows in tv history or even just one of your favourite shows in general
Will Benedict Cumberbatch make a good Doctor Strange?
LITERALLY almost the greatest movie ever
Why did the world war 2 genre die in both film and vidya?
Justice League Rumours
Chilean cinema
What are your thoughts on George not signing a prenup?
Why is it apparently so difficult to make a good Video-Game Movie?
ITT: Great movies rated lower than 6/10 on imdb
The only x-men review that matters
"Hey, we know you absolutely have no stake in this...
Can we talk about the film industry not even hiding it anymore? Why are there so many blacks everywhere...
Nerve trailer with Emma Roberts and Dave Franco
Ending To Civil War
Now what Sup Forums?
/got/ general
I wish she was a virgin. Then she would be perfect
East-Asian Cinema
Watch the movie posted below you
The Noh-Jay Consortium welcomes you to an actual Star Trek thread that isn't Reddit shit...
ITT: movies that if an acquaintance didn't like you'd stop talking to them over
Why do people watch shows like Jerry Springer, Maury, and Steve Wilkos?
What have the early screenings said?
So I've just started watching Sliders, and is it me or 90's TV characters weremuch less savvy...
Top Gear coming 29th May
What's the Ocarina of Time of Sup Forums?
What was her goddamn problem?
Spoony Thread: My Way Edition
Score is rising. Could it possibly be not shit?
/got/ general
Female Lead
Look Who's Back
Objective 10/10 movies ITT
Hey guys reddit here I heard there was a lot of my kind here. Mind if I join you?
THE FLASH (2018)
Has he dethroned baneposting?
Wouldst thou like the taste of butter and pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
Why was he right about.....everything?
What do you think is THE number one factor in getting a successful acting career?
Pretty fun. Wish it was more like it
Eternal /got/ general
Favorite cinema ran out of crab legs
ITT: pleb filters
How about a Superman reboot set in the 30s, 40s or the 50s?
Guess the Movie
I'm done with this nihilistic atheist piece of crap tv show
Just watched it
Please get a new fucking janitor on this board...
Remember when star wars movies gave you good angles and long...
Anyone else notice how disgustingly predictable Civil War got once you realized most fights would be won by characters...
How did he escape?
/got/ general
Doctor Pavel, I'm CIA
What's wrong with this movie? I always see people shitting on it but i never saw anyone explain why it's so bad
ITT: if Zack Snyder had directed Civil War
What celebrities support Trump?
Literally chad: the actor
What is the point of this character?
ITT behind the scenes pics
Meanwhile in Bizarro Sup Forums
Movie wants me to love zombies and hate rich people
Winter Soldier Likes Batman V Superman
Zombie apocalypse movie/TV show
Spielberg Discovered Disney's Young Han Solo at a Bat Mitzvah
ITT: stupid shit that only happens in movies
Photorealistic CGI
Is this a fucking joke?
Are they fit for the role?
You can watch this movie on youtube before it's released? Is this the sign of a subpar movie...
Why are celebrities who are half white and half black seen as black? That's racist
Character goes to bed
/got/ general
Why did this win Best Picture?
Suicide squad is shit
Press screening already started for Café Society
The Grand Tour with James May, Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson
Beautiful actresses thread
Why is Black Panther so based bros?
Why is it so good bros?
Log into Sup Forums
Assassin's Creed
/got/ general
Why did he wait just in front of the door...
What are Sup Forums's favorite noir and neo-noir films?
What did you guys think of pic related?
Opening title song is called: Writing's On The Wall
Implying 30 year olds aren't the best women
Was he the best Dracula?
ITT: Sup Forums approved actors
Best car chases?
/got/ general
Isn't it obvious by now that Disney is buying reviews?
Do you like John Oliver?
Why is Mr. Robot so underrated
Can we petition for her to replace Gal Gadot?
Is there a true Sup Forums film? one that isnt jewish trickery with le catharsis?
Who should play him if they make a movie?
Liz Olsen is older than Margot Robbie even though she's cuter
Both of Thralls parents didn't drink the blood
What's your favorite movie?
Lesser blacks = better movie. It's common statistics
How come there no Asian people in Got?
Where did it all go wrong?
I was dying to see Hannibal in a tv show or movie. See this :
What was point of this character ?
