Eternal /got/ general
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it's out
Great Gatsby was such a good novel
Nth for most handsome man in all the Seven Kingdoms
RIP Eurio
Nth for tmdmid
Will Dany ever go to the shadowlands? Will we ever see it in the show?
You didn't link the last thread OP
You had SEVERAL jobs OP!
>He found a line and pulled on it, fighting toward the hatch to get himself below out of the storm, but a gust of wind knocked his feet from under him and a second slammed him into the rail and there he clung. Rain lashed at his face, blinding him. His mouth was full of blood again. The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit.
Dissapointed that the guy the brough for the ToJ scene didnt look nor sounded like Sean Bean
I hope not.
People still believe Robb had a plan?
The state of affairs when Robb leaves Riverrun: - Tywin is at Harrenhal - Stannis is sitting at Dragonstone - Renly is making his glacial procession from the South
A lot of things are up in the air. Will Tywin stay at Harrenhal? Will he take the fight to Stannis or Renly? Will Renly accept an alliance with Robb? What will Stannis do?
It's a total crap shoot.
Further, Robb has no idea that he will be able to get through the Golden Tooth so easily or that he will be able to obliterate Stafford Lannister's host with minimal losses. It's really only due to these factors that he is able to raid the Westerlands as he does and have the capability to lay a trap for Tywin at all.
At the end of the day, the order to hold Riverrun was not part of some grand design. It was a sensible order given to a troublesome Lord who proved himself to be a poor commander, spreading his forces thin but still trying to be an aggressor leading to his own capture and siege of his castle.
Robb needed to make sure Riverrun was secure as a base of operations in the Riverlands. If Tywin attacks Riverrun, Robb can smash him like he did Jaime. If he did not, Robb should've been able to at least count on Edmure to hold his ground and allow Robb to improvise, which is exactly what happened.
Granted Edmure did a great job at the Battle of the Fords from a tactical perspective. But if he lost it would've been a disaster.
get over it.
He looked close enough to play a young Ned. You probably wouldn't be satisfied unless they had Sean Bean Himself from 1985
Just realized the extent of George's cuckoldry.
For years and years this man teased little things. "Oh, you think he's dead, do you?"
"Yes, you will find out who Jon's mother is."
For years and YEARS this guy has artfully dodged hundreds of questions asked by interviewers and fans who tried to get some clues.
This is the guy who purposely didn't read fan theories as he didn't want them interfering with his own ideas.
And now he has to sit back on his fat ass as the TV show cuckolds him out of nearly every single reveal that he's been edging the fans for all these years.
100% cucked.
Poor Brienne, never got to explain the situation about Jaime to undead Cat. I have a bad feeling about the meeting between Cat and Jaime, though Jaime has actually grown as a character
>Jaime will never grow as a character in the show
That probably is one of the top 5 saddest things about this show.
Also: Stannis' character destruction
Jon Snow's actor
Sand Snake character change
Anything else? Major disappointments only
>counting on Radmure
>will dany go even FURTHER east?
God I hope not.
>yfw Shae will be a faceless man and kill off meme Tyrion
No proper Grand northern alliance/conspiracy
How was it a mistake? Radmure beat Tywin.
Edmure did nothing wrong. He held Riverrun, and Robbs "plan" was so unfactorable that it defintley didnt exist. He used Edmure as a scapegoat because he knew Edmure was loyal.
originally yeah, but that may have changed along the way, if stannis takes kings landing robb probably just goes home and dares stannis or whoever else ends up on the throne to try to take on the north
thinking about it if that had happened it couldve easily have ended up in the iron throne dissolving and returning to separate kingdoms
>Jamie will never grow as a character in the show
Riverlands soon, user. There is always hope.
>Jon Snow's actor
He has gotten much better. The only actors I really can't stand are the sand snakes and Emilia
I'm sure both Rob and Stannis could come to an agreement, the Stark and Baratheon families were close and Stannis hero-worshipped Ned
Kit sometimes acts really well, then other times acts likes garbage for some reason
If we take last episode for example, when telling Davos about them stabbing him was bad, but when he was executing them, hearing their last words, that was good
I think lots of the people on this board hate him for no reason
I doubt that, especially if Robb insisted on independence, which he would have. His bannermen would not allow him to be the second King who Knelt. There is a large chance that he would have lost the riverlands, but assuming that he knocked the Ironborn back into the ocean, all he would have to do is hold Moat Cailin.
