What did Sup Forums think of this scene?
What did Sup Forums think of this scene?
Pretty good
>I'll try spinning
will directors ever learn?
>Dawn, fucking Dawn, is literally a regular sword with a star painted on it
sweet jesus
Brilliant choreography. It reminds me of early 90s Jackie Chan.
It was Xtreme to the Max. Do the Dew, bitches!
Holy shit, is this how badly Game of Thrones has fallen?
I knew I was right to drop this show years ago.
Dual wielding beating Single Sword and Shield is stupid especially since he was against more than 4 people
It's well coreographed. Everyone attacking him at the same time rather than one by one like it usually goes down in sword fights on screen. I'm sorry dual wielding triggers your autism so much that you can't enjoy it
>I'll try swinging at his swords, that's a good trick
I think real swords are heavy as fuck and if they're light enough to spin around like that, they're gonna break to a single heavy attack
I think swords don't go SSSSCCCCHHWWWING every time you take them out of a scabbard
but yeah it was nice to see some fun choreography? overall the episode was super boring
It's worse than you could possibly imagine. Nothing makes sense and the dialogue is nothing but severed dick jokes.
>and have the camera fail to capture the swords making contact with him
I can give them credit for not just attacking one by one, but it wouldve been less stupid if he was doing this with a single sword, wouldve been more impressive too
>more people? That means I need more weapons to fight them!
Whats more impressive, managing to kill a man with a dagger when he has a huge sword or killing a man with a huge sword whilest wielding 2 huge swords yourself. Its extremely lazy visual story telling. Hes better because he has 2 swords! Instead of actually being better at swordplay he just has 2 of them.
believe it or not you autistic sperglord, but knights and warriors in the past have actually wielded 2 weapons at the same time, especially when fighting multiple oponents
my thoughts exactly
Fuck off you dumb retard. How about opening a book for once?
actual swordfighting with heavy armor was more like wrestling, you were grabbing the other motherfucker and trying to prevent him from sticking the short sword into the cracks in your armor
they had to do this because just whacking the guy was a complete waste of time and youd run out of breath in 1 minute
Oh youre an idiot, nevermind.
Pure shit.
Dawn is a greatsword.
real swords were/are not heavy as fuck
a standard arming sword typically weighs between 1 and 2kg.
Fair enough. I enjoyed the fight still
>you don't like dual wielding???
>well...you must be autistic
Technically the choreography wasn't that bad at all. The direction and context are the bad parts.
It was schlock, theres nothing wrong with enjoying it as long as its seen for what it is, cant help but feel it couldve been better if he was doing that whirly bird shit with one sword and managing to take on multiple people. Wouldve been even more impressive. They took the easy route for "hes good with a sword" by just making him use two, instead of just making him good with a sword.
I thought it's going to be awful, but it wasn't really that bad. There were some silly moves and the fucking dialog was horrible
Sooooo, /best fight scenes/ general?
> youtube.com
> youtube.com
I'm just bummed I didn't get to see Dawn...but overall I enjoyed it.
Why didn't the cast young Sean Bean as Ned in the flashback?
At least it wasn't shakeycam.
made me think of miyamoto musashi
>purposefully ends without revealing new information
Eh, it was okay. I disliked a few things about it but it wasn't a bad scene.
It was a good fight scene. Sure it would have been nice if he wielded Dawn instead, and if Hightower was there. However, I don't think they would have been able to convey Dayne's ridiculously hyped skills had they done that.
Sure, book readers would have known, and would have ate a 1:1 scene up. But Dayne, counting all the times he was mentioned, and now screen time, has less than five minutes in GoT. No way you are going to make him look impressive simply with Dawn unless he was Gregor size, and Loras fast.
Incredible desu
should've given him a shorter sword in his off hand. would've looked less awkward and clumsy, which is exactly what trying to dual wield two long ass swords would be
Skill isn't speed or strength.
Think more of it like aikido with swords.
>inb4 muh fat and hairy
Why did they put the tower on Vasquez rock?
[citation needed]
Handsome Arthur
Should have used a great sword.
They literally can just all go for the neck at once. Looks stupid.
Have him managing to precisely deflect every blow thrown at him and putting people off balance whilest he remains sure footed the entire time, calm and unphased whilest the others are tired and tripping. Use visuals to show that hes good. This show is aimed at the lowest common denominator now, and wouldnt catch what any of this shit means, they did this the only way they really could with teh time given, as you said
>tfw there has been a dick joke every episode this season so far
When will it end?
>choregraphy footing looks fake as fuck
>almost expect dayne to dash forward like an anime character
>supposedly-trained enemies don't stab, they just slash randomly, against a guy wearing plate
>various moments when dayne ignores a hit from the back, gets visibly hit, yet nothing happen because all they do is fucking slash
Yeah did anyone else catch that fart as that one old dude realized Ser Robert Strong was listening to him? It was at the council with the hand scene
Even simpler, they can just tackle him into the ground. You don't score lethal hits when you dual wield, there is no weight, no strength in your blades. You don't kill a man with a sword by slashing around anything else than the throat. You penetrate vital organs, deeply, by stabbing them. If they all jumped on him at once, with knives pulled, the worst they'd get is a scratch.
my fucking sides
No, it wasn't. This was a good fight scene
The Tower of Joy battle was a nonsensical mess. How has the quality of the show gone so far downhill since when it started?
