It begins

It begins

> implying they don't just feel bad about ol' david kicking the bucket

Your horrible threads about twitter reviews? How horrible.

What a arbitrary use of decimal

i didn't know who that guy was but i looked him up and yeah i don't think a guy that does video game stuff on youtube has any idea of what makes a good movie

hella F*cking epic! lmao!

It's called an opinion moron. Either way your nobody ass has about the same amount of idea on what makes a movie good as him

Number Point Number, one of the dumbest ways to score a movie.

Hes right


>BvS is shit
>Civil War is good but not great
>X-Men Apocalypse is shit
>outlook is great for Warcraft
complete turn around this year

Reminder that people said BvS blow their minds and that it would change everything


I mean everything

Shame I'll never see it.

Nothing against the game, which I have never played. But those trailers are horrendous.

It looks terrible.

But it's for fans of the game I guess.



>outlook is great
>movie trailers make the movie look like complete shit
Nope. I love video games but I don't give a fuck about WoW or a WoW movie.

>post yfw Warcraft beats BvS at the box-office


and nowoahtienze

Can't wait for the fucking memes

Bart looks like a disgusting nu-male.


hopefully it releases soon so i don't have to see all the shilling for it anymore. vidya kino my ass

kill yourself

When are the rotten tomato reviews going to appear?
A week or two?

Yeah like 98% of people who go see movies

Civil War was great tho

no, now it ends

Don't think Blizz is above paid shill. You think it was a coincidence that the expansion so bad that its single handedly destroying the franchise was met with universal praise by critics when it was first launched?? Hell, i remember articles calling WoD the best expansion since BC and just scratching my head thinking "did they even play this pile of shit or did Blizz pay them off"

I think it was the first time too that i considered the conspiracy of big companies paying for internet shills.

Warcraft is going to be 100% complete shit. I promise you this. There is not a hope in hell of it turning out decent.

Fucking Deadpool almost beat BvS at the box office.

sure is reminiscent of BvS hype kek

Not really.
We don't have people making the same thread several times a day here with a picture of Batman on the left and Captain America on the right with the Sup Forums logo over Batman and reddit over Cap talking about how Marvel is finished.



Duncan jones is a hack.

Not seeing a movie over trailers even after it gets incredible reviews (hypothetically) is the dumbest fucking thing you can do. You'd only be making yourself a disservice. Shitty trailers have turned out to be great moviea and vice-versa before. You'd know this if you were a smart movie-goer.

screenshotted this. your gonna eat you're fuckin words bucko

You already use one every fucking day. Kek

May 25th.

lol Now I hope it succeeds just to see you get BTFO.

Thanks senpai

>playing, caring about, following or fanboying Warcraft or World of Warcraft in any way in 2016
top fucking kek
LITERALLY the ONLY people who still play WoW are clinically addicted nerds who cannot stop themselves, no matter how shit the game becomes, and people who try it for a month before quitting

You do realize everyone on twitter praised BvS as the best movie ever? That is what fans literally said the night they saw it.


Don't need to be a player to still be a fan of the universe you dumb fuck.


Have you pre-ordered the next expansion, yet?
Have you cleared the current raiding content, whatever that is?

You're not fooling anyone nerd. Seek help.


>Nope. I love video games but I don't give a fuck about WoW or a WoW movie.
>I love video games
>I don't give a fuck about WoW
>WoW movie
This movie has fuck all to do with WoW. But you "love video games" so I'm sure you already knew that, right Anita?

What's it like being that retarded? I'm genuinely curious.

Never played WoW. Played the RTS's and Warcraft 3 especially, religiously back in the day. You literally have to be 12 to not realize it's not just about WoW, kid.

I love how you say all that then use a meme from the fucking game in your own post.

All these pics seem like paid reviews to me
I'll wait until they release the blue rays to decide whether to buy it or not

Found the current WoW player.
Which category of the two do you fall under?


Nerds: Go jerk off on some other website.

You should be in the next Holocaust.

i'd wager close to 50% of males aged 20-25 with reliable internet access have tried World of Warcraft at some point over the past 12 years or whatever
the point is that almost everyone is able to grow out of it, or abandon ship when it becomes shit

the only ones left are those that are trying it for the first time or those that simply can't stop themselves from playing

I don't. Stopped in BC, unless you count a couple days on Nostalrius. Nice try though faggot.

>intense magic scenes


>spamming low rank frostbolts to preserev mana pool
can't wait! gonna be h*lla ep*c!

>the next Holocaust.
As if there was one already.

The mental gymnastics people are going through in this thread to maintain their denial LOL

>le obvious joke

Nerd deflection.

>"hey I know that place/character/spell XD" fan service: the movie

>director stays true to source material
>movie is just two hours of orcs shitposting in the barrens

Where's Mankrik's wife?

>Khadgar tries to cast a fireball and a warrior runs around him so it cancels

>Tfw I desperately want to enjoy playing again but WoD is fucking cancer.

All self-proclaimed """"gamers"""" are turbo-nerds, but World of Warcraft players and defenders really are a special breed of manchildren.

I kinda want this movie not to suck but these posts don't make me any more optimistic in any way.

Oy vey. You can't prove that the Holocaust happened.

Capekino is dead long live Gamekino.

Vanilla is cancerous too. If you have any daily irl obligations you will fall behind the rest of the server that is filled with NEETS.

>world of Warcraft movie
>is set decades prior to the events of WoW

I can prove that your posts are redundant memes.

Evidence: Your response to this.

Can't prove it? Because it didn't happen.



Addict of 10 years here and I can attest to this being pretty accurate.
It used to be the case that on any given server there would be a variety of guilds with varying levels of seriousness/skill towards raiding and/or PVP, now there's really just guilds for hardcore raiding addicts (like myself) and """social""" casual guilds, and really nothing in between.


But WoD was actually good for the first two months, which is why you should review expansion packs after its been out for 6 months

>First War
>tfw no qt3.14 High Elf archers

>next holocaust
But there hasnt even been a first one faggot

>plugging your twitter
>underage faggots still fall for it

How can you stay hooked when it's complete shit now though? There isn't even anything to keep you coming back anymore.

there's a 20minute deleted scene of mankrik looking for his wife

How did you come up with that analysis?

I've never heard it before.

The pleasure of denying the nerd holocaust afterward will be wonderful.


Why not just put a 9?

Because he thinks it makes it appear as though his verdict is more considered and accurate. It makes him believe his rating will be taken more seriously.

Just went and saw it. It's hella f*ckin epic!

You have autism

I want to believe but didn't BvS get the same twitter response?


Looks so fucking good

Can't wait for vidyakino

You mean the forced ''memes'' the marketeers are going to try to push and that will die in days?

They've spent 2 months shilling this piece of garbage because absolutely no one has any faith in this pathetic joint.

The CGI is so fucking ridiculously bad.
I have no idea who the hell thought this was a good idea.