Cast the new live action Mario film.
Cast the new live action Mario film
Sammo Hung as Mario
Jackie Chan as Luigi
Yuen Biao as Toad
Tyrion of course
Danny Devito as Yoshi.
Paul Dano as Toad.
James Earl Jones as Bowser
danny devito as mario
ty simpkins as princess peach
Seth Rogen-Mario
James Franco-Luigi
Craig Robinson-Bowser
Amy Poehler/Some Blone Bitch-Peach
Danny McBride-Toad
Will Ferrel-some side character that travels with Mario and Luigi, maybe a Koopa that comes to the good side?
This is correct
This might actually be cool/ funny. Also expect a dude mushrooms lmao scene.
Someone pitch this Idea to Seth
Leguizamo x1000
Gtfo underage
I'm 24 years old
only underage people call someone underage or newfag. Back 2 Sup Forums
Leonardo Dicaprio as Mario
Ryan Gosling as Luigi
Scarlett Johansson as Peach
Vin Diesel as Bowser
Chris Evans as Toad
Danny Devito as Wario
Ben affleck as Waluigi and its nintendokino
Wario-John C Reilly
Waluigi- Will Ferrel
Johnny Depp as Waluigi
It just wouldn't be the same without Bob Hoskins and Dennis Hopper. I propose we steal their corpses from their respective graves, reanimate them through unholy magicks, and force them to act in the movie. We'll cover up their constant moaning of "Braaaaiiinsss . . ." in post.
Best movie ever.
hola reddito
This honestly sounds so realistic, it has to be a leak
I actually work at Columbia Pictures and we're lowkey picking this movie up for 2017 look out for it
Fuck off newfags
A Super Mario movie
Mario and Luigi (John C. Reily and Will Ferrell) are a couple of low time plumbers who also happen to have an iq of 48, Mario has a girlfriend, Peach (who is actually a hooker and a drunk played by Kathryn Hahn).
One day Mario and Luigi won 100 million from the lottery, so Peach, being the whore that she is, decided to tell her pimp, Bowser (Craig Robinson) and they hatch a plan to leech it off the two plumbers. by pretending that Peach is kidnapped by Bowser
Meanwhile Mario and Luigi's cousins, Wario (Danny Mcbride) and Waluigi (James franco) hears about their winnings and plan to take it all for themselves, Wario gets himself some mushrooms from his local dealer, 'Toad' (Adam Scott) and laces their spaghetti with the mushrooms, They all start to trip where all they could see in Mario Land where everything is cgi, Mario and Luigi panics and tries to save Peach from Bowser, stopping the whole Drug Cartel and Bowser's child slavery ring in the process
Directed by Judd Apatow
I would enjoy the fuck out of that movie
>Adam Scott
>Drug Dealer
Now this I would pay to see.
would watch.
adam scott really sealed the deal for me
Oscar Isaac as Waluigi
is that Adam scott with bowl hair cut?
John wall as Mario
James harden as Luigi
Draymond Green as Bowser
Cassidy Hubbarth as Peach
Ayyy we out here