"She turns. "Hold up my fur." He obeys. "Be careful. Don't touch my skin." Earlier in this game she was nervous...

>"She turns. "Hold up my fur." He obeys. "Be careful. Don't touch my skin." Earlier in this game she was nervous, constipated, wondering if this was anything like male impotence. But thoughtful Pointsman, anticipating this, has been sending laxative pills with her meals. Now her intestines whine softly, and she feels shit begin to slide down and out. He kneels with his arms up holding the rich cape. A dark turd appears out the crevice, out of the absolute darkness between her white buttocks. He spreads his knees, awkwardly, until he can feel the leather of her boots. He leans forward to surround the hot turd with his lips, sucking on it tenderly, licking along its lower side… he is thinking, he's sorry, he can't help it, thinking of a Negro's penis, yes he knows it abrogates part of the conditions set, but it will not be denied, the image of a brute African who will make him behave… The stink of shit floods his nose, gathering him, surrounding. It is the smell of Passchendaele, of the Salient. Mixed with the mud, and the putrefaction of corpses, it was the sovereign smell of their first meeting, and her emblem. The turd slides into his mouth, down to his gullet. He gags, but bravely clamps his teeth shut. Bread that would only have floated in porcelain waters somewhere, unseen, untasted-risen now and baked in the bitter intestinal Oven to bread we know, bread that's light as domestic comfort, secret as death in bed… Spasms in his throat continue. The pain is terrible. With his tongue he mashes shit against the roof of his mouth and begins to chew, thickly now, the only sound in the room…"

How would you adapt this scene from "Gravity's Rainbow"?

What the fuck is pinecone thinking

He was just trying to be edgy.

This is oddly well written for what looks like weird fetish porn.

Like I gathered that but still

It's modern "art"

It is actually from one of the most acclaimed pieces of 20th century literature.

You know that Inherent Vice movie that came out a while ago

Based on a book by the same guy who wrote this. Thomas Pynchon.

It's called "The Human Centipede".

Better question is how you handle the protagonist boning an 11-year-old girl.

>cuckposts in 1973
>still manages to be funnier than every subsequent instance of cuckposting

Let's see you spit out better prose than that.

back to

>mfw /lit/ is the least-reddit normie board

>muh prose

I don't care how many times he consulted the thesaurus, it's still the same fucking story as

>eating gf's shit
>reminds me of a bbc

The average Sup Forumsedittor taste, everyone.

If it's as easy as consulting a thesaurus, why aren't all books as well written as Gravity's Rainbow?


>le trivializing a story with greentext

You can do that to literally anything you retard.

You know I'm right, you pretentious faggot.

fuck off back to plebbit with your shitposting. Pynchon is clearly 2deep4u

Isn't there an exciting eternal /got/ or MCU/DC thread for you post in?

>insulting people over liking good shows instead of reading books about eating shit and nigger dicks

Typical Swedish poster

>Wardine be cry.

How would you adapt this scene from "Infinite Jest"?

I want Sup Forums to leave plz


Superior book coming through. Make way philistines.

>not Infinite Jest

I haven't read IJ yet

are you a fellow /lit/izen?

Would I have this chart if I wasn't?

but this is the only chart you need

Jesus Ft Christ, neither of you belong on /lit/

says who?


You havent read Ficciones? Thats pleb tier stuff

started tackling this meme list last fall. currently on Don Quixote and White Noise. Ficciones is probably next

Good, because its awesome. Especially Pierre Manard

>The Iliad that high but no Aeneid anywhere to be found

I'm mad.

How do I into Pynchon?

eat your poo while watching some BLACKED video

You're supposed to start with Lot 49 and then V. but honestly it doesn't fucking matter. Nothing on God's green earth will help Gravity's Rainbow make sense to you. Just read for the experience of it.

crying of lot 49

>he didn't understand GR

brainlet detected

I started with V. but everyone says to start with Crying of Lot 49, I think either one is fine. Definitely don't do Gravity's Rainbow until after you've read something else of his first though.

Bleeding Edge is really good, Mason and Dixon was the most frustrating for me.

Thanks guys.

>watching Manhattan Connection
>saw M&D on the background

it really is, compared to this fucking game of thrones/capeshit obsessed ces pit. i only stay here for the pest posting

>he's a pestposter
kys fàm

>mfw a girl i know recommended i read this book

what is she trying to tell me

>Crime and Punishment that high
>Siddhartha higher than Steppenwolf
>no Narziss and Goldmund or Glass Bead Game

Oy /lit/

>pinecone stops writing about eating shit in complicated words
>everybody thinks INherent Vİce and Bleeding Edge are shit
they think it's like he stopped making kino and moved to joints instead

>hasn't read LoTR, No Longer Human and Heart of Darkness
le plêbé