is this progressive?
Is this progressive?
is this... post op or something? or what the fuck is going on
What am I looking at?
Plz respond before janitors get here
It's a shiny new vajay-jay
it would probably look better after it's healed
but I seriously fucking doubt it
is this an abortion?
for fucks sake, i thought it was a woman giving birth and was about to ask how old she was.
In a way
so it is a woman? and she's doing some weird vaginal retightening or something?
Is that Carrot Top? I'm at work so no fucking way am I clicking on it.
its a transexual post op vagina
Look at the neck and feet
It's man who just got his cock split
they turned his penis inside out
that's why there's tubes coming out of him, to keep the urinal tract open
The look of joy on "her" face should just tell you this person is mentally fucking diseased
Absolute fucking abomination. Haven't been this disgusted since I first found Ogrish
>Doctors in charge of ethics.
Jesus Christ I hate this decade
No it's a nutcase mutilating his body to feed his delusional behavior. It's ridiculous that doctor's actually perform these procedures. Doctors know dick about ethics.
5 1 5 0
what is all that meat
oh jesus christ.
>5 1 5 0
What did he mean by this?
This is why I hate people who say scientists are our saviors but people who really think ethically like philosophers have the "trash degree".
Science allows abominations like this to happen, all that the religions and thinkers are saying is don't allow society to implode with evil.
Doctors just say "meh. don't GAF I got my Obammmycare bux"
They define ethics by how much money it gets them. The only thing that got as fucked up as that guy's dick was his bank account.
it's involuntary psychiatric hold
like when britney spears locked herself in the bathroom and threatened her life
you know when they get these operations theyre basically open wounds right? thats why it's infected
Whats all that yellow-white string?
he's unpacking gauze ya dip
And they're in charge of it. It's horrifying. Culture's been warned about science going too far for centuries and now shit like this is happening. Never mind actually researching and discovering a method to swap a working reproductive system or, failing that, moving on to something actually productive. Better cut a dick in half and shove it inside a madman because he can pay for it.
What the fuck was his problem?
its disgusting, to think some weirdos put dicks in there. might as well cut a hole in my arm and fuck it.
Some shit they put into open wounds to absorb blood.
I wonder when the realisation of reality will kick in that he's not a woman but a man with a horribly mutilated penis
Hopefully he kills himself for being such a fucking retard
>tfw you learn something new in a Sup Forums thread about cock mutilation
>tfw you could never explain to a normie how you came across this nugget of knowledge
I sincerely doubt this guy will get any sexual gratification from that mutilated fuckhole.
Medical gauze
She is so brave.
as long as he stays in the tumblr safespace with the other delusional faggots hes gonna be fine.
>this is the world we live in
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo for fucks sake I just ate spaghetti bolognese
Reminds me of the tv challenge on Stern where hi pitch Mike has the tranny sit on his face for a minute
why not just keep your dick and get fucked in the ass like a normal tranny?
why would this old sack of shit even want to get turned into a women now
hes life is basicly over anyway
life is so interesting that way
So can these "girls" feel any actual pleasure from these open wounds once they find someone desperate enough to stick it inside?
Check your privilege FUCKING WHITE MALE
It'll be over once he kills himself
no, its also pleasurable for men
id imagine its like sticking your dick in a jar of gummy worms
I thought it was a tape worm at first.
The common man us reviled for simply being normal; this is praised, this is beautiful. This is progress.
Put a q-tip in your ear.
There you go.
I feel like it would be more like a stank-ass catchers mitt
Ewww. I prefer lightly microwaved beef liver.
A warm grapefruit would feel better on my dick
What do you think your boss is going through everything you click on or something? Do you realize how many GB of shit they would have to grab and store and how many hours would be spent going through it all at even just a medium sized organization. No way does anyone bother to do that.
literally who
>being this triggered because some cuck wants/pays for a cunt
You edgelords are just as bad as these regressive liberals. If you weren't so buttblasted about what someone does with their genitals no one would care about this shit.
