Just look at the fucking state of the catalogue now.
Literally 40+ capeshit threads. All discussing the same thing.
Yeah, littering the board non-stop for months without end. But the pathetic mods and janitors don't give a fuck and only delete good things
Mods are retarded
Actually, neither should be deleted :^)
fuck off.
I don't see your point
Can you pinpoint the moment it all went so terribly, terribly wrong?
Fuck you, that's the point
>Actually, neither should be deleted :^)
You were referring to both glauthreads and cunnyposters, right?
Seems a rather opaque point
Yes, pretty much nothing should be deleted
I didn't see you bitching when normie wars came out
serves you right
when ryry grew boobs ;__;
what's a good starting point for memekino?
I don't care for most of them except cunnyposters like
what's the matter, can't handle the beauty?
>filter pedoshit
>filter capeshit
>filter got
>filter memes "what did he mean" etc
Now all I've got is a dead fucking board, because everyone participates in these threads and the others get like 10 replies. It's not worth it lads, leave this place
alright, you first
>>filter memes "what did he mean" etc
I don't know about that man, sometimes actual discussion may come up with meme catchphrases.
it's not fair that a little girl is this beautiful
>trying to stand against the stream instead of flowing with it
waifu threads always had the most interesting film discussion
this is what redditors, including mods, never understood
fair to whom?
other girls?
Sup Forums used to be all about standing against the norm, I'm not going to change sides, especially when the norm now is capeshit.
at least the peds are doing their part to keep the normy cancer at bay
Fuck off Sup Forumseddit scum