The only agreement theyd come upon is Robb bending the knee.
Are we all forgetting that Stannis tried to use black magic on Robb?
>Stannis hero worshipped Ned
well yeah thats king of what i meant, robb controls north of the neck and stannis gets the trident back
but if that happens i could see dorne declaring independence and eventually with the central rule in disarray most kingdoms would openly revolt and there wouldnt be much there to stop them from going independent
being a manlet is not a reason?
good night sweet governor ;_;
I can't hate too much on Kit, he does really well sometimes. Okay, he's not the guy I would have casted but he is fine.
Is Edmure still alive in the show? God I hope they bring him back and don't make him look like a bitch.
The books are so loaded with possibilities and purposeful misdirection that the fat man can still do whatever he wants to. of course, he probably won't turn over everything he was building to like that, but he could.
Recast Jon then
Kit's really great. Been liking him more and more. Too bad he's a manlet.
I don't think the lannisters would have been willing to fight if Casterly Rock and Lannisport got fucked up, even with the Tyrells. If they did, all Robb would have to do is hold Moat Cailin, assuming he could beat back the Ironborn. He would lose the Riverlands, but not the north.
>Stannis hero-worshipped Ned
Stannis literally tells Jon he has no loyalty to Ned and doesn't give a rat's ass about him, BUT he has honor. Ned saved him and Stannis just says its because Robert commanded him to.
On a tangent, aren't Bobby B and Ned gay for each other? Ned names his first born after goddamn Bobby
He's confirmed to be back.
So is Blackfish
Things we learned from this episode:
>Shaggy dog is dead
>Jon is not dead
>Rickon is not on Skagos
>Dorne has fallen to feminism
>Ser Gregog confirmed as Frankenstein
>Old man in tree is not Brynden Rivers
Any other fan theories cucked?
I come here only to see you pathetic fucks break down over every single minute of every episode, with the same guy who posts the "dabid" meme over and over again.
Queen of Cinder
This editing make GoT look like
fuck yeah
dayne is a over rated faget who got FROGGED
>Old man in tree is not Brynden Rivers
I am pretty sure that "1000 years" comment was hyperbole
>D&D are clearly stretching the story out and playing it safe because they haven't got a clue how the stories will go, they just know the ending
I mean, it's obvious now isn't it? the winterfell battle will take place in ep 9 while in Winds of Winter it will be literally in the beginning of the book. J U S T
Son, do you even Umber as The North Remembers?
Is Bran gonna view Meera as the daughter of a backstabber now?
A Dishonourable family
Damn, I swear it was a mistake for D&D to kill Roose. If I could change the past, I'd have Martin not kill Tywin either, but sometimes radical changes are necessary for new moves to occur. Killing Roose doesn't really change anything as Ramsay always did waht he wanted.
Actually, why KILL Roose at all? From Ramsay's perspective, he shoudl be doomed in every case, UNLESS Roose truly makes him first born
Umbers are a split house, son.
i was pretty mad about bran getting mad about the whole thing
here lad, you dont read asoiaf for the literary excellence but for the comfy world building & sometimes big tweeeest. I agree that is cringe but his characters and sub plots are a good read.
I could see him killing Roose, but not his baby brother. Now he doesn't have an heir if shit goes south, which it will, and he has completely fucked his relations with the Frey's, a house that he will need at his side when the Lannisters find out about Sansa.
Oh yeah I forgot the Howland Reed reveal was complete bullshit.
>This is the wise swamp king who rules a floating magic fortress
>I am pretty sure that "1000 years" comment was hyperbole
Good one user ;)
I'd never accuse D&D of stretching the story out.
I just had a thought. Let's say that Bastardbowl happens, Littlefinger rides in with the armies of the Vale, and crushes the Boltons/Karstarks/Umbers(?). Would he then be able to legitimize Jon as a Stark, Littlefinger being the lord of the Vale and all?
>>Actually, why KILL Roose at all?
yeah he couldve lived, boltons are getting fucked up very soon anyway, same way it didnt really make sense for stannis to kill his kid then die in battle 2 episodes later anyway
Have you seen Casterly Rock? That shit is impossible to take. Robbs plan to take CR in the show is a show only thing. Lannisport, i dont know if possible.
