/got/ general
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First for 4/10 episodes all season.
So the rest of the season is going to be better? Are you leakbro?
Was this necessary?
Tell me about this house. Why do they have the coolest sigil?
>Episode is called Oathbreaker
>Only SmallJon breaks his oath
So what happened to episodes actually having a bit of a theme?
>This is the best season yet
Why is Pycelle still alive?
I come from Reddit and I disagree, it was hella f*cking epic every episode so far.
So is this actually Shaggydog or some other wolf?
maisie is the definition of 'attainable'
she's got a proper qt personality though, probably really gives a good effort in bed
when is that faggot gonna die?
they should have executed him right after Ned was gone
>The most solid episode of season six so far, "Oathbreaker" boasts no shocking reveals or breathless cliffhangers, just strong forward-moving storytelling.
>House Man-woody
Sounds p. gay
>we usually have an episode where things didn't get how we wanted, but this season no, all solid episodes
That looks like a boar to me.
Roughly where is bloodravens cave located?
Technically, not even smoljon broke his oath since he never pledged loyalty to Ramsay/
Nth for unpleasable autistic fanbase who get more pleasure from complaining about the show than they ever will from reading the books.
Is this the best character in the series?
literally shitty biker jacket back pattern sigil, kys pleb
As much as I'd like it to be otherwise and the Umbers are in on some great ruse, it probably is Shaggydog.
every episode has gotten bettwer.
first was like a 5/10
2nd was 7.5/10
3rd was 9/10
I want it to be other wolf. It would make more sense to be other wolf, considering Umbers motivation, characters, behaviour during the scene.
But it's d&d after all.
>every episode so far
trolling aside, I doubt even reddit could think Episode 1 was good.
I didn't like any episode so far, but I could get someone liking #2 and #3...
Not 1. Never. If someone says he liked episode 1 he is literally mentally challenged.
Oath to the Starks senpai.
>Every episode feels like a finale
Regards D&D
What position do you think she prefers?
The TOJ fight was epic. Only autists are complaining about stupid things.
Why is Danerys so incredibly lucky?
Everything is literally given to her, and she barely faces any real repercussions.
first was 0/10
2nd was 2/10
3rd was 1/10
Looks too small to be a Direwolf, but knowing D&D they probable just didn't give a fuck
So how is the Hound alive?
Up there
maester behind rock
Why is the actor still alive?
She's Ramsays lost sister
>The King doesn't do anything despite that fact his sister was just openly murdered by four bastards from Dorne who have now somehow usurped power after killing members of the ruling family and are likely soon to be in open rebellion
>the king doesn't do anything despite the fact that his mother created and empowered a religious extremist order who imprisioned her, tortured her and made her walk naked through the city streets
>the king doesn't do anything despite his queen being emprisioned by said religious fanatics and will probably end like her mother or worse
>the king doesn't do anything even though the warden of the north has been asassinated and his mad dog son is now holding the north
the king is weak. WEAK
because you're 12.
>my watch has ended, for now I must play the Game of Thrones, an HBO™ original series based off of 𝘈 Song of Ice 𝘢nd Fire by author George R.R. Martin
>Not 1. Never.
Honestly m8 it was disappointing but my working theory is that they're getting ready to basically wrap up Dorne and then just never mention or show it again. I'm fine with that, since my basic preference is for the minimum possible amount of screentime given over to the sneks. Read in that light, that ep is a necessary evil.
Missionary. Watch that movie where she fucks her brother
you do know Tommen will fucking die right?
Name one good reason why you haven't accepted the Lord of Light in your life yet.
You can't.
Threadly reminder that Littlefinger performed better in a fight sequence from a shitty 2000ish movie than Arthur Dayne in a fight sequence from greatest TV series as of now
So Jon is Raegar's rape bastard?
maybe, maybe not. We'd need a sandor PoV to know for sure... I mean sure his actions and few words tell us a bit about him, but we'd need more for a title like best character of the series.
There's a lot of complex authentic characters in there.
I can't tell if this season has been totally awful or if the writers are bending over backwards to rectify GRRM's shit writing.
It's Shaggydog
Winterfell will be owned by Sansa and her husband Petyr Baelish by the end of the season, Rickon will get the Reek or Mance treatment and die at the bastardbowl
Screencap this
>no Oswell Whent
>Dawn is either not present or identical to generic longsword
>Olenna Tyrell not understanding the concept of a queen dowager versus queen consort
>Pycelle farting
anything else?
I like his new hair style.
Before anyone gets hyped from this user's post, there's no nudity.