X Men Apocalypse Review
Eternal /got/ general
Hello. My name is John. I get all my political views from comedians like Louis CK and late night TV like The Daily Show
Cliche devil possession flick #623523 [GONE INCEST] *** 2015 *** GONE NAKED LOL
Best capeshit fight scene coming through
Does Sup Forums get stuckmanized?
Find a flaw
Why doesnt he fuck any of his sisters? Seriously, this guys living the dream...
Well? She's right, Sup Forums
/Asian Cinema/ general - Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan
What did you think about this scene
Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
Wesley Crusher Mainsplains Star Wars
Do televized versions of stage plays count as true kiŋo?
Jesus Christ
How do we fix this board?
Snyder appreciation thread
That split
It finely happened my fellow patricians
Jesus Christ what is this 2009?
Eternal /got/ general
She has a bright career ahead of her
When are we going to get an Apocalypse Now for Iraq?
What was her darn problem
I drink your milkshake
Dialogue from movies and tv that you say to your family and friends in real life
Was his [spoiler death [/spoiler] justified?
Who would win?
Spider-man has more lines in Civil War than Superman does in BvS
What Biblical reference was Snyder trying to make here?
Zack Snyder's Justice League
Why the fuck is no one talking about the Green Room?
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion on JLaw after reading this article about her?
Eternal /got/ General
Advanced space faring intergalactic race resorts to primal animal strength, claws, fangs...
Halfway through season 1 of The 100 and just realized Clarke has a huge fucking rack
It's a that crack isn't mine i just brought these pants episode
Are there any vaporwave films?
What's the most fappable movie from the 90s and prior?
Season 1 is GOAT
Disney-Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” has topped the $700 million mark at the global box office in less...
Absolute masterpiece, easily the most interesting, creative and intelligent tv show out there...
When did pro wrestling become such a snooze fest? Back in the day...
I'm watching all the MCU shit in chronological order, and I've just finished The Incredible Hulk and the first Iron Man
Isnt Aunt May suppose to be a grandma age?
I just watched this movie and I didn't understand the theme at all
I would have followed you, my brother... My captain... My king
What went wrong?
Used to browse Sup Forums 2-3 years ago
What are some movies about people getting dangerously obsessed? I also need movies about fetishes pls
Is the MCU building to something big?
Bocuck Horseman
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with...
Why did Cap movies become like Bourne franchise recently?
So what exactly caused the time loop?
Fox TV 2016-2017
Favourite Podcast Thread
/film/ General
Why do girls so drawn to like Star Wars?
Would this show be able to work in europe or would it be shut down due to racism?
"Busting makes me feel good"
What are actually good anime films that Sup Forums will shit on but are actually good?
The Wheel of Time
Kino thread
Explanation of Superman's strength?
Wolverine 3
Celebs who haven't come out as a gay yet
Worth watching?
ITT: The unusual character crushes you never saw coming
Star Trek
When did Sup Forums get so fast
It was good
/got/ general
Why don't they make kids shows like this anymore?
Other than Fronk, season 2 was pretty weak. Could have done without all the Ninja Turtle Foot Clan shit
Just watched "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." anyone else appreciate the noir style narratives?
No one is as based as Gaston!
Best part of the movie
ITT: 10/10 movies from the 90's
How badly was this scene butchered?
I believe in the conspiracy that Disney is buying off critics to give their movies good reviews
Why does he care about his wife's son
Who's your Archer waifu?
Fuck cbs edition
Objectively the best captain
New season of BattleBots starts tonight at 10 on ABC. Anyone on Sup Forums watching?
Tony Stark decides to put a kid with superpower under lockdown because she might be threat for herself and others
Were they better than the books?
Did anybody else notice that this was basically a found-footage Tomb Raider film?
Watching movie with mom
If I was born in 95, do you consider me a le 90s kid or a disgusting filthy rotten repulsive 00s piece of trash?
Alright, so this has been weighing on me recently...
Comfy movies general
Why does Sup Forums hate the recent USA Godzilla movie?
The Huntsman
/got/ General
What was your favorite god/gods from the Trek universe?
RIP Baneposting
"Hurry up, Harry! The black one will give us a 2 for 1!"
What would you do with a kilo of unobtainium?
Someone please explain this fucking movie to me
Captain America Civil War: How One Word Can Ruin A Film
"i know who killed Fury. Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists...
Now my watch is ended
How is this movie?
Lol naked woman
Are audiences terrible at knowing what good horror is?