I agree about Ironborns, Robb would probably been able to beat them back.
Kit does a good job, jon is supposed to be brooding and quiet
And he's supposed to be small. Like what the fuck.
By all accounts, time and time again, Howland Reed is not strong, average at the very best, and at worst mocked for his small stature.
This fucker looks like Disposable Peasant Soldier #47
I rewatched few episoded of the first season. He literally never loses his mouth
It wouldnt be impossible to take
Just give Bronn 20 good men and some climbing boots.
Where is the leaks?
>show Howland isn't small to these guys
HAHAHAHA holy FUCK you bitter manlets are hilarious.
uno farto
I honestly never would have caught that as a fart if someone hadn't pointed that out. I thought it sounded like a chair squeaking.
Yes, nothing happened first 3 episodes. Jon literally could be ready to fight in 1-2 episodes but they'll make it the season finale. Which is stupid.
>Threadly reminder anyone could have just stabbed Dayne in the back right here and two people wouldn't have died
>m-muh honour
Ned showing us why he got his head cucked off, even as a young man.
maybe i missed something but why is Kevan against cercei?
t. Pycelle
>spouting stupid meme shit like 'manlet'
Go to bed.
ugh, stop acting like this is some reddit tier joke from D&D. they are actually inteligent and fans of high literature, the fart scene is a reference to Ulysses.
Literally what the fuck are you even talking about?
That guy isn't short.
I'll never understand this logic. What is this great sense of intellectual entitlement people feel towards story telling that dictates every sentence need be bloated and filled with not only the most descriptive words but also several of them? It's not a battle of who has the worlds greatest fucking vocabulary. She's shitting in a field guys. If you were telling this to your friends you'd say "honestly, the more I drank the more i had to fucking shit. It was insane." You wouldn't say "the odorous excretion ejaculated from my anus with a force unfelt by myself at any time I could prior conceive since my first moments on earth. The tumultuous furore finding it's way from my anal cavity, so that all within several hundred metre's of distance, was pure cacophony against the tranquility of the night. All listened but nary a whisper was heard. The moon's silken beam's of light, taken by the town's folk as the very word of God, even somehow seemed to dull under the inelegance of my excrete as it filled the stream I now huddled over, showing with more clarity than the water I had muddied with my sphynctical releases, that indeed God may never have spoken at all."
I shouldn't have laughed.
The point is people say GRRM is such a great writer when he's actually not very good at all.
Stop being such a fucking faggot.
Fuck outta here.
where is the (farts) subtitle?
fucking hilarious though
>10 good men and some climbing spikes
He is handsome, but also the most generic looking guy possible. I feel like Ive seen him somewhere thousands of time already.
Did you watch the fight? Dayne handles the back attackers too.
Reed likely hid behind a rock
Tits when?
Thank you
dude she is baldin' as fuck, she gonna be bald by the time GoT ends
Hopefully when she gets to castle black Jon fucks her since they're only cousins.
>>Jaime will never grow as a character in the show
>That probably is one of the top 5 saddest things about this show.
Fuck off, it is THE saddest thing about this show.
Why does Maisie look like a troll doll?
Why DOESNT he grow as a character? What I mean is, why did DnD think it was better for him to remain as he is?
>They waste time ageing up Tommen and making him a very fleshed out character
>They have the opportunity to age up Rickon and give us the closest thing to a werewolf in the show's lore
>Instead we get 'do you like games little man?' and dead next episode
the stephen fry quote was pretty gay, but i agree m8 you read the series for the stories etc etc.
Delete this.
Hes not gonna kill rickon hes gonna tell Jon he has rickon hostage
Jamie does grow though. giving Brienne the sword for one thing. and the Dorne arc for jamie is a mostly sad arc. He has not been his old arrogant self since coming back
Imagine it was said without it being a pic of Stephen Fry or his face. You wouldn't disagree then would you, cuck? He's right you know. And so was the guy you replied to. You're like a Liberal that screams "racist" whenhe hears an opinion he doesn't like. You couldn't say anything but "you used a Stephen Fry qoute lol" you narrow minded faggot.