Only true patricians would agree that Sam is the best character in LotR
Only true patricians would agree that Sam is the best character in LotR
Leo Roberts
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Leo Hall
Only true patricians would agree that LotR is pure garbage.
Jacob Butler
>Only people with brains would agree that Sam is the best character in LotR
Brody Howard
woman detected
Colton Martin
>not picking cool based Legolas
Ryder Peterson
neckbeard detected
Robert Hernandez
Only true patricians would agree that LotR is the most overrated series of all time.
Joshua Phillips
>couldn't stop one sandnigger
>best character
Tyler Ross
Fuck off redit. Literally every beta thinks Sam was best because it makes them feel better about being a passive cuck. He was a fat piece of nothingness. Best character is Aragon.
Levi Baker
>he can't even spell his favorite character's name