So I've just started watching Sliders, and is it me or 90's TV characters weremuch less savvy...

So I've just started watching Sliders, and is it me or 90's TV characters weremuch less savvy? or is it just that modern TV is a lot more gritty?

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Savvy in what? You mean technically?

I'm lost.

90s TV was garbage.
TV science fiction is garbage.

Just in general. They respond to situations a lot more comically and obliviously, while modern characters are more serious business. I can't watch it without thinking that the characters are retards 90% of the time because they reveal themselves and get into trouble too easily. It's like they've never watched tv.

Sliders reboot when?

idk I like the idea of dimension traveling and there's some nice parts in the show. But one of the things that bother me is complete lack of subtlety. Like when they arrive in the commie world, and the commies are complete caricatures and act unrealistically.

You should watch Profit

A show that was truly ahead of it's time.

That episode where the whole planet is female and the guys are prepped as bulls for mass sex orgies. Also it's soft core porno bad acting was funny as fuck in that episode.

I truly learned a lesson about gender roles and social mores from that.

Mainly I just learned that life would be a nightmare if broads ran the planet.

>the series was a precursor to the early-21st-century trend of “edgy” TV melodramas (featuring dark themes and multidimensional characters) such as: The Sopranos; Mad Men; Nip/Tuck; Dexter; Breaking Bad and The Shield.

How about no. I didn't say I particularly like the gritty realism of modern shows.

Yeah that's pretty annoying in this show.

They know they are in alternate relatives and go around yelling at people for not being like people are where they are from and just being obnoxiously offended about stupid shit which leads to them being arrested.

Its very very dumb and you'd think by the third reality they end up at they'd know to keep their head down and not be huge faggots all the time.

>caricatures and act unrealistically.

they jump to different earths ......

Isn't it just a thing Americans do in general when they abroad?

This would be ideal but in real life men would be forced to jerk off into cups and it'd all be done through artificial insemination.

Having a harem of women would be cool though, just can't think of any possible reality where that'd be guaranteed.

Yes, and? it doesn't mean that every character has to be a caricature. They might be different dimensions but basic human behaviour is usually kept, when it doesn't come to the bad guys at least.

>that episode with the dimension where 80%+ of people were lawyers
>need a doctor's note to purchase french fries
>accidentally bump shoulders while passing someone, and by apologizing you admit fault and can be sued for sexual harassment

They should've just found a dimension where "the elite" never rose to power and fucking stayed there

TV shows in those days were more interested in being comfy and undemanding, which personally I prefer. I love Sliders, besides growing up watching it I think the original cast chemistry is perfect and plots are charming.

The only thing that bugs me is that Quinn can be such a dumb faggot at times, always interfering when a smart man would just stay back knowing that he can't judge other cultures by his own standards. His savior complex is always getting the group in big trouble

They found a few pretty good realities but were obsessed with going home. I've have dropped out of the group in the first reality where age of consent was nice and low and I was allowed to own women as sex slaves legally.

Going back to your own reality is pleb tier.

winner winner
ameritards are utter morons when surrounded by not-Americs

>it's a they find a dimension that is perfectly suitable but they anyway episode

>His savior complex is always getting the group in big trouble

Not to mention that they fuck up worlds and their resistance movements just before fucking off to another world.

I suppose I like the comfy comic vibes, it's a nice change from the modern constant suspense. Maybe it reflects how we've become more paranoid and grim.

Well in their defense every character has a few episodes where they decide they like the reality enough to stay, but the story always forces them into sliding somehow

Don't main characters just like dissapear randomly a couple season in?

>it's a giant mosquitoes everywhere episode

Rembrandt is the only character that makes it through all seasons

They killed off Professor Arturo because focus group bullshit told them kids don't want "old" characters they can't relate to and replaced him with a sexy femme fatale.

