Black Panther

So, after seeing Civil War, were you interested enough in Black Panther that you want to see his solo movie?


Not really he was boring t b h

I'd have to suspend my disbelief over Wakanda.

Not really. His costume is cool as fuck and his action scenes were great, but we already know his boring story and his accent is annoying and he has no personality

Sure why not


honestly don't know anyone who would be remotely interested in seeing a Black Panther movie.
Or Captain Marvel for that matter.
Honest to god Racial Pandering the Character will be a major dent in Marvel's credibility.

What if it was a team up with Spiderman against Kraven?

I'd watch it on tv but not pay for it


>Honest to god Racial Pandering the Character will be a major dent in Marvel's credibility.
This. Only sjw who pretend to care about black people were excited to finally see him on film. I just need to leave kikebook

I'm interested to know how a politicians son can stand toe to toe with a supersoldier and cyborg

Dem sacred heart-shaped herbs, son.

I'm really glad that my wife's son has a hero to look up to. It's very inspiring that the african-american community can finally have a strong, black hero to look up to that isn't "black Iron Man" or "Cap's Black Friend". Furthermore, the fact that his name is "BLACK Panther" is powerful, evoking not only the power and ferocity of the African feline, but also the strength and virility of the African-American men, which my wife can personally vouch for. During the car ride home while I was in the back seat with him, he kept ranting and raving about how much he loved Black Panther and my wife and her lover encouraged him while I rooted from the sidelines. It is fantastic to be in an age like this, where good role models of strong, healthy, heroic black men can be shown to be morally and physically superior. I am very glad that Disney did not portray him as subservient, like the other black heroes of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) but rather as a independent and influential man, a king even! It's very important that all Black Men get in touch with their noble routes and this character is a much-needed step in the right direction, portraying the African-Americans as fierce and noble deity-kings of the black nation from which they originate. And did you SEE the way Black Widow looked at him? Mmm-hmmm, I know what SHE was thinking, am I right boys? More like "I want that black" Widow, right? It's wonderful to finally have a character like this, and I can only hope that as we move forward into the future, we see more positive role models for young black boys, ones that overshadow and vastly outclass the white heroes that have enslaved and taken over the superhero genre. Black men are already super and heroic, so it's time that Hollywood caught up to REALITY and began portraying more and more heroes as what they truly are: Black and Proud. I know my wife, her lover and her son certainly think so!

Why? It would basically be the capeshit version Coming to America with Eddie Murphy

I'd watch a black panther trilogy homey

Are people really being paid to come here and gather info?

>implying t'challa isn't based

I've been a fan of the character for some time so yes.

T'Challa is an interesting character though. I'd watch a good movie set in Wakanda.

It's the Captain Marvel movie I don't get because Carol is aggressively bland and has literally never been a good character.

If you don't want to see it then you are RACIST. Marvel is EMPOWERING the BLACK man by giving them a hero to look up to. Not supporting this movie is saying you have an issue with BLACK empowerment.

Condidering T'challa's main villian has been a black version of hitler you'd think le redpillers would be at the edge of their seats to see it.

captain marvel is DC you fucking idiot

Nigga, T'Challa's main villain is a crazy Belgian guy made of sound.

Jesus this is just getting too long

He is referring to Achebes.

Nope. He was the only character with an arc, but I don't see how they can make a full movie for him that I would care about. I don't need a full movie out of this guy. Maybe if it's another ensemble piece I'd care.

>Wanting to see a movie about wakandians
>Literal "WE WUZ" mary sue nation

Eh well maybe just to get memefodder.

Race war soon

Depends on if you consider his main villain to be Klaw or Killmonger. Klaw was originally a Fantastic 4 villain and has also been a Daredevil villain. Killmonger is uniquely a BP villain.

Achebe is not remotely Panther's main villain. It's Klaw. You could MAYBE make a case for Erik Killmonger.


Kale is ancient history. M'baku and Achebe are the biggest thorns at his side.

Guess he's going to be the New leader of The Avengers

Maybe, does that statue turn into a real giant raping panther?
If no then, boring.

Lol no

Nomral people only watch this shit because they knew about these characters growing up. Who the fuck knew about Black Panther when they were a kid? NO ONE if you saw him as a kid you would literally go "lol batman'

Killmonger is his biggest villain.

I have faith in them, but they really are going to have to involve more recognizable characters, go to different places you care about, and have a threat that's bigger than Wakanda.

Achebe has appeared in what, one major BP story? He's a footnote. Villain of the week. If you have to pick any villain from Priest's run, fucking White Wolf is where it's at.

>Who the fuck knew about Black Panther when they were a kid?
Kids who had an interest in comic books?

Yeah. Boseman did a fine job as the Black Panther in Civil War. I'm hoping that he and Winter Soldier team up in the solo movie. Why not? Bucky is already there.

No because afrocentrists are already fucking salivating over this shit and anything that pushes that narrative is cuckholdry. Blacks should be brought to heel.

Then why did people go see Ant-Man?

Him and Spiderman were the best parts desu

Don't you have an election to be focusing on, Mrs. Clinton?

I did

I'd like some sort of internal Wakanda struggle where 99% of the movie takes place(or some other excuse to explore Wakanda), plus involve mystical and spiritual Black Panther stuff. That could be fun, but it won't happen.

I honestly have no idea where the movie will go, but I doubt it will be very interesting without some sort of link to established MCU characters.

>Chris Hemsworth
>Paul Bettany
>Chadwick Boseman
>Tom Holland

how does Marvel keep turning literal whos into "wow they are pretty good" actors?

