For everyone: Don't come here anymore. Sup Forums is run by Tyrnos, Kaito Hasegawa and their friends. And moot the c. u. c. k. is helping them (yes, his last news was a big fat lie)
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it's fun", especially in a defensive manner
>Forced generals (/hor/, /cape/ etc.)
>Against every board culture, particularly lolis, cunny etc.
>Responding to very old posts
>YIFY is good (usually against everything from each board)
>Generally, every stupid and/or aggressive post
>Destroyed /lbg/ and /swg/ threads
If you see one or more of these points, then you can be almost sure that it's someone
from the german forum Anipodium (according to the animation textboard, check that place).
Don't let that subhuman trash go wild on Sup Forums and other boards!
You nazis are now embarrassing yourself on other boards too? Quite something
>Samefagging so the other guy need to understand he is wrong
>Opinions aren't absolute, each one has his own
>But my opinion is correct, you're wrong and the game is a 7/10!
>YOU are mad!
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it'