Then later in the season Sabrina Lloyd, who was getting sick of the network interference quit, and the producers got pissed so they got rid of her by having her get abducted and turned into a breeding slave for a race of a alien degenerates

yeah. characters in the 80s and 90s, especially in sitcoms, would act completely obliviously and irrationally for the sake of the humorml. that shit doesn't fly anymore though

>Sabrina Lloyd

Noice, I can't stand her character tbqh.

The tits on that woman were God tier.

Sliders is the only show that comes closer to SG1 in format, I loved it, Unfortunately had to drop it once they started changing major characters.

Oh wait, I was thinking of someone else.

Sabrina was just cut tier.

Her 90's feminist shit could get annoying in some episodes, but most of the time she's likable IMO.

>main female feminist character turned into rape slave

Laaaawl 90s

Oh, I thought you were talking about Kari Wuhrer. She definitely added sex appeal to the show, and I actually liked her character quite a bit.

when her character changed from blonde to brunette it was like a completely different character


But would there be any original flavor or would it be an edgy, funless shitfest like everything else on TV nowadays?

Try watching Babylon 5, and come back and say that again

I don't care, I just want to see some alternative worlds, and maybe more interesting characters.

>the commies are complete caricatures and act unrealistically.
Don't know too many self proclaimed communists I see

I don't really like spaceshit.

Actually I do because my country used to be socialistic as fuck and had some serious Soviet influence. My grandfather is an old school commie.

Basically the original creators were forced out from being the showrunners after the initial episode order was finished. That's why the first two seasons were so short. They'd filmed the first 8 episodes to air in order and Fox execs threw a hissy fit because they wanted to air episodes at random.
Third season the new showrunner was a total corporate yes-man, and was under orders to make the show "sexier" and more action packed. That's why they brought in the chick from Baywatch and started all the dumb cro-magg shit.
Sabrina Lloyd was fired because she got in a feud with Baywatch chick and the showrunner presented it as "Lloyd sulking in her trailer for no reason" rather than "Baywatch chick openly insulted Lloyd's husband for being a cameraman."
Arturo got killed off because the actor complained about the dumb writing in an issue of Starlog.

Babylon 5 is pretty unique IMHO, as it's pretty much the only time a show has had a multi-season arc that wasn't just the showrunners making things up as they went along. It really is a novel in television form.

sans season 5 of course

>I don't really like spaceshit
That's too bad, you're missing out on a lot of great television.

I heard that they were already planning to get rid of Davies before he did the interview, which is why he he didn't give a fuck about insulting the show.

In general, audiences were much more tolerant of clichés and the maintenance of the status quo. Why? Because of the transient nature of television at the time.

There was no home video. No DVDs, no streaming, no torrents. Unless a TV station played an older movie or it was re-released to theaters, you simply were never going to see it. You only caught old tv shows if they were rerun. And even then, there's no guarantee you saw it in order, and there's no way you could rewatch older episodes to appreciate foreshadowing or a character arc.

So everything stayed in a kind of stasis. Characters repeat the same sorts of stupid mistakes every week, on every show.

Nowadays, there's both tremendous pressure to create engaging story arcs, because seasons of a show are considered one long story now. In addition, characters must be savvier, which means they're harder to trick, which means there's a constant cat-and-mouse game where villains must be even sneakier or double-bluff the main characters. But you also can't even accidentally repeat story beats, since some asshole WILL find the obscure anime or failed 80s movie whose plot resembles yours.

Well that shows me. What I meant was spoiled hipster kids wearing Che shirts.

>What I meant was spoiled hipster kids wearing Che shirts.

Yeah that's not what they showed in the episode where the Soviets won. Basically everyone was a ruthless, dumb KGB officer in that one.

Eh, there was home video in the 90s, just not much for television.

Most video releases for tv shows consisted of the pilot and then one or two episodes along a theme packaged together.

Season sets only started being a thing with Star Trek, then Babylon 5 and Farscape.

You could also tape your favorite shows, I did it when I was a kid.

