>After the Marvel Logo there is a flashback of Sokovia's aftermath. A man with an militar uniform stands in the midst of catastrophe, he looks up and sees the Avengers leaving.
>Wanda is harrased for being responsible of the hospital explosion.
>The Avengers discuss the accords, Captain America is against it at first but ultimately he signs. They prepare for their next mission (led by the UN) which is take down some insurgents in a foreign country.
>He discusses with Tony after the mission, telling him that the Avengers aren't favouring people but the interests of the government alone, reminding him of HYDRA. Tony tells him that he will try to make a deal but they need to act according to the stablished law until it happens.
>Cap tries to tell him that Bucky killed his parents, but the UN bombing, the persecution and Bucky's break happens.
>Cap doesn't go rogue for Bucky, instead he does it when he is sent to capture other superhumans (in which Ant-Man is included) and also when Wanda is imprisoned.
Fixing Civil War
>Wanda is in the pro-reg team at first because she feels guilt (just like Natasha), ANTS reason to be in the anti-reg is because he feels that his tech is more secure in his hands and because Cap didn't chase him (better motivation than LULZ I LOVE YOU CAP XD), Spidey feels that the ones that he care about are would be more safe if he signs. Hawkeye gives the anti-reg team a refuge and REMAINS NEUTRAL UNTIL THE AIRPORT FIGHT.
>The airport scene is much more brutal and there is no evacuation bullshit, this makes Spidey ignore the fight so he can save the people that are still around.
>Wanda betrays Tony and deviates Vision laser which accidentally cripples War Machine. Tony wants to give up on trying to get Cap on his side.
>Tony doesn't go to the bunker, the army does tho. Zemo sends Tony the video before getting captured.
>Final fight is at The Raft: Cap is angry because of what they did to his team; Tony is angry because he wasn't manly enough to tell him about his parent's assasination
and calls Steve on his bullshit because he was the one that brought this on his team. Panther talks with Zemo in his cell, same as the movie.
>No love letter.
Look Russos, i fixed your shitty movie.
God damn Tony! This means war! Marvel's Captain America CIVIL WAR!
That line gave me straight nerd chills. How do they come up with this stuff?
You made it worse.
Pretty good user but the rain didn't asault the ground during the final fight 4/10
How to make it better
>more Ant-man
Look Russos, I fixed your shitty movie.
How to make it better
>More 4DX theaters
Look Russos, I fixed your movie.
Fuck off Kevin Smith. My local theater finally started offering non-3D showings for big blockbusters, I don't want another fucking gimmick to take away from my regular ass screenings.
How to make it better
>Now we are in Lagos
Look Russos, I fixed your shitty movie.
>They don't ALL run at each other, Warmachine stands back and launches a salve of missiles or whatever, Hawkeye stands back too, targeting enemies with arrows from afar instead of trying to shoot point blank.
>Spiderman acts more like the external element he is, he's a young very intelligent boy and after getting involved and hearing Ironman version he just tries to understan Cap's point, mayber after temporarily restraining him with web.
>after a couple of encounters, where Spidey gets involved just to avoid chaos and trying to act as a mediator, shit goes wrong and Cap gets seriously wounded/dies.
This would actually: give more stature to Spiderman instead of relegating him to the LOLSORANDUM teen trope, make the conflict feel "real" and important and set up the mood for a number of sequels.
Change the airport for another place.
Why? The point of that fight was that Cap had to get to a goddamn airplane.
This is bad. Why does Wanda do anything you say she does, why does antman even get an opinion, why do you treat Spiderman like he isn't some dumb kid dragged into this for Tony's use?
>why does antman even get an opinion
Because this needs to be about teams fighting over an issue not two people worrying about it with other guys aiding them in their bickering.
>why do you treat Spiderman like he isn't some dumb kid dragged into this for Tony's use?
Or split it into two movies. Cap 3 following the multiple winter soldier storyline which ends in Bucky losing his whole brain washing issue. As a result, he still feels extreme guilt over what he has done and wants to redeem himself. Cap suggests he join the Avengers.
Jump to Avengers: CW, starts with Cap introducing Bucky to the team, some people are hesitant to his joining (Tony and co) and thus Tony starts questioning Cap's judgement. In one of the first fight scenes, where they are chasing Crossbones or whoever for the bio-weapon, Cap has a plan to stop him, but Iron Man wants to do it another way because he is hesitant on Cap now. IM's way is more dangerous and likely to have collateral damage but will result in capturing the villain, while Cap's revolves around having no collateral damage but a possibility of the villain escaping. Suddenly we have half the avengers follow Iron Man because they want to stop the villain from the potential of hurting many more people in the future while Cap wants to avoid risking innocent lives now.
Now he have an actual dilemma that makes you question which one is the best option and develops a conflict out in the field and back at headquarters. Putting it in 2 movies allows better character development for both storylines.
> IM's way is more dangerous and likely to have collateral damage but will result in capturing the villain, while Cap's revolves around having no collateral damage but a possibility of the villain escaping.
But why would Tony want more collateral damage?
Because he essentially wants to do whatever it takes to stop the villain. I'm not saying he wants it (like he doesn't go around just blowing shit up), but he is willing to take the risk. Motivation could be something along the lines of how he doesn't want an Ultron style event happening where if they let the villain get away it could turn into a much worse scenario than they could ever expect.
I would have set the airport fight on the raft. The anti registration team is arrested and forced to go due to a bad Zemo/Crossbones orchestrated incident, and the pro reg team appears to stop them from escaping.
But I guess since the the Raft, they might have too much collateral damage and release villains.
Civil War's script isn't very good, but neither is your shitty fanfiction.
Is that you Chris Stuckmann?
ill respond because i get the meme
>more Jesus anologies
>more vomit-inducing filters
>Cap asks Tony if he bleeds
>Wanda now has inception powers
>led by the UN
This. If it was Kevin Smith talking then maybe, he's a proven screenwriter, but you dumbasses ain't made shit, you don't know anything.