Ready for the dawn of Vidyakino?

Ready for the dawn of Vidyakino?

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So how badly are they gonna portray the Christians and how heroic the poor Muslims and Jews that are being killed and ultimately expelled?

And wait to see how the Inquisition is going to be shown as.

Sup Forumstards are getting annoying

So how Jewish and/or muslim is the girl on the right?

I'm far from being a poltard, actually. But I'm afraid that they're going to go full insane with the Inquisition, when in reality it was nothing like usually portrayed and the Spaniards had legitimate reasons to act the way they acted to recover their land and keep others outside it.

I'm actually kind of excited about this, considering the directing and acting talent and how they seem into it. Let's see how the script goes.

Most of the AC games do a decent job of showing both sides as being fair, even the first one when it turns out the leader of the assassins is a power hungry dick like literally everyone else.
If they try to keep in tune with that then I doubt one side or the other will be clearly shown as being correct, unless it devolves into an order vs chaos sort of thing, in which case they'll probably liken the templars to communists.

That's reassuring, the only ones I played are 1 and the Ezio games, but can't honestly remember much of any beyond 2 and some parts of 1 (which I recall being quite good in that sense, yeah).

So, if this is good and is a success, I guess we'll be visiting new settings in the sequels with Callum? As a Asspainard, I'd like for Aguilar to still be in, but I kind of doubt it'll happen.

Then maybe you should fuck off back to your hugbox, faggot.

trailer where? i thought they said it was releasing soon?

Tomorrow, they said.

Don't know if it's going to be a shitty teaser or a relatively long one, though.

People called Kingdom of Heaven pro-islam or whatever but even in that movie the citizens of Jerusalem had to first force a stalemate in order to leave the city without being straight up slaughtered by Saladin's army. I really doubt AC will be Angela Merkel-tier cringeworthy.

fuck off Sup Forums

I just want them to skip the Euro stuff and move on to directing The Patriot 2: Sons of freedom.

Pretty sure shes a Spaniard

Actress is a French Greek-born actress. Her character according to IMBD is "MarĂ­a" so yeah, looks like she is.

FUCK YES! First vidya I bought in years just because it was so fun to run around murdering britbongs with a hatchet. I don't even think I finished the game, I just kept going on my own missions to kill as many redcoat pieces of shit as possible.

The trailer was fucking bullshit, one dude murdering an entire army on a battlefield? that was the time where AC really jumped the shark

Shit, they look so Spaniard it's unsettling, I can't wait to hear them say a perfect 'dias buenos"

It was an allegory for the atomic bomb you stupid slut.

AC is glorified fantasy, where the TEMPLARS are an illuminati network that has both Muslim and Christian members. Don't bother seeking any historical realism.

I like Micheal Fassbender, and I really want this film to be good but this might snuff his career...

>that was the time where AC really jumped the shark

Not Revelations?
Man, you Ezio fans are insufferable.

revelations was good though

Steve Jobs, X-Men Apocalypse then Assassin's Creed.

;_; yeah, it's over

How the fuck would it do that

Vieni qui e combattere contro di me

>rogues in shitty greens
>no 8/8 bloodfang set bonus


First fucking comment. This place is so shit.

Why does Fassbender have such enormous feet?!

>not getting Kristen Bell for this role

He's a big guy


Don't you ever fucking reply to me again.

>implying Ezio was in that game
>implying Desmond was either
Seriously what the fuck was with the character models? They were nothing like the ones from the previous games. Ezio suddenly had a hook nose and Desmond looked like his face had been battered with a shovel.

Also the game was shit and the story went full retard.

Ezio still a best

Are-are you fucking retarded? Did you even fucking PLAY the game?

this so much
>Assassin's Creed movie before Splinter Cell
Fucking Ubisoft

3 disasters in a row.

To say it would snuff out Fassbender's career is retarded, but I do believe it will flop/be terrible

It's such an obvious choice. They didn't even have to make her the same character but it would be a great cameo for the fans.

That post was satire, you mush brained scoot'N'shoot.

>it would be a great cameo for the fans.
It really wouldn't. Also, they're trying to make this canon within the universe even if it's about different characters.

The less consideration they give to the games, the better. What a shitshow those stories are (except for a few of them).