Matthew 14:22-33New International Version (NIV)
Live studio verson of some basic synth melodies
Why doesn't Hollywood make big budget borderline porn movies with established actors anymore? I miss them
Is /tv still pretending she isn't a qt?
Character is named Standard
What are some good found footage horror films? I'll leave the meaning of the term "good" to your discretion
Post your favorite youtubber
Doesn't even an idiot realize this is phyiscally impossible, doesn't matter how strong he is?
Best movies to watch high
Some questions, and their answers, are perfect mental-age tests
WTF I hate white people now?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!
What, in your opinion, are the best films on netflix right now?
Do as I say
/got/ general
Silicon Valley
Cast Robert's Rebelion show
Dodge this
Wassup Sup Forums? Anyone care to explain the hype around Supernatural...
Mad Men
"That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it! My father made that shield!"
Have you seen BvS 10 times like this guy?
Disney pays its critics to give off good reviews
Fixing Civil War
GoT: Leaf, Child of the forest then vs. now
What did she mean by this?
How much is this gonna flop?
Attended a press screening for Warcraft. Ask me anything
What exactly is she thinking in this moment??
Wonder Woman
/got/ general
You never told me Sharon Stone was so gorgeous back in the day
I've seen it. Get ready for this asshole next
About once a year i like to get super drunk and watch Forrest Gump, what does Sup Forums like to watch when drunk?
Do you think she will be successful outside of starwars?
Just started getting in to the Big Bang Theory. Is she supposed to be a nerd, too?
Petition to stop Disney from paying critics
Action Movies
Who /bonussituation/ here?
On a scale of 1-10 how irritating is wil wheaton?
Infinity war to feature a rap battle
Miss me yet?
This is going to be fucking dreadful
Why is this allowed?
Should white men give up on white "women" and go for the brown ones?
In season 5 of The Wire, was Herc playing both sides?
So what was the purpose of this character?
How can JLaw even compete?
The Passion of the Christ
Was this the saddest moment in all of The Sopranos?
What the fuck? One of his friends is like the daughter of a famous world rapper...
This is a spy flick thread. All sensitive information must be redacted...
What's the point of this movie, again?
Emma Watson named in Panama Papers database
General thoughts on Skins? any generation
/got/ general
Guilt tripped by some dumb nigger bitch
Post Sup Forums waifus
Name a single role he wouldn't be perfect for without using Sup Forums rhetoric
Could captain america or batman beat these things?
I guess Iron Man getting his shit pushed in by Captain America has just killed the TONY HELP ME MEME
Saw it last night
Innocent men are entrapped and baited into "unlawful sexual contact with a minor" when the "minor" was 100% consenting...
Who is the Death Grips of film?
What was the consensus here about this back when it was released?
Hates Capitalism
Black panther was good
Civil War
Dumb quotes itt
What do you call the girls from Girls?
Why aren't we talking about this? Such a great movie
Are you ready for the age of vidyashit?
Why haven't I seen any thread about this?
Ask someone watching the Sopranos for the first time anything
This was humorous dialogue in season 1
Remember when Homer's black ancestor was super smart and invented doughnuts (until the evil white man stole his idea!)?
Film-adaptions of The Lord of the Rings in the actual spirit of the books will never be funded by Hollywood because it...
When did this "Return of the Jedi is a bad movie" meme start?
Quite impressed they managed to shoehorn SJW propaganda into this
He drinks a regular Coca Cola while watching a movie
Just saw Civil War, it literally did what DC tried to do in 2 movies with 1. Should DC just throw in the towel...
Thoughts on this actress?
Horace and pete
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What's going to bomb harder Wonder woman or Aquaman
Ketchup vs catsup
Mr robot
Barbarians Rising
I dropped Agent Carter when she talked about her periods or something that girls secrete out of their lower abdomen
Yfw she's revealed to be Captain America's granddaughter
Did he ever make a good movie?
Character sees blood
"Giant" Man
American movie
How would you make this show good?
Daily reminder
Common, you laughed
Eurovision Semi Final 1 Official Thread #1
Implying he didn't go out like a badass
What do you think of Lena Dunham?
Who said women aren't funny?
LOL u just don't get it! it's just like an 80s movie it's so wacky and funny!
Only true patricians would agree that Sam is the best character in LotR
/got/ - Game of Thrones general
Is the casting couch real...
Yoga Hosers trailer from Kevin Smith starring Johnny Depp
Tony finds out Cap didn't tell him about his parents
Post an opinion you truly hold that you think generates the most anger on Sup Forums
So will we ever get actually good super hero movies like this or the Watchmen...
