I was dying to see Hannibal in a tv show or movie. See this :
they cast him as Hannibal
I was dying to see Hannibal in a tv show or movie. See this :
they cast him as Hannibal
Other urls found in this thread:
Anthony Hopkins was a better Hannibal.
The second Punic war is my favourite war in all of history.
I'm hyped.
Will we get to see lots of Cannibals in this?
My knowledge of these things is based entirely on Rome: Total War but I'm pretty sure that Hannibal wasn't a nigger and that the Carthaginians weren't considered barbarians by Roman standards
hannibal is a fictional character, it doesn't matter what race he is
wait is this to do with Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal Cannibal?
If it isn't then you have entirely lost me and don't care for watching history shit
Well, Attila is played by a white actor, so it's ok
Mads Mikkelson or bust
itt: people who have no idea who hannibal was
>Casting a black man to eat other people
What could possibly go wrong with this?
Rami Malek would've been a better choice
Bryan Fuller is coming back though I hope
And to think Siddig is free from GoT.
He was north african so it could have been possible
Also he looks like he could be a warlord so it's all fine with me
This. Who is he? Did he eat people like the cannibal guy?
No, he sacrificed them to Moloch.
Pls go read a book, retard
What the feck? So this guy was a Pagan worshipper of Moloch?
Well that's just nasty..
> Nicholas Pinnock as Hannibal
>Ben Batt as Spartacu
>Kirsty Mitchell as Boudica
>Tom Hopper as Arminius
>Emil Hostina as Attila
>Gavin Drea as Alaric
>Steven Waddington as Fritigern
>Richard Brake as Genseric
>Jefferson Hall as Viriathus
Why isn't there any actual Romans fighting for Rome?
This show is gonna paint the Romans as the oppressing patriarchy bad guys, isn't it?
So how will the show even be structured?
Sounds like it'd have to be an anthology series or something
he was from phoenician nobility.
his dad wasn't black
his mom was probably greek
I thought we wuz Kings was just a meme
fuck this shit man. fuck it
wasn't the barbarians germanic?
This is a weird coincidence.
I just listened to Dan Carlin's punic nightmares yesterday
Fucking niggers stealing historical figures, since they have none themselves. First Egyptians, then Moors and now Carthaginians.
About as dumb as this casting
>Show that centres around civilizations falling
>nigger cast as hannibal due to SJW white guilt bullshit (the thing that will cause our civilization to fall)
barbarians = everyone who's not roman or greek
No. Germans had high castles and were very intelligent, not barbaric at all.
>pic related is a German movie about Medieval Germans
hahahaha that guy on the left's face expression says it all
Wrong Hannibal.
Why doesn't he just play himself?
he was literally phoenician mixed with either greek or roman (cant remember)
Barbarians (Barbarus) was a broad term that Romans used that eventually came to refer to all foreigners.
It was actually first used by the Romans to refer the Numidians of North Africa
stopped watching due to the bad photoshop.
these are all lies anyway. Germans had the most mightiest army right behind the Romans.
They were not barbaric at all
It's funny that they're turning historical figures from other cultures into niggers. Yeah, i'm sure they will like having one of their beloved historical figures turned into a nigger.
t. kraut
cant handle basic banter
No, the greeks used it first to describe any non-greek peoples.
hue hue hue sie loss!
>most mightiest
confirmed for german
confirmed for kino
No, they're just shitposting
doubt it
The pandering to delusional crybullies has reached its new low.
Let's change history to make black people feel better about themselves!
Carthaginians weren't even of North African origin, especially their ruling elite, they were of Phoenician origin, they came originally from where today is Lebanon.
They definitely weren't white like Scandinavians but definitely not black.
North Africans are not even close to be black either, not even the product of a mixture of white and black, but their own anthropological and ethnical group. If there has been any mixture between North Africans and Black "inner" Africans it has been the result of the Trans-Saharan Trade route and the slave trade in this last very few centuries.
Why not just portrait someone who looks Levantine, Mid-Eastern, Arabic or a dark looking South European?
>Tom Hopper as Arminius
Billy is going to kill some romans
Yeah but they live in Africa so they black for real tho.
Stupid racist cracker you trynna steal our heritage! WE WAS KINGS AND SHIT.