He needs both swords to keep a safe distance
>He unsheathed dawn and stuck it into the ground in front of him. It's blade was the same as everyone else, and someone had painted a star on the pommel
can someone please post the show's Dawn? I though it was so fucking hilarious
looks dope, where can i watch this anime ?
Well I think for a well trained swordsman to realistically survive that fight, he had to rely more on his armour than his fencing skills.
You use your sword to try to keep them at a reasonable distance, instead of fencing with them. A hit to your arm or back does not matter when it's covered in a thin slab of steel. The real danger comes from one of them tackling you into the ground. Then the fight is immediatly over, and you die.
Keep your distance, take some hits, and wait for a little opportunity to pick one of them off. Rinse and repeat.
But Dayne wasn't depicted in a full suit of plate armour though, so whatever...
Sincerly somebody who has no real clue on medieval swordfighting
I think the fight was well choreographed, considering how difficult and stupid dual welding two longswords is.
Fuck D&D. Just fuck'em.
>made from a fucking star
>from 0:10 to 0:14, Ned just spazzes out randomly a meter away from Dayne
I dropped this show last season as I thought it had jumped the shark after bad poosi and that never ending story shot of Dany on the Dragon kek. This is literally Starwars prequels tier. I will wait for the inevitable lightsaber edit.
>that hilarity with Ned flailing around just outside of the battle like a retard
Dual swords is stupid, but it could have been more abidable without that bit of hilarity.
>no "nailed it!"
Half Sword + Longsword >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 Handed Broadsword > Sword + Shield > 2H Longsword > Rapier >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dagger/Small weapon > Katana and other japanese memes
Prove me wrong
please tell me this is bait.
The scene was stupid.
Two swords were stupid.
All that unnecessary spinning was stupid.
Looks like it could've been better if he'd had a huge greatsword like the mountain, but fought much more gracefully.
You are just forgeting one thing.
>Ser Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning
I was already kinda pissed with where the show was heading, but still stuck around for this epic moments.
They fucked it, fucked it.
They killed Barristan Selmy like that and now this.
so fucking based
Where does a Halberd fit into this?
are they right?
Jorah vs. horsefucker is best fight.
Because Jorah had aaaarmer and used it.
into the "actual warfare weapon" category, not the "For Dueling/show" category that user was talking about
Into overpowered for a sword fight
It is GOAT now.
Considering i was a successful high school and college wrestler, that sounds pretty rad
someone's butthurt
Dagger and sword would have being ideal. Has dual wielding ever been a thing other than in games and movies?
It wasnt a thing. This is two HEMA experts talking about dual wielding
why the fuck he has a complete armor but does not wear a helmet.
why the fuck horse fucker attacks to the the chest while his head is so vulnerable. did he expect to cut through that armor or something.
that scene makes no sense
In duels yes, never in real combat.
He expected to fishhook the tip of the blade between the exposed joints and gut his ass, but instead he got himself caught.
The two swords represent two hack writers destroying the series
Six men = sixth season
>Dawn was supposed to be Pale as milkglass, alive with light
>in the show its just a regular valyrian shortsword
>Handle design of both swords makes it look really uncomfortable to twirl for dual wielding
Really losing my patience with D&D, FUCK.
He would have died in 2 seconds if it was real anyways, no matter what weapon, short of pulling a Glock and busting a cap on Ned.
They were heavily outnumbered and out in the open allowed themselves to be surrounded.
If they had used those stairs as a bottleneck, had someone with a heavg shield and the other two with a long weapon like a Halberd, Swordstaff or a Pike they would have killed everything with zero casualties.
But noooo MUB DUEL IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, thats even too retarded even for a universe with dragons and magic.
It's like the unmasked flight helmets in aviation movies, so the audience could tell who is who. Also to see the acting.
Meh, the choreography was good enough, you guys are just being no fun faggots
>rapier + dagger
This. Autism is the enemy of imagination.
every fight on this show ends with the hero on the ground and the last bad guy about to finish him off only to get stabbed from behind
>fighting armored oponents
>face to face
>against a weapon twice as sturdy and able to outparry you in its sleep
>how to die really fast
I don't think you understand who you are talking about.
Read the books.
I agree, even watching the scene over again in slow motion, I can't find anything extraordinarily awkward about the actors' swings. Well done, and I liked the dialogue too.
> I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.
Still got killed by a bunch of normies.
I keep hearing this reddit beign mentioned, but I neve thought it was that bad over there
>Redditors postind reddit shit
Who would have thought