ITT: Times you acted like the Joker
Yfw you realize Baneposting has finally died
Can we have a minimalist poster thread? Thinking of hanging this on my wall
Hey! What' up?
It will suck, right?
Literally and unironically what the fuck did they mean by this?
Way too big. She needs to go the ariel route if she wants a future in hollywood
Just watched pic related and I think it´s my new fav movie
X-Files Thread
/got/ general
/got/ general
‘Hokay so here’s the earth
Was Dewey the most misunderstood and only good child in the family?
Is django better than pulp fiction?
/lbg/ Letterbox General
House of Cucks
Whatever happened to the TV adaptation of BF Bad Company?
Classic Paul Dano in a new classic trailer for Swiss Army Man, the farting corpse movie
It's a Cletus Van Damme episode
Emma Watson named in latest Panama Papers leak
They tell me your son squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross...
Seth Rogan
Battlestar Galactica
Can we all agree, that it was good 6-7/10 movie...
Seriously why the fuck are they forcing this shit down our throats? It's disgusting
Ready for the dawn of Vidyakino?
I looked for you in the flight plan
/got/ general
Eternal /got/ general
Madam, you have suffered an emotional shock. I will notify a rape crisis center
In the Seinfeld universe, mad about you is a TV show. There is a scene where George and Susan watch it...
Who /existential crisis/ here
What went wrong?
Characters who had it coming
Hey Dinesh, nice chain. Did you choke your mother with it while you put your penis in her butthole?
One of the best characters from the book
It's a Dewey and Hal episode
Damn, Naruto was fri*ckin based
If he stopped selling weapons, then what is his company doing that keeps him absurdly wealthy to maintain his lifestyle...
Quick! Steven Seagal has taken your family hostage
Could they do this show - with this car - nowadays?
Avatar 2
Eternal /got/ general
Just started binging the The Impossible Mission movies. Tom Cruise is at his top form!
So did you like TFA?
Reekon Stark
Did you like the new episode, Sup Forums?
If Waifu Grace loved it, it must be great
What was the worst part of this show?
So apparently there's a popular rumor that the only reason he went sober is because he got raped in prison...
What was her fucking problem?
What's his superpower?
/got/ general
ITT: based actors who only appear in shit films
Mad, yelly fat guy falls down and breaks table LOL
Why did he get killed off liked this?
Swiss army man redband trailer
What was his fucking problem?
What the fuck were they thinking?
A Clockwork Orange
90% of actors have black hair and blue eyes
Let's finally settle this
/got/ general
Should DC just give up and cut their losses?
Leia and Han Solo (Harrison Ford) apparently decided to hide the fact that Darth Vader is Ben’s grandfather from the...
Best movies based on/adaptations of his plays?
Whats your favorite tv commercial? Me I like Old Navy
Why does he call himself ALF if that's not actually his name?
Take a really interesting case about a real life psychopath that got away with it and could still be out there
It's a serious movie for adults!
Is it just me or Bourne movies are completely decent, enjoyable and unironically good?
Do you think Ellen Paige is a Great actress?
January Jones
Why are people pretending Deadpool is something new when Jim Carrey did it in the 90's?
/got/ general
Assassin's Creed Movie
/Steven Seagal/ general
What's this guy's name again ?
What is the best axed tv show and why is it terminator the sarah connor chronicles?
In midst of all this capeshit, can we discuss & rate our top 5 movies, I'm in need of some good films to watch
Movie about Italians starts
Reminder: Edge of Tomorrow should have stuck with it's original name:
Eurovision starts today
Holy crap!
Why isnt Tabrett Bethell more popular
He said it's great
Lol we tell you what to think
Was it really that good?
What was his fucking problem?
ITT: actors you think were shit but that one scene proved you wrong
Don't bother Ms. Romanoff. I will kill him myself
Leave chefkino to us
I am legitimately not trolling, this is not a bad film and It's hard to argue it is
/got/ general
Is vidyakino gonna save us from capeshit?
What did they mean by this?
Its a australians shitpost Sup Forums at 6am episode
What's his problem?
Why don't plebs get this show?
/Foundfootage/ General - The Official Sup Forums Found Footage Thread
Pëw pëw
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this is the capekino we deserve?
Why is the female axilla so taboo in tv and film?
Re ruz king!