Good Job USA, let's make for the white on black racism by stealing culture from brown people and giving it to blacks, after all niggers and sandniggers sound pretty close, amirite?
They want people to believe that they have always lived in a 'multicultural' society. Their propaganda is already working, and pretty soon people will start to genuinely believe that historical western figures were black.
>tfw berber
>very few important people of your ethnicity in history
>most are classical era or very early medieval
>black people and arabs try to claim those people for themselves
fuck off you have plenty of figures to lay claim to
Hannibal was Phoenician but I get your point. He was probably pretty light skinned middle eastern looking, so probably not very different from berbers.
A lot of people also think Tuareg when you say berber so they think "we wuz kangz". It's the same with the word moors.
Here's a reconstruction of a dead Carthaginian
Notice the overwhelmingly Jewish/semitic features
but berbers were black. unless you're a jew
i want you to die
>jews cucked themselves
Oh vey
>American TV
Nah, some berbers turned black for living in the desert too much, but some berbers are so white authors often compare them to Scandinavian nords, in addition, if you're a Berber, then you probably have roman, byzantine and greek blood in you.
Phoenicians/Punics/Carthaginians might be best thought of as Jews who kept the older polytheistic religion. Phoenician is practically the same language as Hebrew.
No they aren't. They were and are the native North Africans. They looked Mediterranean although some Saharan tribes who were black spoke their languages and still do. The modern north Africans are largely arabized berbers with lots of admixture in certain areas, while others (Kabyle region in Algeria for example) are still largely Berber through and through. Some examples of Berbers are the footballers Zidane and Afellay.
where do you live my berber friend?
Anyone who didnt spoke latin/greek was barbarian in eyes of rome.
Scotland, I'm only half Berber
As a Spaniard who likes the history of Al-Andalus I am a bit scared that Americans try to portray our history with all the agenda, stereotypes and absurdities they carry on their baggage.
One of our most famous Moorish kings Abderramán III, was so "black" that he had to dye his red beard to a black colour to pass as more Arabic because he was "bullied" by the Umayyads. He also had blue eyes. I have no doubt the people in Hollywood would have the guts to portray him as a black person, and all the Spanish muslims of the time for that matter, forgetting that 90% of the muslims in Al-Andalus were of Muladi origins, which mean local Iberians converted to Islam.
And the only register we have here of black people in Al-Andalus where the slave warriors of Al-Nasir during the Navas de Tolosa battle. Pic related.
Fuck this shit. It's absurd, and it only makes people resent blacks as they can interpret it as "stealing" our culture.
lucky you, i'm still trapped in Algeria, full berber here
Hannibal was a fucking jew
He pretty much looked like what modern day palestinians do
This extreme examples are probably the product of the Vandal and Alanic influence in North Africa.
>north african
>at that time specifically
there were no blacks in that part of africa
and hannibal was phoenician/greek
this is fucking blackwashing
jesus christ
You maybe right. The whole berber culture is descendant of Eurasian slavic cultures anyway, but those examples aren't extreme at all, sometimes when I drive to berberic villages in Algeria, i feel like I'm in rural regions of Europe, so many blondes and light skinned people there desu
nah dude african means black there are no non blacks in the entire continent and never have been
t. american education system
Yea you are joking but that seems to be actually the mentality. Natural confusion if you think that they just call black people there as African-Americans, the idea this gives to people is that there are only black in Africa.
>they cast a black guy as a african
whats the problem
Kill yourself.
>this shitskin is better than that shitskin because he's lighter
real talk, is it worth watching? Till is cool
Following your logic Europeans are shitskins too, idiot
wrong buddy they use it to described end of the world savages (germans,britons and slavs )
>he lived in Africa therefore he was black!
Just like everyone living in the Americas are native Americans!
Europeans are not shitskin. The statement only says shitskin.
>very intelligent, not barbaric at all.
Just like everyone from Greenland are polar bears!
Probably. Only good thing right now is Richard Brake.
t. albierto barbuesa
>those beady eyes
I bet that polar bear is jewish
>tried to cross the alps with African elephants
Why are nigers so fucking stupid?
Wasn't Vin Diesel trying to get this made for years?
>sub-saharan african
we're living in an age where political correctness trumps historical accuracy.