Let`s talk about Kubrick and why Spartacus is his worst edition
/lbg/ Letterbox General
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First for embryos
more like stanley imdbrick
>Its a more than one person unfollows me in the same day episode
People must really hate Little Shop of Horrors. Either that or its because Dear White People is on my watchlist.
hello user who said he has Nathaniel dorsky films on VHS, pls upload them somewhere ;(
>gattaca 4.5/5
Here's the real reason.
Reminder that this has turned into the worst general in Sup Forums history.
Spartacus is Barry Lyndon with emotion.
One of them followed me after I'd made that review.
>he doesn't think Gattaca is great
I remember watching Amadeus and I kept thinking 'wow I wanted to feel this way with Barry Lyndon'.
>what is GoT
a better general
Everything else on the board is shit, so who's counting?
>Reports and interviews suggest, and stylistic analysis confirms, that the first hour of this 1960 epic about the Roman slave revolt was almost entirely directed by Anthony Mann, though Stanley Kubrick receives sole directorial credit.
Imagine what could have been...
Haven't watched anything in a few days because of good weather. Also, Kubrick is a hack who never made anything better than 7/10.
bad posts
Hope your mom aborts you, embryo.
I just signed up for a Premiumize.me account Feels good.
>projecting this hard
Please learn the definition before you look stupid.
no u
>paying to torrent
Is he right or a tad too cynical?
It's also a VPN, seedbox, gives premium access to file hosts etc.
>Network that low
He's completely right, to be honest.
Not engaging enough, weak second half and the pointless romance subplot absolutely killed it.
>Not engaging enough
t. embryo
I follow back
It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I remember the plot being somewhat basic. However, I liked it because of the satire and social commentary. Despite being an attack on television, the script is still relevant today. The scene where Faye Dunaway's character is getting fucked by Peter Finch and she is just blabbing about ratings is the entire movie in a microcosm.
Thanks for your constructive post. I absolutely see your point and I like the movie now.
what should I watch, lads?
I'd recommend Wild at Heart. You'll like it, I'm sure.
>Terminator 2
>The Incredibles
>Back to the Future
>Forest Gump
did you just start watch film last week?
I think I would too
how do you know?
Fuck this shit meme. Those movies are popular for a reason and you don't need to have obscure or pre-1960 favorites even though you watch a lot of movies.
I think it represents a symbol of my personal freedom and individuality
nah, I don't think that's it
literally what the fuck
>mfw assblasted plebeians
>not staying inside and watching movies because the weather is nice.
>I am 14 years old, The List
Any of you seen this? I really liked I Knew Her Well, so I've been meaning to check out some more of Pietrangeli's stuff.
Go circle jerk to Citizen Kane along with your fellow self proclaimed film experts while I enjoy properly good movies.
>Beyond the remorseless buttfucking of Batman v Superman by actually delivering the titular promise for more than 5 minutes, the deft performances across the board and wisely patient screenplay that grants every hero their spotlight, the brilliant sense of humor displayed in banter that doesn't become excessive or sycophantic, the surprising believability of superhuman-invoked collateral damage actually ruining lives and prompting political repercussions in a comic book flick (FOR ONCE), Civil War's primary strength echoes the genius of Fury Road: genuine imagination in genuinely awe-inspiring action set pieces, genuine shits given for morality and its slippery justifications, and genuine respect for the audience from responsibly putting millions of studio dollars into making our escapist daydreams come alive on the big screen. Unlike mopey emo ass-scratching-with-drool-hanging-from-big-bottom-lip Zack "but I'm an artist!" Snyder, the Russos abide by the cardinal principle of writing and directing a story that works within the confines of what us fans actually want. It's damned well near arthouse action.
citizen kane is high brow?
lol you really know nothing.
i don't know what to watch :(
there's only ONE good movie in that list
can /lbg/ spot it?
The Walk
Jurassic World. The rest are great.
Watch Snake of June if you want to masturbate
it's still the best picture that has ever been made, and the best that ever will be made
shieeet forgot my profile
Drugstore Cowboy
>Cuckoo's Nest
>More than two stars
Holy crackers!
why does it show "recent likes" on my profile instead of "recent activity"?
what am i in for?
that dog is into it
a good nap
that should tell you something about the quality of the film, should it not?
John Waters said it best
specific time about 4:16-4:19
you need to log movies in your diary, at least 4
thoust sounds delicious
John Waters is based
its a pie
you have pie blindness
What memes have you fallen for? I recently finished Bergman's filmography. What an absolute hack. Back to Fassbinder.
>Bergman is a meme
>Bergman is a meme
>Bergman is a meme
>"come to /lbg/", they said
>"it's good", they said
>"best thread on Sup Forums", they said
>"we promise you that it isn't complete and utter shit", they said
who are they?
>I just want to talk about mad max!!! D: not that retarded capeshit, I'm way above that
So can we talk about something now? What do you guys think about Ozu for example?
Greatest Japanese director. Not possible for another director to tell the same story more than once and create masterpieces.
Uuuhm.. H-he sure loved those low angles, am I right? Eh.. I-it's to get you in the perspective of an observer, seated among the people in the f-film, I reckon.. Yeah. This is further emphasized, by how he often has actors addressing the camera directly, implicating you in whatever ensues. When successfully done, it results in a very personal experience, I f-feel. You know these people. You know their troubles and they know yours. Essentially fourth wall breaking done right.
Oh so he was like the deadpool of his time?
Finland has a same kind of a guy Pic Related
Bretty good
Cringe: The "reviews"
I watched Mommie Dearest like 5 times on Sunday.
>not knowing who they are
>Watching a CAMrip of a movie you already decided to hate before watching it because it's le dumb capeshit just so you can log the movie with a low rating and write a cringy "review" to impress the senpais on Sup Forums
You literally can't make this shit up.
t. embryo
Yesss 2 new followers
Don't be so hard on him, Frank. He's only a kid.
I'm 22 years of muscle