Well, this meme died pretty quickly
Kevin Smith is such an inarticulate waste of space
You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?
Kubrick thread?
Now that Jennifer Lawrence has starred in bomb after bomb who will replace her?
If Hollywood is supposed to be so progressive and tolerant then how come they won't show black people outside of CGI?
/got/ general
Stephen Colbert's 'Late Show' Taps New Exec Producer Amid Low Ratings
Is this progressive?
The armies of the undead are coming
What did he mean by this?
Is this the best cinematic trilogy in history?
Le all white people are evil and blacks are innocent
So it looks like this is happening
Did Sup Forums really dislike this? what the fuck?
ITT: actors who's deaths will make you cry
Leave twink kino to me
Which one of you cunts did this?
Was Equilibrium realistic?
Civil War
Kino thread
Entire family and village slaughtered by wildlings
Basil Brush
What's his problem?
Is this the highest level of kino ever achieved?
/got/ General
I'm trying to make a list of the ten best villains in all of cinema. In no order, I've started with:
ITT: Movie theories you legit believe that no one else would ever consider
Is it true that disney pays off reviewers for big blockbusters?
What are the three best capeshit movies?
This girl texts you this pic and an address
Is she the neхt Cynthia Rothrock?
What does Sup Forums think of Guardians of the Galaxy
Its a Joe Rogan and Action Bronson are so high they're are talking about the squirrel menace and giant chimps not being...
Essential operatorcore
Captain America: Civil War (2016) 720p HDTC 1.1GB - MkvCage
Fight Club spread out over 10 episodes
Never seen dollouse i heard it kinda sucks but then i saw this on reddit
Eternal /got/ general
Lil' Jon
Will they ever do anything risky or ambitious?
Is this the best robotic character ever shown on screen?
/lbg/ - letterboxd general
Penny Dreadful
So where are the fags who told me to wait for 3rd episode when I said "so there is apparently no consequence for...
It begins
"Jim's movie is one of the 20 best movies ever made." -David Fincher
Eternal /got/ general
Why was second season so meh, lads
What are some films that feature small penis humiliation? The more soul-crushing and cruel the humiliation the better
What are the best movies about pizza?
Wew. savage
Admit it, you all wanted to see this guy show up at the end of 10 Cloverfield Lane
How come this guy never gets his comeuppance? Everyone else gets made to look like an idiot except him
How was Willy Wonka's factory able to stay legal if nobody was allowed in? How did he pass health, fire...
Tell me your movie ideas Sup Forums
XXx The Return of Xander Cage
Who was in the wrong here?
Wolverine: Who's next?
So what's next for her career?
Tfw you actually watch a great movie
Webm thread?
Now that the dust has settled, what is your opinion on this movie with all memes and quips aside?
How accurate is it for Tony to nearly defeat Cap and Bucky 1v2?
The Assylum is back
What did Synder mean by this?
Eternal /got/ general
How has Sup Forums never noticed this???
Green Room general
Dr. Strange is the sorcerer supreme in the MCU but will he be this powerful in the movie?
Jesus Christ this was awful
Where were you when Zemo saved Capekino?
Wow...I don't think I've ever seen a worse $100M+ budget movie. This was shit on screen
Who will play him in the eventual biopic?
Leave capekino to me
So we all know Schwarzenegger = Colossus, Seagal = The Punisher...
What the fuck it actually was brilliant
Why does he have an N on his shirt?
This dumb bitch can't show emotion when acting or even maintain her Russian/Slavic accent without slipping back into...
"She turns. "Hold up my fur." He obeys. "Be careful. Don't touch my skin." Earlier in this game she was nervous...
Memes aside, IS 35 considered too old for actresses?
Eternal /got/ general
Lex Luthor Jr. vs Helmut Zemo
So this film was voted as the best of 2015 by critics
Well, now we know who's going to be playing Maggie Gyllenhaal in the inevitable film biopic
Sup Forums patrician thread go
People pontificate suicide is a coward's act. Couldn't be further from the truth. Suicide takes tremendous courage
Are you people really liking this shit? I liked Winter Soldier a lot...
What the fuck was his problem?
Thinking Paul Allen has the best card
Looks like AMC is never gettin a penny from me again
I think a Shadow of the Colossus movie would be amazing
Critics aren't studio biased
This man walks into your restaurant
Is Dora the Explorer the only thing she'll be remembered for?
I am not a typical ST fan. I could care less about replicators or warp core drives...
