>Great movies made in the last 6 years (2010s+)
i dunno...
>Scotland is so le edgy, quirky and cool xDDD
Ugh, this and Trainspotting... Scotland's a fucking meme country
bong detected
have fun in cuckystan
I'm pretty sure it's not even really a country.
Filth is 9/10
Muh Negros
You know, it's weird, every time this comes on TV I'm like "It's that boring train movie with Denzel in it, pass". But then every single time I end up watching it. Every time.
There were movies made in the last 6 years?
Cemetery of Splendour
I'm exactly this way with Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo, i swear i've seen that shit over 30 times, it's just irresistable to me.
Its not cognizant its mandatory
The top three of the decade so far
I always knew this was beyond kino, now i know why.
kino related
>We're so le gritty and hip and le cool because we swear and take drugs and have a le whAaAaAAAaAcky accent woooo!!
I can sense the butthurt from across the pond, slimey limey
this and only this
Implying that Trainspotting isn't one of the best movies 90's -2010's
Jake know wich movies to pick i really liked these
>It's that boring train movie with Denzel in it
He's been in more than one.
Great cinematography
The one with John Travolta wasn't boring, it was just shit
this and Drive.
Fucking awful movie, literally ruined the book for me
Not even going to mention the soundtrack
It would have been a good episode of twilight zone, or black mirror kind of anthology show, but its not a strong enough premise to carry a feature film.
I feel you my man, he's the only actor i actively follow right now.
You have GOT to be trolling.
The book was amazing. You just need to treat the film as a different story than the book altogether.
think everyone thought that when watching
seemed like it was made by a college student that watched too many shows like that (just like me)
Yeah, I didn't hate it, but it's reach exceeded its grasp.
I'll never understand why people enjoy this flick.
proper kino 2bh
He's a level 12 operator user. Also it hearkens back to a time in the 80's and 90's when you could have a simple action flick with some grounded gun violence.
How can anyone work as a teacher after seeing this? Some random kid will blame you and you're done.
Only one itt I haven't seen
So you might as well be guilty when they hang you then.
>ITT : anons with terrible taste
You should watch Leviathan, is pretty amazing
>hella cucked: the movie
Super was a bad flick that ended up being one long lead up to the greatest "super" hero monologue in the history of capeshit
>pic related
my nigga
This is the only non-cartoon movie I can think of for some reason
haven't seen
Thought this was a pretty good flick that flew under the radar.
I tried many times to start it but I just can't get in the right mood for it. When it first came out and received critical acclaim I assumed it was 2012 Leviathan and watched that instead.
The Revenant
>pretty good
Read the post you dipshit.
>le true patrician no fun allowed
are people really this autistic?
Is this rhetorical?
The Tree of Life
Knight of Cups
To the Wonder, too, if that floats your boat. Many found that to be Malicks most emotional film to them.
Not even memeing
ex machina
son of a gun
generation iron
kumiko the treasure hunter
Off the top of my head:
-The Wolf of Wall Street
-The Tree of Life
-Knight of Cups
-A Prophet
And that's without including euroshit.
The Revenant's only forte was cinematography; maybe, Hardy's performance, but that's it.
So what: the movie
this was pretty good.
women michael cera the movie
Trying to think of one that hasn't already been mentioned, pls no bully
this has got to be the only movie you've seen if you actually unironically think its good