There were plebbitors here and on leddit defending the first episode
Darkstar will surely save Dorne? R-r-right?
oh, you
Internet Hi Five brah, it was the shit!!!
>...for I have truly become A Feast for Crows
Why D'n'D made little boy say such a horrible thing before getting hanged?
His name is too dumb to be on the show.
Fucking Umbers butchery
I really want to believe that user, but 1) I doubt it, and fully expect more snek shit at least for a full season, maybe they die in episode 8 or so...
and 2) Dorne wasn't the only shitty scene in the first episode. None was even close to that shittyness, but lots were really bad.
dunno about anyone else but im seeing lots of normies on facebook saying how boring game of thrones is now
anyone else?
sometimes he makes me miss joffrey
After witnessing, shadow demons coming out of vaginas, and two resurrections I have no idea how no one rooting for whoever the Red Lady follows.
I assume this is book versions because show Jaime is awful.
Anyway one more for your list.
>super choreographed
/got/ would have hated this if the duel was like this.
So it's not Varys who'll kill Kevan in the show, right? I mean, why would he, Cersei is back stirring up shit again.
>preston's latest recap montage
How can showfags come back from this? DnD are finished.
Why was CIA fighting a chinaman in the 1800s?
Normies thought episode one was good, they have shit taste (even though this episode was mediocre)
sometime it's hard to know when people are trolling or not tho. I mean even on /got/ we have Daenerys internet defense force at times, people who say her character/story is good and interesting and the actress is excellent and most beautiful of the cast.
I do not doubt taht some were serious about liking it ( see my comment about mentally challenged people ) but most of it was certainly baiting.
>PLZ MELLY resurrect this man I don't care about, eventhough I hate blood magic and we are at war with things that resurrect the dead
>Can I take your order please
>I am Daenerys Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, called Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons and I would like a number nine, a number nine large, a number six with extra sauce, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one wit' cheese, and a large soda
Jon said "DON'T TAKE THE WILDLING ARMY TO WINTERFELL OR IT'LL PISS THE UMBERS OFF" to Stannis for a reason in the books
Joffrey was entertaining for his bastard attitude at least
Tommen might as well not fucking exist
R + L = D m8. Davos is literally told all about Jon Snow's parentage in ADWD. Nobody seems to have noticed.
>why does ned literally freak when bobby b proposes killing daenarys
>even barry selmy only seems a bit sad
>why does ned only ever seem to think about his promise to lyanna when daenarys is mentioned
>everyone thinks it's to do with Jon, but he always thinks of it in connection to Dany
it'll b e an epic headcrush by robert strong
His "previously on" segments are the best.
Ohhhh I was waiting for it.
Going to watch it, better not disappoint.
really wish they showed us thorne and olly's reaction to him being alive
>Sexy women
>Brutal death scenes
>Complex characters and plots
>Poopie jokes
desu when its shownlys then they are not baiting. They genuinely think its better than Rome, the Wire etc. But hey apparently normies are starting to think the show is boring now so we may start getting quality episodes again
>not liking skulls
>having a superiority complex over sigils in a Sup Forums board about a fantasy series
Please, for the love of god, bestow upon me your opinion of what the best sigil is
Dayne didn't want no trouble
>it's really important that jon comes back to lead the fight
>even tho he's such a shit leader than his men fuckign killed him
>and anyone else can lead the nw
>pls rez him!
>rez'ed up
>"I'm out, SEE YA GUYS, good luck with these white walker thingy"
Jon Snow was a mistake.
Because he is the greatest swordsman who ever lived and he travels through time and space to gather info about masketta man
>>Complex characters and plots
i hate how everybody keeps calling emilia fat
her character is literally walking miles in a wasteland with little food or water. you'd think the producers would acknowledge that she's too fat for the role for it to pass through. cmon guys
>no Oswell Whent
who cares
who cares
>Dawn is either not present or identical to generic longsword
who cares
>Olenna Tyrell not understanding the concept of a queen dowager versus queen consort
one of them is The Queen and the other isn't, this isn't difficult
>Pycelle farting
yeah that was shit
Because they dropped His best missionary.
Umbers pitting forward own puppet Stark against a Snow would make more sense
It's been like 4 days since S5 ended.
>Jon is rezed
>"Hey guys ima take my army of Wildlings and take back my home"
>"good luck with the White Walkers"
Why the fuck do they love the stupid dual-wielding so much?
And why do normies find it "badass"?
I really don't get why this addition was neccesary, it ruined an otherwise okay scene. Sometimes I get the feeling dnd want to piss us off intentionally.