Pizza on Peter's shirt is missing a slice
Based on the trailer, would you guys be okay with this movie if the women were replaced with men...
/got/ eternal general
ITT: We post screenshots from movies and guess where they’re from (no reverse image searching)
What is the best show that was cancelled before it's rightful end?
What are some essential slasher flicks? Maybe some more obscure titles? Pic very much related
It's a_______________episode
The protagonist of the last film you watched is now Karl Urban
Did he deserve it?
Cast the new live action Mario film
Why did they make aunt May so hot?
This was one of the weirdest movies i've ever seen simply because of Joaquin's performance...
What did Sup Forums think of this scene?
Black Panther
Bates Motel
“At least we can agree, the third one’s always the worst,” says Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) in X-Men: Apocalypse...
Are you looking forward to Molly's Game, Sup Forums?
For an unknown reason, in the late 1960s, Sobel tried to commit suicide by shooting himself through his temple...
Are you excited for his movie, Sup Forums?
Since Apocalypse is confirmed bomb of the summer...
I met Tim Allen 9 days ago in Las Vegas. I had 30 second conversation with him. Ask me anything
Does season 1 completely suck?
What's your favourite cape film?
/got/ general
Are you guys buying that ABC couldn’t afford to pay her anymore? ABC is owned by Disney. What’s the real story?
What are some good flicks to watch with the missus Sup Forums?
ITT: post movies that everybody forgot existed until right now
I just watched this, but I'm too dumb to understand it. Can someone hold my hand and explain it to me?
Jay-Z cheats on beyonce
What went wrong?
So, now that we can agree that these are the objective GOATs, why has nothing else come close to reaching their level?
KOTH "Big Time in a Small Town" In Development
It's quiet
Did CIA take fashion tips from Norm Macdonald?
Find a flaw
Why the fuck did this get greenlit?
Will these people ever fucking stop whining?
ITT: Post your favourite film and age, others judge accordingly
In Civil War, why was Cap watching the lowest rated cable news channel?
What are some movies about middle-aged men living boring ass lives?
Hype, backlash, and memery aside, is this a good scene? Is it a good introduction to the character?
You will see capeshit die
I don't get it
Kaiju General
Tfw capeshit is dying
The best X-men movie yet!
This picture officially wins the internet
/got/ general
Go to
How do into this show? What are the best episodes and why?
Tony Stark finds Spider-Man. Spider-Man joins team Iron Man
The age of capeshit has ended
It's another Jack's friend or waifu dies for no reason episode
Angry Birds General
John Carter
Name a better trailer
Civil War biggest flaw?
Was it personnel?
Grampa-core Waifus
Analyze his fight pattern
How could you do 40k justice on the big screen?
My heart is broken
Can you help me take my shoes off, user
Fix this fucking shit. NOW
What was his alignment?
When will they learn?
Is he a "good" or "bad" guy?
/got/ general
Chinatown/Noir thread
And now it begins
It's over
Do they pay critics?
Is Gary Oldman not the BEST Dracula?!
How does Sup Forums rank the last yearly big horror films 2013-2016? Let's try to make a voting...
Did they finally go too far?
Sup Sup Forums. I am David Faustino. I played Bud Bundy on Married With Children. Ask me anything !
What the fuck is a VVitch?
John wick Is the single best action film of all time. Prove me wrong
No difference in quality between Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Star Trek
Eternal /got/ general
BREAKING BAD Actor Aaron Paul Found Dead in Apartment
Describe the latest episode with exactly two words
Meanwhile, on Sup Forums, in the year 2046
Silicon Valley
After twilight, her career is dead
"... a number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially..."
All of them
In my culture, death is not the end. it's more of a stepping off point...
All those namedrops and direct nods/references to other MCU movies brought up in casual conversation
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
Most anti-climatic ending ever
Best scene ever made
Episode I: Darth Maul gets cut in half
Guess a movie by snapshot taken at 1 hour mark
Embargo lifts in 15 minutes, what are you expecting?
Is Jesus worthy to lift Mjolnir?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Marvelkeks BTFO
/got/ general:
Suicide Squad: Jared Leto Experimented With Joker Laugh In Public
What is the Steven Seagal of films?
2 would give their lives to protect you, the others will do anything to kill you
Simple reminder to check out Edge of Tomorrow
He did literally nothing wrong
Eternal /got/ general
Puts oil in pasta water
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
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