Remember the episode when they went to a world where Hillary was president, feminists ruled the world, men were docile and domesticated, and the professor became a literal men's rights activist and ran for mayor of San Francisco.

“There is something in Islam that is belligerent, offensive, insidious and ideologically opposed to the values that we believe.”

Even Muslims he knows and likes “don’t dare to say” that slavery is wrong, he said.

“I tell you, if you’re a black person in this country, and you are not outraged about this, then a lot of your ancestors would be wringing their hands, and weeping in shame. Come on!” said Rhys-Davies.

For me the continuity ended when Torme left. The professor was still alive, and no gigantic kromagg retcons.

This. I liked Colin, but I wish there was another way to bring him in rather than making Quinn basically Superman from the Kromagg world.

Remember that in the beginning Will Sasso was a recurring character.

This guy is writing a movie that heavily makes use of the portals in Sliders

Based JRD needs to play Pavarotti and Kubrick in biopics.
>go to the cinema
>forgot to bring my cholesterol counts with me
>can't get any butter on my popcorn

he's so based *cue applause*

Jim Norton's making a movie?

No the portly gentleman that's in the center

It's great aside from Wade bitching and whining throughout the whole goddamn thing. I've never hated her more than in that episode

>tfw no one ever talks about the last two seasons

It's like they didn't exist.

tfw they completely dropped the storyline with the feds going after them when they moved to SciFi and got rid of the original writers and spent all of the time on those stupid eyeball-eating things

They don't. Rembrandt just had a bad dream that all of his friends were gone and he was the only original amongst strangers.

Season 4 is actually decent, they toned down the sex-and-action focus of season 3 and took it back to its roots somewhat. Still doesn't compare to the first two though

As for season 5... yeah, it doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned

I loved how Rembrandt's actor had a twin so they used him as his double sometimes.

>It's a kromagg episode

>It's a 'Sliders predicts the future episode'

>they get home
>main guy obsesses as he is connvinced one football game in history has the wrong score.

It was creepy and truly shown that they could never return back to their own dimension.

Even is its just some guythey will never meet taking a shit 1 min later than he would have. its a totally different dimention

Yep. And they blatantly ripped off Apocalypse Now in one episode where they revealed that the Kromaggs only got their ability to slide from the first Quinn who went mad. And then Wade was written off because Maggie's actress was mean to her off set so they made her character get kidnapped by the Kromaggs to their breeding grounds because they had no women.

It's not just that. The fence isn't creaky anymore and they see OJ is on trial for a double murder. They think it couldn't be their Earth.

He's so based.

>dat scene at the end where Quinn tests the fence gate at his home
>it isn't squeaky like he remember so it convinces him that it isn't their world
>seconds after they slide his mom thanks some dude for fixing their gate


>they see OJ is on trial for a double murder. They think it couldn't be their Earth.

90's TV is awesome, go jerk off to Game of Thrones you edgy faggot

And yet even with all of that, modern television is still shit by comparison

iirc it was in a beginning of an episode.

No. It was the end.

RIP Ken Steadman

I loved the music.

I hate how TV shows have become increasingly "cinematic." Classic TV shows have their own style and lo-fi charm distinct from films, which is what makes them appealing to me in the first place.

Whereas when it comes to modern shows that all try to be like movies, all I can think is "why the fuck am I watching this when I could go see a movie that does the same thing but better and less drawn-out?"

It happened though. "Into the Mystic." When they got the other Quinn who was basically the wizard of oz of that world with a humpback I think to fix the timer.

You know what else was a great 90s show with alternative universes ? Fucking Spellbinder. God damn I wish they went more than just the 2 seasons of this it had fucking potential.

The strange thing about that was if women were dominate than everybody's last names would be completely different because in each generation the kids wouldn't take the dad's name they would take the mom's . So she wouldn't even be Hillary Rodham . She'd be someone else depending on how far back it goes .

Did not know of this show, thanks

I only remember kari whore titties