Tfw you actually watch a great movie

>tfw you actually watch a great movie
it is a rare feel
what is the last great movie you watched

Go back to memeschool, kid

Midnight Special was amazing.

I just finished Three Colors: White, It's weaker than the other 2 but it's still a great movie. And so far I love everything I've seen from Kieslowski

Lol, nice try op. There is no such thing as a great movie. The best movie I've ever seen is a 7/10.

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

fuck me i'm dying for a good rip of it for christ sake

Take Shelter

Last kino I watch was probably The Conformist

Every movie is great when you're drunk

boyz n the hood

Thread about discussing great films.

>back to memeschool

Eat shit and die Marvelfag

I honestly can't remember. It's been so long since something stuck out in my memory. I guess Locke but that was only decent and it came out forever ago...

I know what you mean OP, it is a truly rare feel. I know it's entry-level but I just watched The Seventh Seal for the first time recently, was incredibly comfy and enjoyable.

Heaven's Gate
Soylent Green
The Last Valley

I can't remember. Videodrome was enjoyable.

>playing a game of chess with Death
This word has been so debased is might as well be treated as a synonym for 'good'

Good picks
Knight of Cups. My expectations were waayyyyy off, so I felt slightly underwhelmed but completely blown away at the same time.

me on the left

Alien (1979) by Ridley Scott 1080p One link Guaranteed.mkv

deadpool, it was ok, but i didnt watched anything since and i cant remember anything before it

I watched hunger for the first time in February
>that fassbender cunningham scene

Recently watched Murder Party, which was great, got Snowtown ready to roll