USA!USA!USA! Fuck year! We got the freedom and the liberty yeah!

>ass creed movie
>it isn't Black Flag

is that a strong female character i see?

Nah, the AC3 went full one sided pandering to America.

If they will do that then they clearly have an agenda.

Fuck off mudshit.

>Bongoloids this salty

If I knew there would be no repercussions I'd re-enact that video game in real life. The only thing that feels better than sticking your dick in a woman is sticking an axe in a britbong's skull.


Guess again.

What is it with Ameriblobs and thinking everyone against them is always a fucking buttertooth?

Fat fuck.

Yeah, I'm sure you're not.

>Le reddit I'll act like I'm not a bongoloid by saying bad things about my shit country ruse

Nice try faggot.

You have a lot of chips on your shoulder about the bongs, did a bong steal your girlfriend?

fuck no, you want Desmond to be cuckolded or something?

All these flavours and you yanks choose salty.

nah man, no shit movie can bend the assbender

>What is it with Ameriblobs and thinking everyone against them is always a fucking buttertooth?
I think it's the only country in another continent that they're aware of, I remember this video on youtube with an Australian demonstrating how stupid americans were and the comments were all raging at English people, the irony killed me

My gf is a bong. I nightly cuck the United Kaliphate.

Keep drinking my yum yum Americum you dumb faggot.

It seems like you're the one who's attempting to maintain a hugbox by expelling anyone with differing opinions.

Holy shit fuck off back to Sup Forums

So it's not Desmond Miles, then?

BF>AC2>>AC1>ACR>>ACB>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everything else

Fight me faggots.

>The less consideration they give to the games, the better
yeah this worked out really well for the hitman movies

>I remember this video on youtube with an Australian demonstrating how stupid americans were and the comments were all raging at English people, the irony killed me

Wait, there been a trailer yet of this schlock?

I know that this may shock and horrify you, but you are white so I don't care if you fuck one of our "women".

Better you than a Rasheed or Tyrone.

Didn't read any of this.

Here ya go m8

Americans are just awful.

I'm a Britbonger and in 1990, 2/3rd of the country couldn't point out UK on the map. 2/3rd of kids thought bacon came from cows. 1/3rd thought eggs came from cows/pigs.


How the fuck did it do that when the US ordered conor's village to be burned down? Did you even play the game?

My point is, that USA isn't unique in having dumb as a bag of fucking hair people.

People in UK are going to high school unable to read, write or go to the bathroom on their own.

>high school
You're no britbong retard, try again ameriblob


Maybe you should cry about it, like a true empowered womyn

I'm using highschool because the chances are, they're fucking Americans reading. Secondary School, happy now you fucking cunt? Primary school, happy now?

Fuck you.


Feel free to google it yourself you cunt.

Clappyfat is gonna have a heart attack.


AC2 jumped shark
Fucking alien gods and shit
Jesus Christ that twist ending was awful

I guess this is an untouched picture or a BTS one, right?

Because those buildings, even if they look like they could belong to Spain (despite that being, iirc, Malta), look somewhat modern if they want to set it in the 15th.

Was Macbeth good?

Yes. It was well adapted, the acting was pretty good and so was the directing.

The visuals are amazing.

I don't know how it'll translate into this movie, though. It all boils down to how much the writing sucks.

No it's a different guy and set in Spain. The exact dates aren't quite known, it might overlap with Ezio's time.

So, you mean just like in real life?

Is he playing a random assassin or Altair?

He's playing Aguilar, an Assasin from Asspain, during the 15th century.

Basically, a new character.

how do you pronouce this? doens't even sound similar as Spain

Steve Jobs got him a Oscar Nomination didn't it? Also X Men maybe awful but it will be commercially successful.

If you're a Spaniard like myself with a shitty English pronounciation, it kinda does sound the same (your average Spaniard saying "Spain" would be more like "Espain".

> velcro Stans


Steve Jobs gives him an Oscar nom and the critics says he is the only good thing in X Men apocalypse

>doesn't even start at the AC1 timeline

You're right, but the shark moment wasn't even the aliens, it was when literally every person who had helped Ezio turned out to be part of the sekret klub.