>muh ethics
>on halfchin
more or less, this probably only heightens the likelyhood that your mushroom tip will touch a vag, be it synthetic.
No Moot.
No. I'm at a desk in public nimrod.
Enjoy the future of humanity
Are you stupid?
>he wants to stick his dick in mutilated cocks
moot is oot
The cuck can want that all he wants. It's the fact that the scientific community feels it necessary to provide it that's bullshit. We could have fucking moon colonies by now. We picked genital mutilation; something that Africans have been doing for centuries. Science is going backwards.
>tfw angry turbo-liberal gays like Dan Savage get in trouble over transgender shit because even they realize it's a legit mental illness.
I want to move to Latvia. The last place in the world where everyone's white, humbly religious, and upholds traditional values.
Their constant medical procedures cost the taxpayers a lot of money
If he just wanted to sit at home and cut his dick off fine, but these trannies pay their bills because they are too fucking crazy to work and they feel entitled to free shit
but are you prepared for the lack of potato?
Sounds nice. I'd go if I could afford it.
Nice bait, friend. Upboated!
Maybe...but i know its not as grave as your insecurity about some mutilated cock instilling suck butthurt...its okkie cuckie.
its ok user, its 2016, you can come out the closet, reap the privileges of white guilt while you still can, you don't owe this world a thing.
So what is the point of this when you're ugly?
You're just going to be ugly but in a dress.
im gay and i wouldn't go anywhere near that thing with my dick
It's common place
when you're young you have prospects and ambitions that aren't possible if you puurposely slash your wanger off.
when you're older, you tend to think "fuck it, I'll be dead soon anyway"
look at Bruce Jenner
I blame this counter intolerance culture
Everybody except anorexics gets to live out their mental delusions
do you want scientists to just work for free. The plastic surgery sector for most part only indulges our superficiality...but the sheep will still pay for it.
>muh science
be the change you want to see in the world instead of insisting others do your bidding nigger. Get a phD, apply to N.A.S.A, inspire others along the way, do something instead of being on this fucking board.
>implying this surgery is subsidized by the government
Im sure this tranny wasted his/her own money on this.
where are the mods
where are the janitors
the japanese guy ruined 4chen 2bh
Something I've always found somewhat admirable about Latvia is that they still celebrate their WW2 veterans despite EU & international protests because the Latvians technically fought on the side of the Wehrmacht. They're proud of their country.
You're the one triggered, friendo
How are we triggered for laughing at some grotesque old fuck who mutilated his penis? You're the one who's ass pained. Look at how angry you are. You're probably even triggered that I called that thing a 'he.'
>Implying being on halfchin makes us inhuman and renders our ideological standpoint redundant
Based noodle nigger saved this shit show of a website you ignorant cuck.
This is better than capeshit discussion deku
>having a pic folder tailored for a japanese board
I don't have that kind of time autist...but i take your aversion from the argument as a way of you conceding desu desu.
....uhm...ok...thats good for you i guess, me neither, but i don't whine about it.
>be the change you want to see in the world instead of insisting others do your bidding nigger. Get a phD, apply to N.A.S.A, inspire others along the way, do something instead of being on this fucking board.
And what difference would it make? Do you think that I and I alone am all that's needed to bolster a space program to the point of non-terrestrial colonization? Nobody would listen to a single inspirational word. They would be drowned out by countless ejaculations of "Triggered" and "White male" and "check your privilege".
All efforts would be laughed at by the greater scientific community as they lined their pockets through surgically disfiguring the mentally handicapped. It would take much more than just me, user.
They also have to constantly probe it with special equipment since the body treats it like a wound and tries to heal the slit
So does Finland even though they were allied with Germany.
Which is why I doubt this:
>EU & international protests
>do you want scientists to just work for free.
To be fair, a good scientist would work for free in his offtime nonetheless.
not Sup Forums
Morals =/= Ethics, you retards