>Pleb taste walking through

Because of Paul Rudd

Actually, it probably does. Wakanda having giant panther statues that are secretly defensive mechs that shoot lasers out of their eyes/mouth has been a thing in the comics for a while.

>Not Ant-Man and Spider-man

>mfw this is the exact same shit Sup Forums said about GotG

You are all marvel's bitches, you just don't know it yet.

Is Ant-man any good?

Paul was great in this movie.

Now make them the main character and I'm down

I'd rather see a Thundercats movie tbf

Yeah I love it. He might actually be my favorite MCU hero

It's bretty gud. If you liked him in CW you'll probably like his movie.

Plot is almost identical to Kung Fu Panda.

Why didn't the main antagonist revive the super soldiers at the end?

They looked pretty cool.
Could it have caused eveyone to reunite again to defeat a common enemy or what?

No idea, I didn't grow up with Ant-Man and didn't care enough to see the movie.

I wonder how much of a pleb you have to be to actually think spiderman was good in this movie.

The scene of tony at his house was fun and all, but it's so plain as day that the whole spiderman thing was forced, he was so out of place in the movie, it was so try hard. The "LOL YOU EVER HEARD OF THAT REALLY OLD MOVIE STAR WARS?" dialogue was cringe as fuck.

Ugh don't remind me. Ant-Man literally stole the show for me.

Bait? Marvel got the name in the 60's and has been using it ever since. DC has the original Captain Marvel, but they have to call him Shazam, otherwise they get sued.

Because he knew that Tony will be there with Cap and Bucky, and that he will flip out once he sees the video, and that it will break the Avengers apart, because he read the script.

The scene was enjoyable, but really reminded me of BvS's Justice League email scenes

Just really out of place in the plot

Ant man got big then got knocked the fuck out. He was nerfed alot from his movie.

I'd watch a Falcon movie before I watched a Black Panther movie. He was pretty boring, & I didn't like his accent. I also don't really care about african culture or w/e
They should've had him move to America or something in his origin & based him there.

>new Spiderman movie
>new Black Panther movie
>new Thor movie

He was suppose to be a distraction and he told them beforehand that he only did that once.

I probably wouldn't see it but I don't see anything wrong with a black superhero movie so black kids have a role model who isn't a rapper/athlete/gangster.

I thought it was cool that he gave up his vengeance and kept the villain from killing himself in the end. A black superhero who shows restraint as a rule though would probably be denounced as racist. Also I can already hear the rap music from the trailers.

He reminded me of myself when I was a teen. Besides the Star Wars part his dialogue was great and his action scenes were amazing.

Not OP but:

Bruh I'd watch the everloving shit out of that.

rumors going around that Bucky will help Black Panther fuck shit up in his movie.

Yeah he probably had the best arc in the movie. He grew the fuck up. I don't think he can carry a whole movie unless they found some really great ass writers but I feel like he can carry half of one.

Spiderman was fucking annoying I swear to god I'm sick of spidershit movies.

I dont know why people hate his accent. For me it was the best part. African and Caribbean accents are really nice to hear.

He's the only one who had an actual arc.

Nice trips.

Hey remember that Shaq Superman movie? Yeah that happened. Also Falcon is black in the MCU.

Yes it's one of my favorite MCU flicks desu. Evangeline Lilly is hot as fuck and it has one of the best MCU villains. Also, Michael Douglas was based as fuck as Hank Pym

Care to retort?

>watching a movie starring a nigger
>before a movie starring a sophisticated African king
Kill yourself

>the Star Wars part
I thought this was hilarious but it's probably because I'm old and going back to college and hear this shit unironically on a daily basis.

>Also Falcon is black in the MCU.

He's black everywhere else too.

>WE IZ KANGZ vs Ex military soldier who has to use his wits to win.

>Paul Rudd
Paul Rudd is more of a literal who than Ant Man.

You mean Cuckzam?

>Ex military

>spiderman says something a cringey teen would say

So he was true to the character?

>people are unironically angry that spiderman referenced a movie made 2 decades before he was born as old.
>people are unironically angry that he brought it up at all, despite it being a good plan
The autism just won't stop

It was cringy when the others said they were too old to get it

>That blurry screenshot

>Hey remember that Shaq Superman movie?
I realize there were black superhero movies years ago but it's been a while since black kids have had anyone to look up to besides kanye west and jaden smith.

They really need to do something to falcon to elevate him from bargain bin avenger. Something about him is too ridiculous to take seriously.

His nemeses are Kale, Klaw, and Killmonger? So it's Black Panther vs. KKK. Ridiculous.

When do we get a white supremacist hero? I'd love to see a Grand Dragon from the magically and technologically advanced land of Thule.


Not with that accent.


>Something about him is too ridiculous to take seriously.
For me it's the fact that he flies around dodging bullets and shit while not even being fully armored. Nigger doesn't even have a helmet or arm protection. Honestly he just seems like a worse version of War Machine.

He does have a personality. At first he's princely as fuck, then he seems to be "muh revenge" cliché angry black man, but in the end he goes back to charming prince. I just hope if they make a movie about him they don't make "dindu: the movie" or "we wuz kangz: the return of whitey".
If done right a BP movie would be really good.

You sound butthurt as fuck right now. BP was tastefully done, in my opinion. The only ridiculous part of it is that he lives in a super advanced country in Africa. Then again, it's a superhero flick and I'm able to suspend my disbelief for shit like that.